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This is my next project. I'm making this 4 mins short film based upon the Aesop's fable of "The Wolf & The Crane".


The voice over of this project is made in Bengali (An Indian regional language - my mother tongue). But I'll be putting up subtitles in English for understanding. Moreover, if somebody likes to record the lines in English. Then we would be getting a short in english. I'd redo the lipsynch if I get the support.


The Story


The Original story goes like this .....


The Wolf and The Crane


"When working for a tyrant, feel lucky to escape alive."


A Wolf was eating an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it. He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down seeking something to relieve the pain. He tried to induce everyone he met to remove the bone. "I would give anything," said he, "if you would take it out."

At last the Crane agreed to try, and told the Wolf to lie on his side and open his jaws as wide as he could. Then the Crane put its long neck down the Wolf's throat, and with its beak loosened the bone and removed it.

"Will you kindly give me the reward you promised?" said the Crane.

The Wolf grinned, showed his teeth and said: "Be content. You have put your head inside a Wolf's mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you."


Townsend version


A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf."


In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.


L'Estrange version


A wolf had got a bone in's throat, and could think of no better instrument to ease him of it, than the bill of a crane; so he went and treated with a crane to help him out with it, upon condition of a very considerable reward for his pains. The crane did him the good office, and then claim'd his promise. Why how now, impudence! (says t'other) do you put your head into the mouth of a wolf, and then, when y'ave brought it out again safe and sound, do you talk of a reward? Why sirrah, you have your head again, and is not that a sufficient recommence?


One good turn, they say, requires another: but yet he that has to do with wild beasts (as some men are no better) and comes or with a whole skin, let him expect no other reward.




This story is available in Bengali as "Hitopodesh" where Wolf is replaced by Tiger and Crane by Stork. This project is concieved as a rhyme (before my Hansel & Gretel) by Mr. Suman Chattopadhyay of Calcutta. He recorded as voice acting session with local bengali voice actors and I picked up from there.


The English translation (WIP, will be modified further) of the Rhyme is below ....


There’s rumble in the jungle and a lot of wailing

A tiger stuck a bone in his throat while he was eating

On this fine morning after making his kill

with his razor sharp teeth he chewed off his meal

Now, something has happened and he does’t know how

A bone got stuck in his throat and he said wow


the bone of an inch or two lodged in his gullet.

And it would’t come out no matter how he roared.

Sensing the danger, he considered another to pull it,

So, he cried out to the animals above the breeze.

“A bone has stuck in my throat and it’s hurting me

can you try to take it out, can you help me please?”


Harkening to his cry the elephant did ask

"Who can believe this cunning beast? Who would help in this task?

If we look down his throat to pull out that bone

He'd surely break our neck and not even moan.

Who would possibly invite death like such?”

At the thought of this the animals escape from there.

The tiger thought “Pleading won’t work here

I need to take a more cunning approach”


He called upon them again and told “Mark my word

as I take a vow with the river and forest as my witness

whoever manages to remove this bone from me,

I’ll give the chap his rightful reward."

Listen, I'm not that thankless, nor am I unkind

rather than hurting the one who removes the bone, a friend he will find


Miss stork was listening, and slowly she came forward

Saying “Open your mouth wide and let me see”

She spied the bone wedged deep in his throat

And carefully she brought it out using her long beak.

With the relief from the pain the tiger gave a wide smile

“Love, you sweet darling, you are my buddy from now”

The stork said “I don’t need that, where’s my reward?

When you make a promise, it's not something to break.”


The tiger said angrily “You've got a head that's thick.

And some nerve to say such a thing.

You still live after putting your head into my jaws!

How can you forget so quick?

Do you value so cheap,the life that I allowed you to keep?"

Finally he roared,

"With such generosity, what true friend would ask for more!?"


Contribution credits : KenH, George


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Character Designs


Tiger (Starring : Brando Tiger)



Stork (Starring : Miss Stork)



Forest Animals :














All of these designs are by a wonderful artist Biswajit Paul.










I remember that story from long ago. I'm glad to see you put it in quality animation. The characters look great. I'm anxious to see more.


Can't wait. I'll try out for English voice acting if you need someone. Some of the English needs some work in the above version.


Hi all,


Unlike Hansel & Gretel, this film is an Open project.


That is, during production the assets will be available to the community and everyone is welcome to contribute voluntarily. If you think you can contribute to this project, you can download assets like script, character designs, models, rigs and animations and post a upgraded version here. And if it comes useful, it'll be used. Everyone can try new things over here. If you like to make this film with me jump in. But you have to keep up with me.


If you'd like to change something (script, storyboard, models, rig, animation, composites) Please Mail me the changes file to satyajitchakraborty@yahoo.com. Also, give me an intimation in this thread or by PM. Then I'll change the asset files with appropriate credits. This way we can avoid confusion of duplicate assets and posts.


But Firstly,

This is a voluntary project. But not collaborative. No pay is involved and no commitment is anticipated from anyone.




You are most welcome to modify the English. You have to remember (1) It has to be a rhyme and (2) You can change the phrasing but you can't change the meaning of a line. It has to go with the Indian version.


And after that, you can try out the voice acting anytime and it'd be included in this project.




Of course....the rhyme needs to remain. I'm talking about small things such as this:


There’s rumble in the jungle and lot of wailing

The tiger stuck a bone in throat while he was eating


which I would change to:


There’s rumble in the jungle and a lot of wailing

The tiger stuck a bone in his throat while he was eating


Ken you're already at this,


Do what you can to the Rhyme. And mail me the changes (do not forget to give an intimation thru PM), I'll make changes to the rhyme (with your credits of course) at the post. This way, we can avoid confusion of multiple scripts and assets.


The Storyboard (Page 1/2)




The Storyboard (Page 2/2)




Any of you can download this storyboard, if you like make changes in the shot and PM/mail me. I'd be updating this file.






Ken you're already at this,


Do what you can to the Rhyme. And mail me the changes (do not forget to give an intimation thru PM), I'll make changes to the rhyme (with your credits of course) at the post. This way, we can avoid confusion of multiple scripts and assets.


The Storyboard (Page 1/2)




Any of you can download this storyboard, if you like make changes in the shot and PM/mail me. I'd be updating this file.






The main thing you have to do is have proper sentences. I made these changes so that the story would rhyme better and have clearer grammar. If you use it cool if not no biggie.







Very nice George. I made some changes too and sent them to Satyajit. I think a combination of the two would be good.


Excellent work George and Ken,


This rhyme is really looking smart now. I've updated and corrected it with your inputs. Check it out at the Story Post.


Also, Storyboard Post has the 2nd page of the storyboard now. Any suggestions for the camera angles?



"With such generosity, what kind of friend would ask for more!?"


That's looking much better. I'd like to replace the above post with....


"With such generosity, what true friend would ask for more!?"


It rolls off the tongue better and it indicates that he wasn't telling the truth when saying he'd be friends....and all bets are off.


Thanks Satyajit for starting this thread. This is a great opportunity to learn how things are done from concept to completion. I know the TWO project is on the go, but I joined the forum not too long ago and it was well under way.


I really like the design of your characters and the way things are laid out in the story boards.


Just curious... When you did your story boards, did you sketch them out on paper than scan them into your computer or did you do them all electronically?




If you haven't got anyone yet, I'd like to make the elephant model. I don't particularly want to rig or texture though.




You're welcome to start on the elephant. Actually I was about it to start it. Tiger & Stork are being tamed of by me. Biswajit is trying to catch the deer. If you can take care of trapping the elephant I'd be after the bear and the rabbit/hare.


Anyone else want to have a go at the models ?




Welcome to this post. This is an open project. If you want, you can have a try at the production anytime. No strings attached!


I usually do the storyboards by hand (pencil sketch). Then scan the drawings. The character designs are also done this way. I still find the pencil handier than my Wacom Intuos.






Voice recordings are made in Bengali (An Indian regional language). The recording is done by a group of artists. These are voice samples to have an idea of the tonal qualities.


Narration Female Voice Sample



Tiger Male Voice Sample



Stork Female Voice Sample



Animals Voice Sample




It'd be great if we can get a similar voice act in English. If I don't find contributors for this I'll be moving towards making this short in Bengali only. With subtitles from the English Translation.




I've made the suggested changes in the translation.








Are there any specifications/recommendations on how to record the dialogue? Such as a certain type of microphone....or how to get the best sound from a mic etc.


Edit: Are you going to have all the animals speak together? It might be better if one speaks and the others listen. Also, if you do, I would advise it to be the dear that talks as an elephant's mouth is difficult to see with his trunk in the way. Besides, he wouldn't fit his head into the tiger's mouth.


PS I imagined the tigers voice to be more sly. I'll try to get something to you soon.




I use professional recording studio for voice recording. I never record at home. A recording studio with a good sound recordist can make much difference. The quality is much better than at home. I'm sure with a little lookout everyone can find a cheap recording studio.


But in this case I suppose you want to record at home. I want to share some tricks that I found to be useful.


Home Voice recording




A good, costly condenser mic always helps, but in home recordings I have also found lapel mics very useful. The headphone ones are not very good because they have a tendency to catch the blow of air from mouth. The lapels are very good in lowering the ambient noise.



Ambient Noise

The ambient noise is the first problem. You have to lower the ambient noise. You can record inside a car. I found that cars can act as good sound proof booth (Thanks Timothy Albee). If you have a laptop, you can record there. Also, if not anything else. Try to record at late night. It always helps.


Distance from Microphone

Try to maintain a fixed distance from the mic. I know it's easy to get carried out while acting but you have to try to keep the distance fixed.



The words like 'P', 'B', 'D', 'K' & 'Ch' will create problems because you'll tend to blow air from your mouth on the mic. If you can find a 'Popper stopper' use it. It'll help a lot.


If you can't find one. While recording find a angular position to the mic. You'll find that keeping the mic at an angle, not directly in front, you'll get better result in these words.


Recording Time & Tonal quality

You can try different times of the day & record different voices. Like Deeper and Low Bass voices ususally comes you well in early morning, just after sleep. Your voice will sound much different in the early morning. And the late nights can give to better control of the voice.


Recording Place & Recording quality

Try to record in a small place. A hall or a big room will be a problem for recordings, due to echos. A small place like a closet provides much better sound absorbing.


Recording Software

Professional Recording softwares are great. Like pro-tools, cakewalk, cooledit. But Freebies like Audacity is perfectly suitable because of our limited sphere of operation. One last tip. It's better to get another person to operate the recording (Pressing the record button) rather than yourself pressing the button and recording. You'll find it very useful for focussing on an acting.







Great tips Satyajit, thank you.


Sound, unfortunately, is the least talked about subject in this forum and yet it is the most crucial for any animation that is worth watching.


BTW; the Stork female voice sounds great.




Thank you for showing interest in the voice acting. I've sent you an email about the recording quality problems.


Regarding the voice, I think some tips may help. Though I'm not a voice actor. But I've gathered these experiences.


Voice Acting Tips


Breaking up the lines

It helps in breaking up the lines to highlight the meanings of each portions. Thus you can act differently in these breakups. Then the lines with multiple acts can be done easily.


I have shown a complete breakup of the script below :


There’s rumble in the jungle/ and a lot of wailing/

A tiger stuck/ a bone in his throat/ while he was eating/

On this fine morning/ after making his kill/

with his razor sharp teeth/ he chewed off his meal/

Now,/ something has happened/ and he does’t know how/

A bone/ got stuck/ in his throat and he said wow/


the bone of an inch or two/ lodged in his gullet/

And it would’t come out/ no matter how he roared./

Sensing the danger,/ he considered another to pull it,/

So,/ he cried out to the animals/ above the breeze./

“A bone has stuck in my throat/ and it’s hurting me/

can you try to take it out,/ can you help me/ please?”/


Harkening to his cry/ the elephant did ask/

"Who can believe this cunning beast?/ Who would help in this task?/

If we look down his throat/ to pull out that bone/

He'd surely break our neck/ and not even moan./

Who would possibly invite death like such?”/

At the thought of this/ the animals escape from there./

The tiger thought/ “Pleading won’t work here/

I need to take a more cunning approach”/


He called upon them again/ and told/ “Mark my word/

as I take a vow/ with the river and forest/ as my witness/

whoever manages/ to remove this bone from me,

I’ll give the chap/ his rightful reward."/

Listen,/ I'm not that thankless,/ nor am I unkind/

rather than hurting the one/ who removes the bone,/ a friend he will find/


Miss stork was listening,/ and slowly she came forward/

Saying/ “Open your mouth wide and let me see”/

She spied the bone/ wedged deep in his throat/

And carefully/ she brought it out/ using her long beak./

With the relief from the pain/ the tiger gave a wide smile/

“Love you /sweet darling,/ you are my buddy from now”/

The stork said /“I don’t need that,/ where’s my reward?/

When you make a promise,/ it's not something to break!”/


The tiger said angrily/ “You've got a head that's thick./

And some nerve to say such a thing./

You still live/ after putting your head/ into my jaws!/

How can you forget so quick?/

Do you value so cheap,/the life that I allowed you to keep?"/

Finally he roared,/

"With such generosity,/ what true friend would ask for more!?"/


Act out the meanings


Try to act out the meanings in a particular line by protraying different vocal moods for different situation.



When you act out the word....

1. 'Stuck' making the voice like a choked throat helps. But here you have to care to control the voice some that the words sound clearly.

2. 'Eating' is a happy situation, so making a happy voice helps.

3. 'Wow' is painful, so making a sound like a nail has stuck in your foot helps. But control the volume & pitch of the sound, maintaining the expressions.

4. 'Something has happened' - must sound with suspense.

5. 'He doesn't know how' - must sound like a question.

6. 'Can you help me, please' - must sound like a exagarrated request.


Maintain a rhythm

Try to make a rhythm like children's rhymes and try to maintain throughout the script. Even where theres no rhyme you have to maintain the rhythm. You also have to take care of the acting. Maintaining the rhythm must not affect the acting.


Try to go slow

Maintaining a slow tempo always helps. You can catch the breath. You can catch the acting and seperate out the meanings discreetly.



Posted (edited)

Asset Post - MODELS


There will be 6 character models in this film. All will be rigged

with TSM 2.


The Models will be uploaded here for C&C of modelling and rigging.

As, this is an open project, if you think you can upgrade the models or rigs you can mail me the changes and I'll update here with proper credits.


Enjoy the Models.


1. Tiger WIP (Quadruped) Credits : Satyajit




2. Miss Stork WIP (Quad legged biped with wings ) Credits : Satyajit




3. Elephant (Quad) WIP Credits : KenH & Satyajit




4. Deer (Quad) WIP Credits : Biswajit & Satyajit




5. Hare (Quad) WIP Credits : Satyajit




6. Bear (Quad) WIP Credits : Satyajit





Edited by satyajit2000



You have to turn on the TSM Constraints Slider in the pose slider panel to activate the rigs. I'd be glad if the Tiger finds an employer after finishing my works. He's a fine worker/actor.




I'm off the net for a while, but I'm about half way through modelling the elephant. I'll probably use the eyes out of the lion to keep them similar.


I'm off the net for a while, but I'm about half way through modelling the elephant. I'll probably use the eyes out of the lion to keep them similar.


That's great news! I'm proceeding with my models too. I'll try to make a modelling tute during the modelling. Meanwhile any comment on the rig of the tiger and stork? Anyone?




After turning the TSM constraints ON the Tiger rig works beautifully. I only wish there were toe controls for the hind paws.


After turning the TSM constraints ON the Tiger rig works beautifully. I only wish there were toe controls for the hind paws.


I left out the toe control of the hind paws as I thought they wouldn't be required. Okay, I'll add them if animation is required. You're welcome to use this model. Just don't use it for commercial purpose.




I left out the toe control of the hind paws as I thought they wouldn't be required. Okay, I'll add them if animation is required. You're welcome to use this model. Just don't use it for commercial purpose.




I guess I could live without the hind toe control.


Now as for the commercial use restriction; my intention is to enter animation festivals and contests which may or may not involve monetary reward. Would you consider that to be commercial use? I need clarification.




I don't mind you entering festivals & contests as long as you include the modeller's name in the credit list. I suppose you're already going to do that.






I don't mind you entering festivals & contests as long as you include the modeller's name in the credit list. I suppose you're already going to do that.




You suppose correctly :)




Shot 1 : Animation WIP



Script : Subtitled

"There’s rumble in the jungle and a lot of wailing

A tiger stuck a bone in his throat while he was eating"


Directorial Script :

A sound of tiger wailing is coming from the deep forest. The camera dives thru treeline into the forest. The Sound gets louder and camera crossfades to shot 2.


Asset File :


Contents :

Voice Track in Bengali (Indian language): 1.wav

Props : None

Project File : None


Animation :

The Animation of the this shot will be done in Adobe AE during compositing phase. Shot will be camera diving thru BG layers in multiplane.



This is an open project. Every pre-production asset and animation production project files will be available for comments, critics, download and modification. If you make any changes in the downloaded animation projects do not post the files here. Mail me and I'll take the decision of posting with proper credits.




Shot 2 : Animation WIP



Script : Subtitled

"On this fine morning after making his kill

with his razor sharp teeth he chewed off his meal"


Directorial Script :

A tiger is chewing on a healthy piece of meat very cheerfully.


Asset File :


Contents :

Voice Track in Bengali (Indian language): 2.wav

Props : Meat.mdl

Project File : Shot2.prj


Animation Preview :




This is an open project. Every pre-production asset and animation production project files will be available for comments, critics, download and modification. If you make any changes in the downloaded animation projects do not post the files here. Mail me and I'll take the decision of posting with proper credits.





Announcement of Temporary Suspension of Animation WIP Posts


Sorry guys. The Asset and Animation Files are getting heavier and the 4mb limit of the attachment of each post is far from enough. I have to buy some web space and post there. Till then I have to stop posting. :(


I'll be back real soon.




Hi all,


Here's the Elephant Model contributed by KenH.


Just look at it! Isn't it great? So full of personality that you can almost hear the tone of his voice. The Details are never missed. You can check every part and find Ken's handiwork.


Another of your great craftsmanship. Thanks a lot for contributing.





ALL the models are beautiful satyajit. I'm hoping there is going to be a 'making of' of some sort on both this and your Hansel and Gretel DVD. I will probably buy anyway but am certain it would encourage even more A:M/CG animators to purchase.


You alway do brilliant work.


ALL the models are beautiful satyajit. I'm hoping there is going to be a 'making of' of some sort on both this and your Hansel and Gretel DVD. I will probably buy anyway but am certain it would encourage even more A:M/CG animators to purchase.


You alway do brilliant work.


Thank you Dale, for liking my works. Yes, I'm working on a comprehensive 'Making of' for the Hansel & Gretel DVD.


As for the story of 'Tiger & Stork' (Working title). You can follow updates here in this thread and pick up snippets of the techniques behind. Also, don't forget the Assets for download. This is an open project. So, all the models and animations are going to be available for download.




Bear Textured & Rigged with TSM2




Deer Textured and Rigged with TSM2




Some production stills of How's it going to look finally.

















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