Wegg Posted January 12, 2005 Posted January 12, 2005 This is the "Nice Tan" glam pic for eggprops. It includes the Yves Poissant skin shader that gives it that nice "warm" look. It does have a significant hit on render times. . . and the material works ok without it but with it. . . oooo wee. . . sexy huh!?! You can see it on eggprops <here> And then we have. . . a Zombie material. Very clean elegant material. Make sure to shoot them in the head. . . its the only way to kill them. . . . It can be found <here> And then the last one is a cool Reptile material. And that can be found <here> Quote
MATrickz Posted January 12, 2005 Posted January 12, 2005 WWWOOOOOWWW!!!! nice job!, are these all made through the materials settings? I think I'll be buying these soon Quote
Wegg Posted January 12, 2005 Posted January 12, 2005 MATrickz said: WWWOOOOOWWW!!!! nice job!, are these all made through the materials settings? I think I'll be buying these soon All but the top "Nice Tan" one which does require the shader Yves wrote. But even it doesn't "need" it. . . it just looks damn sexy with it. Quote
ZachBG Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 bloody hell. Now that I might buy. Is the skin shader cross-platform? (I know, you're not The Authority, but I haven't seen a definite answer anywhere...) Quote
ZachBG Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Oh... never mind... guess I should have looked at the web page, eh? (no skin shader for the Mac, not yet.) Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 ZachBG said: Oh... never mind... guess I should have looked at the web page, eh? (no skin shader for the Mac, not yet.) No but the skin MATERIAL does work on the Mac. And that material is damn nice. . . it just isn't all "warm". (damn mac users. . . and their damn . . . sexy looking hardware. . . and their damn. . . . chickens. . . chickens. . . . and chickens. . . ) Quote
starwarsguy Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 SWEET! You'd think these guys created the material system for A:M, huh? That must take alot of thought and tweaking. Hmmm. I'm still deciding what to buy and trying to stay under $1,000 for my total order. Quote
Etalis Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Ask and ye shall recieve, apparently. *quietly loves the eggprops* Quote
Sacman Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Wegg you are quite the industrious little beaver. It seems like you have something knew every day. I need to get a hold of some 'she' money so I can play with your new materials. She Money: Money she (the wife) doesn't know about. Wade Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Sacman said: Wegg you are quite the industrious little beaver. It seems like you have something knew every day. Invisotext <on> Well. . . I don't mean to disappoint you or anything but eggprops as been around for quite a while. It first launched in about 1999. . . and most of the products you see stem from that. . . The old website. . . while I thought it was innovative. . . was very expensive to run, easy to hack into and a major pain in my butt. After a power failure on the server racked up another potential bill on fixes. . . I closed it down. Over Christmas break I decided to revive it again with a "less inovative" <people can now understand how to order things> approach to the store and. . . we get Eggprops2. Ta dah!! Shhh. . . don't tell anyone. Let em think I'm some kind of master. Oh wait. . . I'm posting this aren't I. . . <Cough> Why thank you. . . I try hard. Quote
zacktaich Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Man this thread was a huge letdown. You can't make that kind of topic and not deliver on the goods... Looking good as always. Are these brian materials? Quote
MiddleKid Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Kinda off topic, but... Wegg, what sort of render-time increases do your procedurals usually incur? I ask because I'm doing a ton of stuff with procedural textures right now and it seems like they just eat my CPU for lunch... and then spit it out 20 minutes later. I'm not doing anything uber-complex either. Mainly gradients with a CellTurb. (crap.. the right arm just fell off of my chair.) Anyway, just trying to figure out if there's a way to optimize these boogers or am I just going to have to do my best with texture maps? Thanks! Oh yeah, my specs: AthlonXP 1.8 GHz. 512Mb RAM. The "Toys" project renders at about 55 seconds per frame. Quote
cfree68f Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 J.. you need more ram man. Ram Ram Ram.. Thats whats slowing you down. at least 1024.. I'd go for 2048 if you had the money. and I know.. you dont.. but that should be your next big purchase. Let me know when you need those three matcheens mahn! C Quote
MiddleKid Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Really? It's not paging out to the HD during rendering. You're right... no money right now. But, we were going to set aside money for an XBox. I suppose I really don't need to play Halo2 that bad. -- edit -- Oooh... Just visited Newegg... They've got two 512Mb sticks from Mushkin on sale for $136. Mighty, mighty tempting! Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 cfree68f said: you need more ram Uhh. . . actually. . . with materials. . . ram doesn't help you much at all. Its all about your cpu. Some materials dont' take any extra time to render. . . but some do. And it depends on how complex they are obviously. That Zombie one renders so crazy fast it made my head spin. But then Yves plugin skin shader. . . pretty much takes your scene. . . and multiplies its render time by 4. Its. . . sad that that happens but the results in my mind are worth it. The HUGE advantage to materials is that they are resolution independant. Keep zooming in on these suckers and more and more details will be revealed. . . no blurry mess. . . no pixels. . . AND . . . they work with the light and camera in a way you can't do with just decals. Look at the way "microetched metal" plays with the light. . . or the way the skin shader changes color as it falls off. You just can't do that with decals. AND. . . again they take up almost no ram. I love em. Obviously. :-) Quote
MiddleKid Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Ahh... Thanks Wegg! I was planning on getting either a faster CPU or another render slave. I think I'll go for the new CPU since Colin has so graciously offered up his slaves. I have to admit, the more I play with materials, the more impressed I am. I still feel like I have more control over things in Maya's hypershade... but Maya sucks at everything else. It seems to me like materials involving bump or displacement are the real time-munchers. The textures I'm building now are a lot like your reptile skin.... A perlin, a few layers of CellTurb... good times, good times... Dear god! I just realized it's 2:30! No wonder I'm rambling. G'night! Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 yea. . . bump with materials seems to slow things down more than without any bump. I hated Maya's hypershade. And I honestly haven't found anything that compares with what Brian Prince and I came up with in A:M YEARS ago. I do wish I could drive values of my materials with decals though. I can do it in LW. . . but AM. . . <sigh> Darktree in my mind is the only competition to Hash's built in procedural textures. That and the crazy coders at Pixar. Quote
Hash Fellow robcat2075 Posted January 13, 2005 Hash Fellow Posted January 13, 2005 Your materials look great! Do you suppose when people say A:M's renderer is lame it's really because they see a lack of sophistication in the surfaces? Wegg said: I do wish I could drive values of my materials with decals though. I can do it in LW. . . but AM. . . Since decals can drive hair properties, it wouldn't be a big leap would it?. I hope you've made that feature request. Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Here is the glam pic for the "Old" skin material. You can check it out. . . <here> Quote
KenH Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Heck these are as good as darktree and other such plugins. I wonder if you have a "burned skin" lying around? Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 KenH said: I wonder if you have a "burned skin" lying around? No but I do have. . . SCABS!!!!! EVERYONE LOVES A GOOD SCAB! <here> Quote
Pengy Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 Proof of the old adage "No glove...no love" Awesome stuff Wegg. Quote
Wegg Posted January 13, 2005 Posted January 13, 2005 A few more. . . This is an Infant Skin. NO YVES SHADER!!!!! so it will look just like this on the Mac. The link to it is <here> And then this one. . . which I personally REALLY like. . . Africans skin is so rich. . . it does such cool things with light and feels so warm and inviting. . . <sigh>. I think I am a black man born inside a white body. Ha HA. . . what movie was that from? Anyway the link for it is <here> And. . . then we have the "freaky alien" one. <here> Quote
starwarsguy Posted January 14, 2005 Posted January 14, 2005 Wow, these are freaking me out! Really expect anyone to buy scabs? Quote
nixie Posted January 14, 2005 Posted January 14, 2005 Sorry to jump this thread, but Iv always wanted to have a go at animating the orc/warlock creature from a video of yours. Dont suppose theres any chance hel make an appearence anytime soon? Quote
Wegg Posted January 14, 2005 Posted January 14, 2005 nixie said: Sorry to jump this thread, but Iv always wanted to have a go at animating the orc/warlock creature from a video of yours. Dont suppose theres any chance hel make an appearence anytime soon? I kind of doubt it. sorry. Quote
balistic Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 Ha, it's cool to see these again. I'm glad they still work in new version (you've probably had to do some tweaking though). Quote
Wegg Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 balistic said: Ha, it's cool to see these again. I'm glad they still work in new version (you've probably had to do some tweaking though). Yea a bit. But not too much. Things like. . . ToonNation Weave and stuff like that have all changed so those have to be re-worked but. . . these skin ones. . . once you find the right scale and tweak the colors a little. . . work just fine. Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted January 19, 2005 Posted January 19, 2005 could you pull the female model up just a little bit more? Wegg - you're like "the Material Hunter" or something, I really apriciate what you're doing as I have a hard time finding good material Quote
Wegg Posted January 20, 2005 Posted January 20, 2005 This one is for you Vern. It is a Slug's skin. You can find it <here> Quote
Karl Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 I bought your Nice Tan product a few weeks ago and just got around to opening it up... It has these problems: no Yves Poissant shader no AM material missing from NiceTan.prj no EyeDiffuse.tga no faceColour.tga no facebump.tga no facespec.tga no Environment.tga no female.mdl Then AM V11 dies loading the project. Quote
rwilkens Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 Karl said: I bought your Nice Tan product a few weeks ago and just got around to opening it up... It has these problems: no Yves Poissant shader no AM material missing from NiceTan.prj no EyeDiffuse.tga no faceColour.tga no facebump.tga no facespec.tga no Environment.tga no female.mdl Then AM V11 dies loading the project. I bought it tonight, and it came with: Two Materials: (1) Nice Tan Skin (2) Elephantesque Bumps And the SKIN.SHD file which you have to place in the Shaders directory of animation master, then restart it. As you mentioned though, the sample project that is included "don't work" (and it would have been nice to see it work), and that's because (as I learned earlier today) before you distribute a project you have to right click on the project in properties and select "Embed All".. -rob Quote
Wegg Posted January 25, 2005 Posted January 25, 2005 Well. . . I didn't realize it would crash your system but I did realize that you wouldn't get the Woman model and her image maps with the sample.prj. . . I'll clean up the .prj and re-upload the .zip files this morning. You should just be able to re-download from the link provided in your invoice. BTW. . . I'm not sure the Hash forum was the best place to discuss things like this. . . it would be cool if you could use the support functions on the eggprops website in the future. Cool? Quote
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