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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I don't understand what Clinton has to do with Barack. Hilary is not going to be VP. Barack HATES the Clintons which is the main reason he wouldn't even consider Hilary for the VP spot anyway.



...Barack HATES the Clintons which is the main reason he wouldn't even consider Hilary for the VP spot anyway....

Yep, he HATES a lot of things, won't vote for such a hate-fueled person...



Clarification : After reading his speeches, and his books, I notice a constant theme of baseless anger keeps resurfacing. (It is very easy to get drawn into the "style" of a skilled orator, which he is, and forget the meaning behind his words, so i read his speeches.)

That is where my claim that he is "hate-fueled" comes from. It is not "made up", it is my observations from his own words.

[end edit]


As much as I dislike Obama's political views, I have to say I find this animation very distasteful and seeing the President of the United States booted out screaming is also very disrespectful to the office IMO.


I just wish we could be more respectful in this area. We have enough satirical situations we can draw from without being totally disrespectful to the highest office. Again, IMO.




Most political noise is simpleminded, it has to be. Voters can only remember simple sound bites. If you need depth, doesn’t this get to the heart of why there will be no Vice President Clinton. I’m sure Obama thinks she is qualified to go to funerals, he just doesn’t want Wild Bill’s loose cannon anywhere near his White House.


Booting someone out of political office is a fairly mainstream metaphor. In the cartoon world we can and should exaggerate metaphor. It is not out of disrespect for the office but a not so secret Democrat dream since the Supreme Court settled the 2000 election.


The boot, Wild Bill, and Gala models are from the disc. Other than colors, they were used unchanged. I modeled Bush, Obama, and all the props.


I love it. There is nothing like a close election to fire things up.


The problem I have is why bring up something that happened long ago and is really not even part of the political landscape any longer? Nothing in that animation is even remotely relevant to CURRENT POLITICS. It is a negative image that has no meaning, no truth. WELL DONE satire has TRUTH at its core. There is no TRUTH at all here. Nothing. It is just distasteful and disrespectful. The "intern" incident that happened 8 YEARS AGO is part of history. President Clinton was punished for that (whether it was deserved or not). Trying to sweeten the image by booting out the current president doesn't cut it. It is the same as the New Yorker cover done in very bad taste. A horribly negative image was "cloaked" as funny satire. The end result is the same.


Your satire has no basis on reality. Clinton and Barack do not work together. Clinton has nothing to do with the Barack campaign. Barack had nothing to do with whatever happened to the intern in the blue dress during the Clinton administration.


...Barack HATES the Clintons which is the main reason he wouldn't even consider Hilary for the VP spot anyway....

Yep, he HATES a lot of things, won't vote for such a hate-fueled person...


Barack may "hate" the Clintons but it is from a POLITICAL stand point and from the extremely negative campaign run by Hilary. He is not "Hate filled". I don't see where that comes from at all. It's just nonsense made up like all the other made up crap. God I HATE IT when political stuff ends up on this forum. So much STUPIDITY results and I feel this compulsion to try and respond. PUT THIS CRAP ON A POLITICAL SITE! Create a freaking blog.


Political discussion and discourse CAN be a good thing if it's based in REALITY. This election is based on one candidate defending against BOLD FACED LIES instead of actually discussing issues. This animation is just a small representation of the nonsense.




Speculating on a Vice President Clinton seems to be relevant enough that today, both CNN and FOX news give Clinton more ink than any of the other likely choices. Obama’s choice will be analyzed in the context of why he did or did not pick the person with a huge number of primary votes. Obama has no choice but to work with her.



CNN News


Yes, the incident happened more than a decade ago but anytime the Clintons are in a discussion, rightly or wrongly, the intern is a subtext. How many times was Chelsea asked about Monica during the primary? Nobody but Obama knows what issue drove his VP choice. Clinton will always be tied to Lewinski, wishing otherwise is to deny reality.

Speculating on a Vice President Clinton seems to be relevant enough that today, both CNN and FOX news give Clinton more ink than any of the other likely choices. Obama’s choice will be analyzed in the context of why he did or did not pick the person with a huge number of primary votes. Obama has no choice but to work with her.



CNN News


Yes, the incident happened more than a decade ago but anytime the Clintons are in a discussion, rightly or wrongly, the intern is a subtext. How many times was Chelsea asked about Monica during the primary? Nobody but Obama knows what issue drove his VP choice. Clinton will always be tied to Lewinski, wishing otherwise is to deny reality.




The majority of FOX coverage I've seen speculates Tim Kaine and Joe Biden most likely veep pics.


From what I've read, Tim Kaine has just as little experience as Obama. What a great pair they'd make.


Not trying to hijack the thread but Just curious and seeings how this is a political thread.....


Did anyone else watch the Saddleback debate? I know there's speculation that McCain heard the answers but I was wondering what others thought of the debate.




Quite frankly Fox news is the LAST place I go for anything. Those guys are so biased it's unreal.


As for the Clintons getting a lot of press, it is relevant at the moment. Yes, it is true that Obama must work with HILARY and as a side note her husband. However it is up to Hilary to fix things in the party. If she doesn't convince her own supporters to go with Obama it could cost him the election. Hopefully that will happen at the convention. As far as Monica being a "subtext" it still has NOTHING to do with either Hilary or Obama. Bill is not running for any office. He is not a factor (other than what the campaign may or may not ask him to do. Hopefully he will stay out of the limelight).


Why associate Obama with the what we all agree as an embarrassing and stupid scandal the Bill Clinton created all by himself? Obama had nothing to do with it. Hilary for that matter had nothing to do with it. Bill Clinton's PERSONAL failures have absoutely NOTHING to do with the current election. The only reason to even bring it up in association with Obama would be to create a false negative association.


As for Obama not having enough "experience"... that is the case for ANY ONE running for president. George Bush had 4 years of experience AS THE PRESIDENT. Without going into specifics or a blow by blow account of the current administrations failings but it's obvious that "experience" isn't all that is needed to be a good president. No one has that experience until they get the job. I'm just glad that Edwards got out when he did. Apparently the way he deals with pressure is to run and hide in a rest room. ;) That is scary.


On the topic of marital infidelity and presidential qualifications... sad to say... it could be that the best presidents are those that are "hound dogs". It seems that many presidents had lurid affairs in and out of office. It is hardly any standard to go by for determining how well someone can be president. Maybe George would have been a better president if he had fooled around a bit. ;)


p.s. Just a note for some of you younger people. McCain's personal platform requires instituting the draft. My sister has two young sons and is horrified at that possibility. Keep this in mind. McCain wants to build up the military and do a lot more with it during his term. there is no way he can do this without a draft. He has said so himself in the past. He has not ruled out instituting a draft. His own campaign people try to play this down but that is HIS view.


This election isn't just about who is more experienced or not. It isn't about who owns more houses or made more money or who went to church where or whose friends did what or who voted for offshore drilling blah blah... this is about what will happen to the US in the next 4 years. Will we start more wars? Lose more of our rights as citizens? Don't make this decision lightly. At least try to look at more than the what your "party" says, or even your religion. Try to vote based on more than ONE SINGLE ISSUE. Look at the big picture. Governments and politicians mostly suck... but at the moment we are stuck with them. At least try to pick someone who might be level headed enough not to get us into MORE trouble. War sucks. I don't want my nephews to get drafted.



Quite frankly Fox news is the LAST place I go for anything. Those guys are so biased it's unreal.


Actually Vern, (no offense) but from what I've seen from CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS's coverage compared to FOXNEWS, I'll take Fox news.


I'm a traditionalist, Independent conservative that leans right and prays to God Obama loses.


I know you said not to focus on just one point but character means a lot to me. One important point I vehemently disagree with Barrack: Any person that can justify letting babies die alone in a soiled utility rooms by voting "against saving babies of botched late term abortions just to protect pro-choice has a serious moral flaw to me.


This to me is a big story and Fox news has been the only one to give it the attention it deserves. This one issue alone is very telling of Obama. Everyone should know about it and decide for themselves if it effects their judgment. Fox news does cover big stories like this and lets us decide.


And if you want to talk about biased, the mainstream media (NBC, ABC and CBS) are ALL leftwing biased (Add MSNBC and CNN to that mix as well).


OK, OK I'm done with the hijack.




I don't give a crap about the politics and I'm not about to try to debate it on the internet.. I didn't read anyones politics.. I just wanted to point this out:




It's also animation.. and this is an animation site. Part of free speech is the ability to create "stuff" like this.. I just looked at the animation and thought.. not bad.. I didn't even evaluate the content.


Gee Vern, I'm at a loss to see how it is Hillary's job to heal the party. I would think it is up to the nominee to put together a winning coalition. If Obama’s win-strategy is to marginalize Hillary and hope her supporters come into the fold, that is on him.


I would point out that iReport is a political site, I linked here because the piece was animated in Animation Master. It was clearly marked as a political cartoon and it is a work in progress. Mr. 3DArtz said "that is bad animation", fair enough. I think the protocol in this forum is to offer constructive criticism of animation. How can I improve the animation?


I think this debate has been great. This is an important election and everyone has a point of view. If art can get people thinking about important issues and spark discussion, it has done it's job. I guess I'll have to make a sequel.

I would point out that iReport is a political site, I linked here because the piece was animated in Animation Master. It was clearly marked as a political cartoon and it is a work in progress. Mr. 3DArtz said "that is bad animation", fair enough. I think the protocol in this forum is to offer constructive criticism of animation. How can I improve the animation?


If art can get people thinking about important issues and spark discussion, it has done it's job.


First of all, I'm staying out of the political argument, but I think this raises another issue. Can one ask for an honest review with the idea of separating content from technique? Suppose I upload the latest animation from a very gory zombie story in which we see a small child ripped apart and eaten. Yes, you should be able to ask on the quality of animation alone, but isn't it asking too much passively watch something that has "hot button issues"? You've got politics, racial humor, and a sex joke all in this one animation. You may have not meant it to be, but can't you see how this was a hornet's nest?


Also, don't take this the wrong way, but with what important issues were you trying to spark discussion?


Almost forgot, excellent model with Obama.

Also, don't take this the wrong way, but with what important issues were you trying to spark discussion?


Bingo! My point exactly. this isn't a legitimate attempt to "spark discussion". That is an excuse to justify posting an obnoxious animation attacking a political candidate, not on their stance on issues but from some made up Rube Goldberg logic of how Clinton's sexual affair in the white house is somehow, through some twisted bizarre way, connected to Obama. Using free speech and the guise of political commentary, and posting in the "WIP" section to cover up what the real goal is, to shock and annoy. At least be honest. What are the real motives in posting this? Not political discussion. If this election were really important to the artist then this would not be the type of commentary you would want to present. It's gutter humor.


It's the same as dirty cartoons on a bathroom stall in junior high school. No difference. (I am almost certain the kids who drew those things weren't trying to start a discussion on safe sex for teenagers. ;) )


If this REALLY is a work in progress... I would like to see it improve. As it stands it isn't even a rough draught. If this is really a discussion of politics and issues, what is the message? What do the cigars represent? The intern under the desk? Those are pretty straight forward easy to interpret symbols. I don't see them representing foreign policy or economics. They don't represent health care or alternative energy. What do they represent that will effect my decision on who to vote for? This animation was only intended to piss people off not start any real discussion. It works but at least be honest about the intentions. There was no motive for the greater good here. It is what it is. Don't try to sugar coat it. Don't try to pretend it has any loftier goal then to inflame.



Mr. 3DArtz said "that is bad animation", fair enough.


Right, I should have offered more in my crits.


the animation problems are global in this case.

so I'm not sure where to begin. But, if I were working on this animation, I would make some actions quicker some slower,

with anticipation moves and follow through moves.


try doing the desired animation moves in the mirror to get a good reference point.



Mike Fitz



The message is that, in my opinion, the reason there will not be a Clinton Vice Presidency is the concern in the Obama camp of Bill’s past and possible future misbehavior. It is hard to believe this is the first time you have heard this theory. Obama appears to be defying the wishes of about half the Democrats who would like to see an Obama/Clinton ticket. Being President is about making decisive decisions when none of the choices are very good. Frank and honest disclosure of the decision-making equation is rare. This leaves punditry, speculation and conspiracy theory as a major fixture in American culture. Michael Moore spent millions making “Fahrenheit 911”. Some dismissed Moore as only meaning to shock or annoy however I think there was enough truth in the movie to spark a more in-depth examination of some of the administration’s decision processes. Al Gore chose to distance himself from the Clintons in part because of the incident and lost, Obama is appears to be willing to go it alone as well. The polls show Obama and McCain as much closer than I would think they should be. I think this is in part due to the split between Obama and Clinton and I present this cartoon as a satirical examination of my theory of the reason for Obama’s discomfort with the Clintons. The Oval Office scene opens with a celebration and a victory cigar. Once the girl in the blue dress is introduced, of course the cigar, blue dress color and under the Kennedy desk all flash to the intern incident. Health care and energy are important issues but each candidate’s decisions on how they form their coalition and conduct their campaign also impact how these issues get addressed. Obama has to win before he can do anything, is distancing himself from the Clintons the way to get health care reform?


Politics is always a hornet’s nest. Sex and race has always been a part of our (US) Presidential politics. Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton over remarks made at a dinner party commenting on the Vice President’s whoring.


My response to 3DArtz was rhetorical. Hate the politics or the zombie gore, it is ok to say so. I know 3DArtz knows how to critique animation in this forum, he is better than his comment.

I know 3DArtz knows how to critique animation in this forum, he is better than his comment.


Oh good, here come's the ad hominem stuff. I'd say this thread has jumped the shark.


Vern, I agree with you and I really appreciate your ability to articulate your anger. Frankly, it just makes me want to take a hot shower.


Maybe we could stick to critiqueing the animation,which I think is very stiff and unimaginative. Even if you don't agree with Bruce's choice of subject matter or way he chose to portray it doesn't free speech give him the right to air it? Vern, you if anyone should fight for someone's rights to say what they want. You have a whole section of the forums dedicated to your thoughts and musing,which as far as I can tell have little to do with 3d or animation.

Maybe we could have a discussion that critiques my critiques.


just a thought:)


Because I am not smart enough to stay out of this, and love the ridiculous, I will critique your critique of Bruce critiquing your critique.


I thought Bruce's critique was an insightful comment - giving you a complement - "I know 3DArtz knows how to critique animation in this forum, he is better than his comment. ", Mike's comment being "That is bad animation".


I think Bruce's critique was spot on. I think my critique is "pot stirring".


I wonder, of those who are objecting to this animation, if they also reject the very provocative, satirical, yet wildly aired animations produced by jib-jab?


Time for campaigning -JibJab


Aside from the style of this animation, Is it that those people objecting, disagree more with Bruce's political commentary and personal view ?


Perhaps avoid viewing a topic that says "Political Cartoon"


Ok. That was my cowardly "hit and run" for the day.


Oh wait..."Free speech" for everyone, except no one can say what I don't want to hear ...

I wonder, of those who are objecting to this animation, if they also reject the very provocative, satirical, yet wildly aired animations produced by jib-jab?


Jib jab is not JUST "better" animation, it is also satire that is extremely accurate ON BOTH SIDES of the issues. It represents relevant political issues. It also shows failings in a humorous way of both sides.


Aside from the style of this animation, Is it that those people objecting, disagree more with Bruce's political commentary and personal view ?


My main disagreement is that the creator of this is claiming to be doing something constructive and making so called "serious" political commentary, which is not the case. There is nothing political about this except for the presence of the two candidates. Nothing. No serious polical satire or comedy. Any made up explanation after the fact is nonsense.


Bill as VP representing why Barack is not picking Hilary as VP? What? What are the cigars for? I don't get it. It is a huge gigantic stretch connecting those two dots.


I am well aware of WHY Barack does not want Hilary as his VP. It doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Monica Lewinski or Bill Clinton. It has to do with Hilary's need to be in charge. She wants to be president, not vice president. I like Hilary. I think she should be VP. I think she gets a lot of unjust flack for being a beeyatch when in reality that is EXACTLY what we need as president... or vice president. Bill Clinton is an unfortunate and sad "bonus prize" that comes with her but has NO baring on the political landscape. He is irrelevant. Barack just doesn't want Hilary to overshadow him, not because of what Bill did but because of what SHE did trying to win during the campaign. Sadly Barack doesn't realize he needs that wonderful beeyatch to kick some arse.


Bill is not why Hilary is not going to be VP. Hilary is why Hilary is not VP.


This to me is CLEAR. that is why I object to this. If it was just someone saying "I hate Barack. Here's a stupid cartoon." I would have shut up ages ago. It's the claim that this is more than just a stupid nonsensical designed to inflame cartoon. Don't try to make it more than that.


Oh wait..."Free speech" for everyone, except no one can say what I don't want to hear ...


Oh I get it. Free speech means I can't attack it with.... free speech? As long as it's protected by free speech, I lose my free speech?

There is NO guarantee of free speech here. Otherwise this whole forum would be overrun with spam and porn. Martin constantly has deleted "free speech" on this forum. He owns it. He determines what is "free speech". If I see something HERE I don't like I can scream bloody murder about it the same as the person who posted it. The difference is there is no free speech on a corporate sponsored software forum and I just might get my way. ;)


Nanny nanny boo boo.


p.s. This is EXACTLY why I never became a radical extremist Muslim. Those "other" cartoons would have drove me crazy. ;)


god dangit. So mad I wrote my name twice.





Maybe we could have a discussion that critiques my critiques.


just a thought:)


Because I am not smart enough to stay out of this, and love the ridiculous, I will critique your critique of Bruce critiquing your critique.


I think the first half of your critique of Bruce critiquing Mike's critique was helpful but in the second half, you too allowed yourself to get pulled into the larger topic.

Oh wait..."Free speech" for everyone, except no one can say what I don't want to hear ...


Martin constantly has deleted "free speech" on this forum. He owns it. He determines what is "free speech". If I see something HERE I don't like I can scream bloody murder about it the same as the person who posted it. The difference is there is no free speech on a corporate sponsored software forum and I just might get my way. ;)


Nanny nanny boo boo.


That's so funny - I actually edited my last comment...it was originally:


"Free speech" for everyone, except no one can say what I and Martin don't want to hear ...


I felt I shouldn't speak for Martin.


Nanny Nanny Boo Boo? OH yeah? Well...then...umm...er....Verny Werny Ca Ca Poo Poo... :P


That's the best I got.


Because I am not smart enough to stay out of this, and love the ridiculous, I will critique your critique of Bruce critiquing your critique.


I think the first half of your critique of Bruce critiquing Mike's critique was helpful but in the second half, you too allowed yourself to get pulled into the larger topic.


Well Harumph...I believe I did say I wasn't that smart...Are we now going to dispute that indisputable and well documented fact ? C'mon, c'mon... Bring it on! :lol:


It is quite true Jib Jab is better animation, they have a huge production staff, I am but one man with one computer. Thirty seconds of animation for one person is huge. I could have certainly used more polish time but to be topical, I needed to post, it looked like the VP announcement would be today. I make no excuses but we all work under constraints.


I have never made the claim of any piece I have done as being “constructive” or “serious”. Your statement simply is not true. You have no way of knowing my intent so you are just going to have to take my word for it.


Until Obama states his reason for not picking Hillary, probably not until he writes a memoir, we are both just speculating. As of this writing he has not even not picked her. Once he states his reasons, we will probably both be right.


As to the image of the cigar, without getting vulgar, read Ken Starr’s report, paragraphs 210 and 273. If you still don’t get it I will assume you never will. BTW Jib Jab’s “Election 2008” is referring to the same cigar!

Starr report


If obama picked hillary, he definately would not win....


But as you said, it needed a lot of polish. I would say that it would have been good for an animatic...

but polishing is needed....

damn deadlines!!!




He picked our guy! WooHoo! The Biden's use to live up the street from my family when I was a kid. My dad borrowed his ladder once. Wow. I could actually say I lived next to the Vice President. Cool beans!






I come to this site to get away from the divisive political stuff (there's plenty of other places for that).

I thought avoiding the Off Topic posts would be enough. Oh well

* sigh *

Wow. I could actually say I lived next to the Vice President. Cool beans!






What a scary thought :o



Sorry couldn't resist!


OH NO!!!!


Does this mean they will research me? Are they going to do background checks on anyone who lived near or knew Biden?? Yikes!


this could be my way to finally get on Count Down with Keith Olberman. I could make up crazy neighbor stories. ;)


p.s. To the agents reading this... that was a JOKE. I would never do that.



Maybe we could have a discussion that critiques my critiques.


just a thought:)


Because I am not smart enough to stay out of this, and love the ridiculous, I will critique your critique of Bruce critiquing your critique.


I think the first half of your critique of Bruce critiquing Mike's critique was helpful but in the second half, you too allowed yourself to get pulled into the larger topic.



I think this critique of Nancy's critique of Bruce critiquing Mikes critique is way off in left field. But agree that the beginning is also fare.


I would like to clear up a misstatement on my part.


Apparently Joe Biden and his family DID NOT live IN my neighborhood when I was a child. He lived nearby and my older sister knew him and worked on his campaign. However my father DID borrow his ladder once to fix the gutters on the house... my father may still have that ladder but I can't be sure. They all look kind of the same.


I was very young at the time and for some reason thought he lived in that house on the corner. Apparently that was some other Delaware politician who isn't as famous. Easy to get them confused.



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