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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Thanks to Rusty I now have an updated Compensate list. However, I am still stuck on step # 2. Reset torso compensates - I don't see any a., b., c., or d. :(



Please help


If you right mouse click on the Pose and select "Edit Relationship"...this will open the Pose for editing. Once there, expand the "Bones" folder, there you will see the bones listed on the document. The constraints you need to re-compensate are under the bones listed.


Hope that helps, Dhar.

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Yes, that helps David, now; does "reset compensates" means to change Enforcement from 100 to 0% ???


Reset compensates means to set the enforcement of the constraint to zero, click on the compensate mode button and reset the enforcement to 100 (or whatever it was before... it isn't always 100 so watch out).




BTW, what this does is this (and this is the same for most constraints), if you have a translate to constraint the bone will jump to the target bone... if you don't want that you use compensate mode and the bone will not jump to the target... an offset will be set to keep the bone were it is at. If you move that bone (as you do when you size to rig to your model) then the offset is no longer valid and so you must 'reset the compensate'. This is what the above accomplishes. BTW, when setting up a constraint, if you forget to click on 'compensate mode' before clicking on the target, you correct this in the same way: set the constraint's enforcement to zero, click on 'compensate mode' and then reset the enforcement to 100%. I'm happy that Hash wrote the code this way! It saves a lot of time.


As David would say... I hope this helps! :-)


Thank you Rusty, that helps tremendously.


Now the next thing, and excuse me for being so anal about this, could you please explain how to do step 3.02 ? Does Pose turned OFF means Enforcement = 0% ???


Thank you Rusty, that helps tremendously.


Now the next thing, and excuse me for being so anal about this, could you please explain how to do step 3.02 ? Does Pose turned OFF means Enforcement = 0% ???


Whenever you are told to do something in a pose, you must edit that pose (right click on it and select 'edit relationship'). So you edit the Right_leg_FK_IK pose, then, in the Pose Slider Pallet you locate that pose (it will be highlighted in red) and you turn it off (or set it to zero: same thing) and then you proceed with resetting compensates and the constraints that are listed.


(I'm going to anticipate your next question...)

Also, further down, you'll come to a step that says "reset compensates when the pose is at 100% and 0%", here you:


1. start just like you always do, while editing the pose and the pose slider is at 100% you set the enforcement of the constraint to zero, click on the compensate mode icon and reset it to 100%.


2. But then, you must copy each rotation offset (x, y and z), set the pose slider to zero and then paste that offset there (repeat for x, y and z).


* Important: you should be able to move these pose sliders from zero to 100% without the constraint's rotation offsets changing. But sometimes they will change.


To fix this, in step 1 when you set the enforcement to 0% and before you click on the compensate icon, click on the constraint's offsets, right click and select 'set to default value' which should set all three (x, y and z) to zero.


I'll send you a bill on Monday LOL.




and you turn it off (or set it to zero: same thing)


That's what I needed to know. You see, when I read to turn something OFF, I'm expecting the thing to be ON in order to turn it OFF. But when I don't see that, I get petrified :blink: ( I start thinking "oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, what did I do wrong, what have I done, what did I screw up ...." and on, and on, and on ... LOL And then I get that queezy feeling in my stomach. I never assume that its the percentage that'll do the same thing, I wouldn't know that. I'm not a programmer, so I throw myself in the lap of the forum and pray for help :lol:


But after I get the help, and it works,... aaaahhhhh.... then I get the nargeelah out and celebrate


and you turn it off (or set it to zero: same thing)

Yeah kind of like a lot of girls I knew back when I was single, there were your straight on/off and then there were the ones with various degrees of on/off. Of course us guys are always 'on'.


That's what I needed to know. You see, when I read to turn something OFF, I'm expecting the thing to be ON in order to turn it OFF. But when I don't see that, I get petrified :blink: ( I start thinking "oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, what did I do wrong, what have I done, what did I screw up ...." and on, and on, and on ... LOL And then I get that queezy feeling in my stomach. I never assume that its the percentage that'll do the same thing, I wouldn't know that. I'm not a programmer, so I throw myself in the lap of the forum and pray for help :lol:


But after I get the help, and it works,... aaaahhhhh.... then I get the nargeelah out and celebrate


Dhar, fear not... what you describe... that's not AM. You just have the stomach flu. Put the flavored tobacco away (hippy wantabe) and get some Chicken Noodle Soup. Eat two cold right out of the can and call me in the morning.




Rusty, would you please show me where I can find "a. right_foot_control_IK ("translate to right_foot_FK_control" and "orient like right_foot_FK_control") " ????


Here is a screen cap






Alright - time to get away from this - I can't see things that are right in front of me anymore :wacko:


In some instructions, the names don't match exactly. Recent changes to the rig caused this; in some cases the word bow has been added or replaces part of the name. Since we know that bowing is a new feature we figure it out and simply do it. David has not updated the instructions and neither have I. I hope you can get by these.


I hate the reset compensates phase which is over 50 steps.


I'll help in anyway I can... this afternoon though. I didn't get to bed until 4:00 am and I'm going back to bed for at least another 4 hours.



I hope you had a good sleep, Rusty. I do not see "a. right_foot_control_IK" :(


It's the only null in the area you circled on that last screen capture, Dhar.


Thanks David - I think I'm loosing it.


Now what am I supposed to do again? "Translate To" and "Orient Like" are both at 0% Enforcement.

Thanks David - I think I'm loosing it.


Now what am I supposed to do again? "Translate To" and "Orient Like" are both at 0% Enforcement.


When you open up the Pose, it defaults to being "on"...the first set of instructions for that Pose is for when it is "off". Open the "Pose Sliders" menu and set it to "off" to start this set of instructions.


Hope that helps.


3.11 In the

Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/Auto_hips (IK_LEGS_ONLY) pose, set all

constraints to 0% enforcement, then reset compensates.


When I open it it is already at 0% Am I supposed to set it to 0 anyway, hit compensate, and then 0 again?


0X0=0, right? So what am I supposed to do in this case? Just leave it alone?


3.11 In the

Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/Auto_hips (IK_LEGS_ONLY) pose, set all

constraints to 0% enforcement, then reset compensates.


When I open it it is already at 0% Am I supposed to set it to 0 anyway, hit compensate, and then 0 again?


0X0=0, right? So what am I supposed to do in this case? Just leave it alone?


I could have probably worded that better...what I meant was to go into the model's "User Properties", turn on the "right_leg_FK_IK" and "left_leg_FK_IK" poses, right mouse click on the "Auto_hips_(IK_ONLY)" Pose and select "Edit Relationship". Then, with the Pose turned on (which would be the default when you open the Pose to edit it), set all of the constraints to 0% enforcement before resetting the compensates. With all of the constraints at 0%, hit the compensate button before restoring each enforcement to its' original setting.


Hope that helps, Dhar.


This has been a tremendous help, and what an experience! Wow


Now, the next thing; when you say "set all", I see 4 actually 6 Enforcements altogether, and I'm supposed to reset them all, or does that exclude "Auto_hips_IK_LEGS_ONLY" ???


This has been a tremendous help, and what an experience! Wow


Now, the next thing; when you say "set all", I see 4 actually 6 Enforcements altogether, and I'm supposed to reset them all, or does that exclude "Auto_hips_IK_LEGS_ONLY" ???




What a pest you are LOL! (this is said tongue in cheek and in fun okay... some people might think I'm being serious)


When you 'reset compensates' this means (at least here it means) doing it on constraints. right_leg_FK_IK is a pose! You would not mess with this.


*** Important ***

Dhar, if you could note what names are wrong as you go through the steps, I could correct them (i.e. one name in the model has changed to include the work 'bow' but the document has not been updated). Edit: actually, any errors you find okay!




Yes, I'm a pest, I admit it. Ignorant people usually are, and I am ignorant about rigging. But hey! I'm learning, and I hope whoever else is following this is learning as well.


The only wrong names (not wrong actually, incomplete maybe) were in step 3.08 where the word "bow" has been added in the rig - I sure hope to God that I was in the correct folder - scary.


OK, Arm constraints question:


4.15 If the elbows were modeled and rigged bent, set the negative side of the

euler limits on the "right_forearm" and "left_forearm" in the

Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/arm_constraints pose to the degree

of bend so that the arm will be able to straighten without jumping away from

the controller. In v11.1 and v12, model your character without bent arms

and legs...there is a problem with euler constraints in those versions that

was corrected in v13.


I do not see a negative value, therefore, should I be concerned with it?


OK, Arm constraints question:


4.15 If the elbows were modeled and rigged bent, set the negative side of the

euler limits on the "right_forearm" and "left_forearm" in the

Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/arm_constraints pose to the degree

of bend so that the arm will be able to straighten without jumping away from

the controller. In v11.1 and v12, model your character without bent arms

and legs...there is a problem with euler constraints in those versions that

was corrected in v13.


I do not see a negative value, therefore, should I be concerned with it?


If you rotated the forearms on the 'X' axis during installation, you will need to make the adjustment. It looks to me like you have something like a 3-5 degree bend in those arms...you can check by opening an Action, selecting a forearm, use rotate mode by hitting the "R" key and rotating the forearm on the 'X' axis until it is perfectly straight. Once you know the degree of bend, you can use that number for the "Minimum" setting of the euler limit on the forearms. For a 5 degree bend, the number would be "-5", but I usually add a degree or two to cover any slop....so maybe "-7" to make sure.


Hope that helps, Dhar.

I guess I may have missed a couple of steps - ya think? :blink:


It looks like you might have skipped a few compensates or did them in a different order or something, Dhar. Hard to tell without seeing the actual model though. It also looks like some of the CP's in the character's face got assigned to the underlying FACE controller bones...which isn't right.


If you can't get it figured out, I can take a look at it for you.



Your model is looking real good. I'm still weaking the model I'm working on. I'll be getting ready to start rigging shortly. I've been using TSM ( since it's not being supported any longer) and was going to use Barry's DVD Tutorial to rig it. Is there much difference in Barry's tutorial and the new Squetch rig?



I'm Two Thumbs up! for a instant rigging button too!(Just like an easy button)


David; the Face cam didn't move with the head either - yet another step missed.


Phil; thanks man. I have watched Barry's rigging, which I think I should have done that first before embarking on this daunting task. But Barry's doesn't have the squetch capabilities that this one has. The squetch rig is what is needed if one is trying to animate with professional looking results. We haven't utilized it enough in TWO, but most of us who are animating TWO are beginners. Squash and stretch is the last thing that comes to our minds when animating.


If I had a project that didn't require a squetch rig, I would've definitely rigged it Barry's way. It all depends on what you need. I am doing this to explore A:M as well as to have a character that I can practice with :)

David; the Face cam didn't move with the head either - yet another step missed.


There are constraints on the "FACE Interface - Master" bone in the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/Constraints (do not touch)/Face Control Constraints" pose that make it "orient like" and "translate to" the "head_control" bone. The constraints are set to 0% enforcement and can be applied with a compensate once everything has been positioned to keep the FACE controls tied to the head.


Hope that helps, Dhar.

If I had a project that didn't require a squetch rig, I would've definitely rigged it Barry's way. It all depends on what you need. I am doing this to explore A:M as well as to have a character that I can practice with


This is all part of learning A:M and having a character to practice with too. :) Guess I'll try Barry's approch first then. Thanks


Can't wait to see your character in action!


It looks like the cps are either not assigned or are assigned to the hidden bones of the face interface. The interface has geometry bones for the square boxes.


The thighs look like you have too many spline rings assigned to the thigh fan bones.


Thanks Dave, I had to make sure that the "FACE Interface - Master" bone constraints were at 100%


Thank you Mark; those head CPs weren't assigned, and assigned the thigh CPs to the wrong bones, it is all good now.


A couple of problems I can't seem to wrap my head around ;


1- Only the right knee, it does not rotate the leg, it only rolls the thigh, but the left knee works as expected.


2- As the head tilts back the eye lids get thicker and begins to close.


Any quick pointers before I have to reset everything again from the beginning?

1- Only the right knee, it does not rotate the leg, it only rolls the thigh, but the left knee works as expected.


2- As the head tilts back the eye lids get thicker and begins to close.


Any quick pointers before I have to reset everything again from the beginning?


I would check your CP weighting before resetting anything.


Hope that helps, Dhar.


I haven't done any weighting yet. I think I may have just solved the eyelids thing by redoing the steps for the eyes. But the right knee is stuck.


Once I'm done with the eyes I'll dive into the weighting.


Any words of wisdom on CP weighting?

I haven't done any weighting yet. I think I may have just solved the eyelids thing by redoing the steps for the eyes. But the right knee is stuck.


Once I'm done with the eyes I'll dive into the weighting.


Any words of wisdom on CP weighting?


No wisdom from me...the "quick and dirty" way to start would be to have the "geom" bones as the only visible bones in the Modeling window (which is what happens after running the InstallRig plugin), hide the FACE geometry, hide the shoulder fan, stomach_IO and chest_IO bones, hide all of the head bones except for the "head_geom_front" bone, go into Bones mode, right mouse click and select "Auto Assign Bones"...that will rough things in. Then, you can go through and get more specific.


Hope that helps, Dhar.

It looks to me you just over rotated the right knee controller.


I didn't touch the controller. That's the foot causing it. I'm pretty sure I missed a step - I just don't know where.


<sigh> Gotta redo the whole leg constraints <_<


No matter - more practice for me :)


I just realized something else while I was exploring Squetchy Sam's rig, facial controls are not working on Gumbo. Shouldn't they be working at this stage?


OK, I'm stuck with this right knee problem. The CPs are assigned the same as the left leg bones. David, Mark, Rusty, anybody; do you know what I should recomp to make it work like the left knee??


OK, I'm stuck with this right knee problem. The CPs are assigned the same as the left leg bones. David, Mark, Rusty, anybody; do you know what I should recomp to make it work like the left knee??


I hope I'm not looking at my future (haven't tested the legs yet).




Edit: No, mine is not doing this. Its doing other things... but the knees work.

I just realized something else while I was exploring Squetchy Sam's rig, facial controls are not working on Gumbo. Shouldn't they be working at this stage?


Not yet, they would have to be set up. As for the other problem, it would take some digging in the model to figure out what's going on.

Hey Dhar, I know it's a little late in the game for this, but I really like this model! Great work! Watch out 11 second club!




Haha :D God bless you Lee, thanks man.


As frustrating as this process may seem, I'm actually having loads of fun :)

OK, I give up on the right knee issue. here is the model file - please tell me where I went wrong.




You just forgot to reset the "orient like right_thigh_orienter" constraint to 100% when the "right_leg_FK_IK" Pose was set to "on". Here's an updated version of Gumbo...I only checked the legs and fixed that one constraint.


Hope that helps, Dhar.


CP weighting is more detail oriented than the CP assignment and bone compensate combined. Wheeeeew! If it weren't for Mark Strohbehn's tutorials I'd given up by now.


Dave, Mark, Rusty, do you have a preference which weighting method you use, or do you blend between CP Weight editting and freehand CP placement?

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