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  1. wheatfields.mov wheatfields.zip half without image and half with
  2. Hey guys, I mentioned in my diary topic that I was working on a new audiobook project called Breckridge. It's a ghost story for anyone who's interested and takes place in and around Breckridge Secondary School in the fictional town of Southedge in the North of England. I also mentioned I was working on making Breckridge School to use as a visual aspect to the audiobook. Below is what I've got done so far. This part of the building is a geography classroom in the schools' south block, flanked by a girls bathroom on the left and a boys bathroom on the right. I know this because I'm basing the overall layout of the school on my old high school. The major difference being that I'll be adding a second floor to south block that doesn't exist but is necessary to accommodate the sealed corridor. Once I've built the second floor for this particular wall I'll add some gutters (Eaves trough's in North America) and then will have enough school to use as a photo in the first episode, which will be released over on Blip.tv/aceco. Thanks for looking
  3. something weird happened. i was working in after effects cs6 while a:m v16 ran in the background. somehow my graphics card did some weird stuff, my desktop-image was gone for a few seconds for instance, and the computer got slow... i forced quit on after effects, then regularly shut down a:m and restarted the computer. after that the project workspace in a:m was gone. and i can´t get it to show up any more. but only in v16. in v15, v17, v18, everything was still there like it should be. i deleted my v16 version and reinstalled it, but STILL no project workspace. how can that be???? i´m on a mac, OS 10.68 btw. i´d very much like to get v16 running again, it´s the most stable version ever on a mac. any ideas?
  4. Decided to Do a little Fan Art Model of one of my favorite characters from Dragon's L.
  5. Hi guys working on a train project and I have 2 questions that maybe you can help with first question smoke when i export out as a jpg or tga I get smoke in the finale render ( test mov jpg has smoke) when I export out as a movie I get no smoke however when I place an image such as the stars in the background I get my smoke ( test mov has smoke because of star png background ) is that normal for movie export or do i have to turn something on 2nd question models do you guys mdl to scale say something is 20 feet do you mdl 20 feet I've been doing what feels comfortable is there a rule ? thanks j TRAIN_MOV.mov
  6. Hi my name is David. My first post and first clip done in AM. It took about eight months. Its a Christian based animation so if that is not your thing please don't be offended. Sorry I took the link down. Video no longer on youtube.
  7. As threatened. The second ever project in AM. This was the original version. It later got re animated and edited down to three days rather than five but, that version has some horrible compression artefacts on it and still has a large file size. This has been chopped a bit but ( WARNING ), the music is still as annoying as ever. There are many things I'd change if I did it now but I was pleased with it at the time. ( about 9-10 years ago). I still like the idea though. The figure models were adapted off the CD at that time. Rather inexpertly, as you can tell. simonLC_320.mov
  8. This was the first project I did in AM. My nephew was trying to make a career as a racing driver and this was an attempt at raising some sponsorship. It was only intended as a fist pass at the idea and, if the company was interested, then we'd get the polished version done. It never got finished because, they were interested at first but, just as we started to look into it more, two of their marketing dept died with stress related problems so we got lost in the process. The nephew, Ben Clucas, then 17/18 now 29, is still working as a racing driver, albeit not on the plane initially hoped for. There are lots of clips of him on Youtube, including an amazing race at Phillip Island in Australian F3, were he won by 0.17 of a second, when he'd been third at the second to last corner... simon Ps Be warned second ever project on its way... BB.mov
  9. Unsure of the source for images used from 2009 rendered in 17 Lightning.mov lightning.zip
  10. So for the time being I am working in v13 until I get my licensing issues sorted out. I thought I would start a goldfish model, something simple to get some practice in and I am happily modeling away and I think to myself "I should save this". So I got to File > Save Project as and I get a dialog with no place to input the name or hit "save". I can't resize it to get those things, either. Any thoughts as to what might be going on? I may be using v13 for a few days yet and don't want to not be able to save my work. I have posted a screen cap.
  11. I recently updated to V17 and am using it to render while animating in V15 at the same time. I will move over to V17 when I get the current short done. In the meantime I have a couple of questions on some changes that seem to have happened between the versions on the way the projects are saved. I'm used to the way V15 saves out the projects as separate files and have adapted to that system. In V17 it seems to save it out to separate folders each time with the file structure sequence inside ? Also, the previous project does not load automatically when the program is opened and needs to be selected under the project heading on the top menu. These are minor changes and just need adjusting to on my part but, in case they are not, have I missed something and need to reset or are these standard changes ? regards simon
  12. Hi, Okay...when did you people move from saving mainly the project file to mainly saving the chor file? Why did you do this? What advantages does this have? Is there really 'any' difference besides the .prj and .cho file extensions? What else is there to this? What else, if anything, are you using chor files for? FYI: I have only used saving chor files for large models that exceed what I call the workable patch limit--once you pass a certain patch count (at least in V14) response time becomes unworkable. Cheers, Rusty
  13. here is my never ending FW-190 lets see yours
  14. green.mov green.zip playing around with an idea so made it green for today
  15. This thread will hold links to the new A:M Quickstart Videos and copies of the files used in the demonstrations (It will be "closed" until it is fully populated.) 1 A:M Interface 2 A:M Spline Modeling 3 A:M Spline Techniques 4 A:M Rigging 5 A:M Keyframe Animation 6 A:M Curve Editing 7 A:M Texturing 07_Texturing_PRJs.zip 8 A:M Rendering Options
  16. Hi, I'm only charging this female comedian whose in England $200 to put together an intro to her prod cast (first time I ever charge and 'money' for animation work). I took this project mostly so I could track my time and see how my estimate stacked up to reality. Estimate 8 hours/work hours to date 21 and still much to do, LOL. One thing I need to create are 'energy balls'--a special effect--either an animated material or an animated decal (or both). Here's the description: Spheres which are clear energy (almost look watery to give a hint of reflection but mostly clear, yet you don't see THROUGH them to other spheres) and the halo around is an almost fluorescent green. I see this green a lot now when I'm watching sci-fi videos. If you saw Prometheus it shoa lotp alot. Effect like subtle shift of reflection to indicate activity as opposed to a static ball. It's important that they don't like like a solid object, or water, but just 'energy'. I have several ways to go but am looking for fresh alternatives and ideas. Thanks, Rusty
  17. I asked a few months ago about file structures for people working on a project and was very appreciative of the responses received. I'm trying to plan a project which I hope to spend next year working on, could anyone kindly point me to a resource for overseeing the running of a complete project? I have no real experience in this area and have always relied on memory and catching up when needed. I'd like to try to do it better this time. Its not so much the particular details of individual areas such as models but the overall structure of a project and how to keep track of it as it unfolds? Any help gratefully received. Thank you. regards simon
  18. Hello, Will helped/pointed me in the right direction to get shadows on a rotoscope image. Grabbed an image from the net, slapped my giraffe on it ... I did a search on the forum, and found a great pic of the settings that robcat2075 added to the forum.... How do I get strong shadows in my images. I played with various settings, and the shadows actually got worse. Is it a ground thing, or is a light thing? confused.
  19. Hope I got his name correct oldburningplanet.mov oldmateffect.zip
  20. Someone, maybe John Bigboote? recently posted an animation he had done with a waving flag, and as I recall, posted the .prj that could be reused with a new flag decal. Does that ring a bell? I poked around but couldn't find it.
  21. While working on the prototype for a game project I was starting up, I created some models of various props and such. I was working in Blender, and so they're all polygonal models. But that's fine. I've decided I'm going to recreate a couple in-particular in Blender. It's a good "1-to-1" comparison and, I think, will help me with learning how to handle splines better, etc. They're a small and medium sized market stand which were going to be used for a market place area of the starting town in my prototype. The medium stand isn't finished as of this screenshot, and actually needed some optimization to be really game ready (3661 faces for just a single, static object is a bit steep, especially when fewer would do just as well). The smaller stand isn't as complex, but could still be optimized a bit, and the texture-mapping was placeholder, to test my UV unwrapping job. Each of those, I bet, will be much lighter weight as Hash Patches. So, I think it'll be a fun project to undertake, to sorta augment the exercises in TAoAM. Having first-hand knowledge of what the end result is supposed to be will be helpful, too. I still have the Blender models here somewhere, too, so I can open those up for a direct reference if need be. So here's pics of each... Small Stand Medium Stand Thought I'd share that, see if y'all had any thoughts, feedback, etc.
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