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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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There is no need to make the body one continuous mesh. The car body comes in pieces so it is probably going to be much easier to spline it that way. Some detailed images of the complex parts may help us in assessing how you are going, but at this stage you appear to be adhering to the correct shape of a F1 car....




Looking good...this list can be fickle...hard to get a rise out of, lots-o-lurkers. don't sweat it...just keep posting stuff. I'd like to see a final-render of your dragster-without the lines so I can see how smooth your splinework is.


Hi noober,


I tried replying earlier today, but everything went belly-up when I clicked on the Add Reply button. Thought I would wait until my lunch to try again, so here goes.


The F1 is looking pretty good so far, but would like to see a rendered version of it without the lines. I think I will be able to get a better feel for the car that way.


I definitely agree with David on modelling the car in it's individual body components. It will make a daunting task much more manageable and easier to work with. While working on the Gallardo, I modelled each body part separately and gave them their own named group. That way, when I wanted to work on a specific part (e.g. the driver's door), I would simply select that group and either hide or lock the control points.


Look forward to seeing more...



Ask and you shall receive.



I definitely agree with David on modelling the car in it's individual body components. It will make a daunting task much more manageable and easier to work with.

Well for me i prefer to build the body as one piece. If i need a seem I have found it easier to just draw 2 splines next to each other then "k" the center of the 2. This allows me to keep both sides of the split even and matching.


Y'know--- we are all supposed to be using the HA:MR utility to be checking-out each others modeling WIP's like this...maybe some day we'll all fall in with that. Noob- it's coming along well, can't wait to see some rubber on it. Are you going to do some 'take-off' animation? I recently saw some good slo-mo of a dragster take-off, the squash and stretch in the tires is amazing!

Y'know--- we are all supposed to be using the HA:MR utility to be checking-out each others modeling WIP's like this...maybe some day we'll all fall in with that.


Hi John:


I vaguely remember HA:MR, but am unable to find anything about it in the forums. Any links or help would be appreciated.





Noober- Coming along nicely...good minimal use of patches.


Al- There is an entire forum called 'Development' where you can read all about HA:MR in it's 'heyday'... (I sure hope we all live to hear more from Mr. Ken Chaffin...) I recently wrote a 3 paragraph 'history' on it.... I'll paste it here:



For newcomers... There once was a program (NOT a tool...) called 'Arctic Pigs' which harnessed the powerful realtime rendering capabilities of Animation:Master and allowed choregraphies to be 'published' into an HTML webpage. Once you installed a 'Flash-like' utility(JAVA?) into your browser you could view Arctic Pigs animations in FULL 3D...meaning you could interactively swing the camera around as the animation played (as you can in your A:M choreography). Arctic Pigs also featured limited interactivity, meaning you could assign commands to groups in your hash PWS that would trigger A:M poses or actions...so if you had an animation of a 360degree car spinning you could give the 'hood' group a command to open when the user clicked on the hood.


Hash programmer Ken Chaffin has taken over the 'imagineering' and programming of the concept in it's new 'HA:MR' (Hash Animation:Master Realtime) form. He has initially addressed security issues and has released several HA:MR beta's including a HA:MR-viewer utility. HA:MR content can be published in later versions of Animation:Master, and viewed using Microsoft's Internet Explorer on a PC, with other browser and MAC versions to come...


Possibilities to what could be achieved go well beyond just games, and the term 'metaVerse' has piqued MY interest immensely. Martin has always weighed further investment of time and dollars against user interest when it comes to RnD on something of this nature. Any samples that can be generated with the current incarnation help toward that end. Currently... there is no real standard that I know of in the 'Browser-3D-Interactivity-GameEngine' field, there are some out there, but none have gained universal saturation- like Flash did, for instance.


I would hope that if there was any news to be issued, we would hear about it on this forum first. I check every day...breath-a-baited!





The F1 is coming along nicely noober.


Thanks for the info John. I rendered and posted a 360 degree view of the Gallardo this morning. Will definitely look into the HA:MR stuff tonight and see what I can come up with. Funny thing though, when I did a search on HA:MR, the search came back with zero results.




looks real good. Nice clean model

looking forward to seeing more

Thanks Phil.


I'm actually rendering more progress as I write this. I have since added the rear suspension and rear diffusers. Next up will be the brake light and steering wheel. Then I can begin to decal.


Heres the new AO render. Plus some wire frame shots of different angles I'm gonna render after i'm done with the car.





Thank you for the link. You have done a fantastic job on a complex body shape like that. Time to change your user name ;)
Thanks for that.


I have stopped working for the night. I have a render going and it should be ready in 4 hours or so. I finished the brake light, steering wheel, brakes, and some slight tuning. I even started on some of the decals. As soon as its done ill post.


Hers another render. Now any more I add is just me being annal. But I have a few more things to do before I put the Ferrari badge on it.



Is there a windshield? This is very nice indeed. Do you have some other work that we can take a look at? I may do a search later on that.

There is a wind deflector, its small but its there.


This sure do look good!

Wow, that means a lot coming from you.


Anyway heres my progress. Im so close to being done. Just a few minor details and it gets the Ferrari badges. But not until its done.



I've noticed you've pretty much posted the same car in the Stills Showcase quite a while ago? http://www.hash.com/stills/displayimage.ph...cat=0&pos=2

Is this the same car or a new one? I thought I saw it before.

The one that I have here is a complete new model of the same car only this is the 2008. The one I did a few years ago was the 2003 model. The old was driven by Michael Shumacher. The new one that is posted here is driven by Kimi Räikkönen.

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