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  1. thank's i'll try it hopefully i have the patience as you to finish them. i'll start modeling a car and it takes about a day (3-5) hrs. then once i have the car modeled (except for major detailing) but the basic model like you had but the model will have some artifacts on on door moldings when i do a quick rendered so i call the project a flop and start over since it doesn't take long to model. but it just getting the initial paneling the way i want it. So when this is done it will have a realistic fell with moveable doors and maybe hoods.
  2. Hi Jim ... or shall I say "Spline Man" Great work (as always). You must be the guy I've seen who's got A:M best under control. I wish I knew how you get a model in AM so smooth. Are you 100% AM compatible or do you just have the world's patience? By the way, I'm using the same type of effect in my current project (A Music Video), however, in Ulead products it's on board (not a plug-in). Enough rambling... If you hadn't mentioned the finger nails and hair I wouldn't have noticed as I think you are "the Man" and I don't scout any pictures of your's for mistakes. (They are truly few) Great work Francois
  3. 18 Nov 2003 - First draft render complete! Thanks a heck of a lot, Hashers at Large, for the support. There's a new reply at the end of this post with a pic of the render. 13 Oct 2003 - I've added an updated post at the bottom, showing my progress on this project. I have some modeling questions about noses, in case anyone is interested in looking. --Ross ----------------------------------------------------- I've got a model in the works of a fishman/merman creature, and right now I'm just trying to get the head done. I hope to make it animatable in some limited capacity (I doubt I'll do phonemes). I have tried at least a dozen times to extrude a shape up from the neck to form the head, and this is this is the most successful attempt to date -- I think I can carry it to the finish line, with some more elbow grease. There is only half a nose up there, to go with the one eye. I plan on trying the copy/flip/attach trick later. Also, the inside of the mouth has been hidden. Apart from general advice, I'd just like to ask, how do you attach facial features to the head and each other? I've attached the eye to the head with satisfaction, but the nose is very tricky... I've looked at some amazing wireframes from folks out there like Jim Talbot, and it has helped a lot... but this seems like a technique issue. Thanks much! --Ross
  4. I had this same scaling and positioning problem when I shifted over to 10.5 - I found that if you save the project in 10.5 (using a different name just in case) close it then reopen, everything returns to as was before. Strange but true. The data is still there, 10.5 just needs a bit of help finding it.
  5. This has happened to me, too! I thought my project files were simply corrupted, but if it happened to you too, it's probably a bug. I'll send a report to Hash if you do... Great image, by the way! Zach
  6. We have a need for an animator on a project basis who is proficient in medical animation. You must be able to design and animate a throbbing human heart, blood flow etc. Prefer it if you live near or in NJ. Please send reel to MediaMix 315 Route 17 South, Paramus, NJ 07652 Please include your hourly or day rate. JJV
  7. I wanted to work out how to make a body deform when it hit itself. For example if a hand went into a belly. I have attached my test project if anyone is interested. Open the action and move the last bone in the "arm" chain or just play the animation. When it touches the "belly", it deforms so that there is no intersection. How it was done: There is a bone rooted to the belly area that points towards a null which is a child of the hand. "aim to reach" is set to "on". I made a realtionship for the z scale of that bone then moved a pose slider which deforms the belly and pressed the button to stop making a relationship. I then opened up the channel for the relationship and started editing it so that the belly moved in such a way that there is no intersection. This is the best way that I could come up with for doing this and doesn't take too long to set up. It isn't perfect as it relies on a sphericle area of influence. I guess that it would be possible to set up a system of several compression devices to get more detailed movement. If anyone can think of a better way then It would be interesting to hear it. Body_Collision_tests.prj
  8. Hi A:M freaks. I'm Pablo and I'm living in Switzerland/Europe. This year I'm finishing school and there I have to do a "diploma project". My topic was animation, and here is my result! I'm finishing cutting the scenes, I hope I can add later on some english subtitel... I hope it goes online in a few days, here some nice screenshots cheers
  9. mega, the waterSurf plugin is currently idling 1. due to my tight schedule. 2. because the water sequence was taken out from this animation but i will finish the plugin soon. it will be released as a part of the resurfacing pack (conform). after that i'll go to the "water" plugin project (dont hold your breath though, this may take a long time to finish).
  10. 7.1? Great time to upgrade! Can't wait for the teeth and tongue, these elements really help add more "character" to the models. I have only "played" with v11 for a day or two, so I honestly can't say if you can use spring-constraints on the hair to have a "cloth" feel to them. However, it may be possible. Check out the alpha forum - http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=948 http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=1139 There is a nice thread covering hair. I would bring your question over there and see what the others, who have used v11, have to say. I know that ZPiDER has done some awesome stuff with it, as well as Pequod. V11, and hair, really pushes A:M into a new level of playing field. Amazing work being done by Hash, Inc. I plan to dive into v11 in about a month or so when I finally finish my current project. Have to say, I'm excited...
  11. For those of you who remember, I've been working on a personal project involving a clock - a clock which I'd ideally like to have fully animated inner workings. Following the honed wisdom of Vernon "I make paper clocks" Zehr I've bought a working cardboard kit clock and have begun constructing it with the intention of duplicating the mechanics in A:M. Now in the mean time, whilst waiting for glue to dry, I've build a very simple facade for the clock in A:M. This has also given me the opportunity to play with some of the new render features of 10.5 - namely mulitpass ray width shadows and multipass DOF. Here's a 32 pass test - There are no materials yet and just one decal for the clock face. Everything else is just standard surface settings, and a small amount of noise added in photoshop.
  12. ZachBG: Yup the splinage is light but I did a few quick tests(stills only) and it seemed to work fine. Mega :Skycast is done except for some tutorials(which will grow out of this project) and me getting my act together for the webpage. I'll add more rigs as I need them for our productions and will look at Skycast users requests. The Update Anyway the image front is a bit quiet as I add bones and Ik to the models. Thank goodness for the Setup Machine. I'm using fan bones to shape the transition areas. As you can see there are some problems with the shoulder, thigh and knee joints. I'm pretty sure they'll be easy to resolve.
  13. I really like it . I noticed that the main projection of light is the door opening and closing I was wondering if the lights that fold away should project some ? I thought the the hesitation of the ship could have even been a little longer to anticipate the abrupt take-off 2¢
  14. gudi3d - thanks, that's the kind of compliment that helps you through the hard stuff! zack - 'we', in terms of "Dark Dark", are myself, my composer and a handful of associates who are working on it in a part-producing-part-developing capacity. As far as modelling, rigging and animating I'm the only person on the project. The greater 'we' are Naughty Pictures, which is the company with which I do all my other work. The only permanent member of staff here is me... everyone else comes and goes on a freelance basis when projects need them. Naughty Pictures does a wide range of things from corporate work to theatre, from tv stuff to print design. My background is as a theatre director, which used to be my day job but has somewhat taken a backseat in recent years. The two biggest projects at the moment are a new tv series and a live-action short. It's all go I can tell you.
  15. thanks for the feedback guys........ Mike - yes this is a personal project.... am just doing some studies on still life.
  16. Extending on from the tree making threads this is a test project , with only two planes and three materials. The sky is skytracer, the landscape is a darktree landscape texture which shades surfaces facing up with a grass like texture and vertical surfaces with a rocky surface. The forest is an AM11 fur material with tree images mapped onto the fur "strands". The animation render is a single pass multipass so there are quite a few artifacts. With some fine tuning of fur emmitters I think the trees can be considerably improved and the lighting is only test lighting. Still I thought it was worth showing
  17. I'm excited for this project. What will it be a short film?
  18. So the guy from Joe Millionaire worked on the project. MJ worked on it. Who else?
  19. heyvern


    Hmm... where is the cereal and milk? Oh never mind...that's my project. How did you determine the measurements? Like the proper hieght of a counter top and such. Did you just wing it? I have to build a kitchen my self. I keep putting it off. It would be easier to build a real kitchen. In a real kitchen everything already has "bevels". I have a fridge and a sink so far...oh and some counters. Vernon "Cereal Killer" Zehr
  20. The official crew is currently sitting at two, with additional 'angels' when i need a favor for a particularly troublesome aspect of production. Myself and Troy Gilliland are the primary workers, Carl Albrecht-Buehler is the "Pants Wrangler" other folks from the Chicago Hash User Group have provided help in one form or another, Jim Talbot is the most recent angel with the assistance on the coat. Folks like, Mooncaine (James), Carole Wilson, and John Burch did a lot of work on the original production run, much of which I am probably going to wind up retooling drastically as the new style of the piece takes over. There is indeed a secret website, but there is a lot to do before that secret isn't secret anymore and I tell you guys where to find it . There are other secret things that are also secret, so secret that even the knowledge that they are secret is a secret after this secret is no longer a secret I have another secret project tentatively planed to begin secret discussions with a secret collaborator . oh and here is the not so secret tomato with a shirt and tie -David "secret man" Rogers
  21. I dunno about a website, or how many people are involved, but some of old timers know about this secret project... And I for one am glad to see it moving forward! Good Luck, David & Gang.
  22. I dunno about a website, or how many people are involved, but some of old timers know about this secret project... And I for one am glad to see it moving forward! Good Luck, David & Gang.
  23. How many people are on this "secret project" and does it have a "secret website"? zack t.
  24. thanks:D I have to really try to make it dark..most of the first run models I've tested ans tossed for this project are too..I dunno, bright and cheery:D That and I have a real hard time getting to noses to look like noses.
  25. Looks like you've got a nice start to your project, looks wonderfully dark and gothic ...
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