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  1. I have made the models and the actions and now in the chroeography I am putting together my movie. But when I want to add a new model in the middle of my action, say at about the 5 sec spot, the item I add then flys in off the side and moves around during the first part of the movie where I don't want it. How do I add something later in the footage without it being in the first part. Thanks for any help. Lucine
  2. Well, im back to teaching Martial arts and personal training. My master is putting together a fight choreography scene for a internet movie, and I though I take the time to mess with Hash again. See if I can put together a fight scene in 3D. So I still need more time to polish the model and tweak the bump map on the torso. More nurnnys on the sword. Been awhile, and rehashing the things I know about hash. So this is my spare model that I am redoing, I have another I want to use, but using this one to figure my way around. If anyone remember my old project will remember Erica, I haven't given her new hair yet, thats next.
  3. Hey all, Remember this Guy (note thicker hands :))? Well he and his growing cast of cohorts are getting ready to become mobile soon, but they could all use a bit of dressing up. To that end the Super Secret Project Crew™ is looking to add a new member, specifically a texture artist. (not only for the characters, the sets modeling will start soon and will also need texturing.) So if you fancy yourself as such or would just like to give it a shot please email me at [email=david@am-guide.com]david@am-guide.com[/email]. As an "audition" of sorts I will send out the model file for this character to all who email me. This is a volunteer project but I am holding it up to a certain level of quality. To any budding texture artists out there you might consider this a good way to get some material for your portfolio. If you have a few extra hours a week that you feel could be dedicated to something of this nature I encourage you to give it a shot. The production is pretty relaxed, but I will ask all applicants to agree to some basic terms of confidentiality. I am not necessarily looking for professional quality here, in fact if you show promise on the test and are willing to endure some critique that would almost be better, since i would feel less like a free loader on someone's talent :). All members of the project so far have been hand picked by myself and this is the first open call to any outside source. primarily because I know how collaborative projects can fall apart if there isn't some form of bond between the members of the team. In a sense I'm looking to this to see if it is possible to assemble a team just from the list/forum members. If anyone has questions about me, the current crew, or just wants to know a little more about the project feel free to email me directly.[email=david@am-guide.com]david@am-guide.com[/email] Thanks for your time, -David Rogers
  4. Looks like I landed another animation/automation project. This new one is for a $500K Automation project. The company doing the proposal is having a hard time conveying the concept to the customer (that's where I come in). I'll animate the proposed line. Wish me luck, I'm goin in. David
  5. Well I've had AM for 4 months and done too much goofing around. The ol' saying is writer's WRITE, so I guess animators ANIMATE! I've been so busy tweaking characters to be better than the previous version and worrying about rigging and things I can't do that it paralyzed me from doing much. So I decided to just rig something (since I have TSM2 anyway) and jump in and do something, so here's the start. I'm animating this as I go, but consider this version a kind of blocking, because I intend to go back and put in all the detail. Right now I want to get the short story down. It's been fun since it has been fairly quick to do to get it this far, maybe a few hours. So keep in mind with your C&C, there is not really any follow through yet, not much squetch or really anything other than the basics. Not much of a story, no real title yet. Essentially they are supposed to be leaving and they will kind of walk off into the distance after I finish whatever action will happen. I wanted to just jump in and get experience animating and not worry about making a perfect first project. So far it's been really worthwhile, I think I'm learning quite a bit about animating in A:M and some things have gotten clearer (so if you are hesitating, jump in!) Just a shaded render, 20 seconds. Note the camera movement is not good, working on it. EDITS: Latest version at the bottom!. http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr24.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr25.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr34.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr40.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr42.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/test1.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr54.mov http://www.pixelmech.com/movies/rr55.mov
  6. Well, this thread brings together a lot of other stuff I've posted on these boards, so bear with me. I'm still working on the full version of my "bathroom" scene, which is complicated enough that it requires storyboarding. Since the characters and set are already built, why not do the storyboards in 3D? Well, it turns out there are a lot of good reasons why not, but suffice it to say, 3D storyboarding is only worth doing for judging your characters' relative positioning, along with the corresponding camerawork. As soon as you start moving arms and heads, you're gonna wish you'd just picked up a pencil. On the plus side, 3d storyboards sure look a lot prettier. I ran a Photoshop: Poster Edges filter on this one to make it look "sketchier." For anyone who's been following my work on this scene, here's where it all comes together: 1. The lipsync test I finished back in January corresponds to the 13th image of this storyboard (though the costume was different back then). 2. The fight scene for which I've been soliciting advice starts at the end of this storyboard. Hmm. Now that I think about it, pretty much every thread I've ever started is related to this storyboard in some way... Anyhow, I figured I should upload it and let people see how the project's coming along. These 20 shots represent roughly the first third of the scene. Comments are welcome, just keep in mind that these are storyboards, not stills of the actual animation, so no polishing was done. My main concern was camerawork. Enjoy!
  7. Boolean cutter great for cartoon efects [attachmentid=14511] cutter.mov cutter.zip
  8. Hi, this is a pic from my project. Please let me know what you think, critics are very welcome. Thanks in advance.
  9. hi been trying to make these models for this space walk type of thing. suppose to be in this type of spaceship with long tunnels and other things first pic the tunnel tunnel2 second pic is a alien gun im not sure what for yet still thinking spacegun2 tell me what you thing of them thanks jobe
  10. Hi hashers : I finished the project ( conception, sketch, some storyboards ) to my new short last week , to make it ill need 2 cars, I worked 4 days to make the first car ( named X-Two2-GO ) .. in this week ill work on instrument panel and engine parts ( maybe , I don’t know if I will do it ).. In this topic ill show all progress 1- Shaded Wireframe 1 2 – Shaded Wireframe 2 3 – Shaded Wireframe 3 4- Model without surfaces 5 – X-Two2-GO finished I hope the link work ... the album with the images can be find here : Project animation if the link doesnt work .. please copy it an paste it in the browser ... All modeled in v11.0 beta 1 all comments are welcome thanks cheers Xtaz
  11. Hi, this is a render WIP from my personal project. Any comments and criticisms from you guys will be very helpful for me.
  12. So, I had this idea - it may crash and burn... but here it goes. I need to learn how to model and rig a mouth - and learn it well. I think I'm not the only one. I've been wowed by Victor's mouth rig, and David Simmons "Bertram's Face Rig". Trouble is there are no tuts out there to explain them. David has posted his files and some explanation but for a n00b like me - it's not enough - and I'm still not sure how to well design the MOUTH first (modeling wise) to get rigged well. So I figured I'd make kind of a generic 'mask' face. I'd post it here - we can all iterate the model until we feel it's well done enough. Then I'll start trying to implement one of these boned mouth rigs. All along you can follow along, download the projects/models and (hopefully) help the process along. The idea is when it's done, it's a fully operational mouth rig that anyone can use - and they can reference this very thread and see the process of how it has been built - almost like built in documentation/tutorial. It may not be as complex or intricate as Victor's/David's - but it will be something useful...hopefully. So here it goes - my first attempt at the model mask - attached. (NOTE: It's not meant to be a stunning model - obviously - but functional for a rig.) It needs some help My main question at this point is - is the mouth constructed right? I'm not sure. I've look at lots of models as a reference and I'm still not sure. Feel free to grab it, modify it and post back. mouth_man.mdl
  13. Hi hashers ... I was just playing whit A:M .. it took me 10 minutes .. and i liked his results you can check it in : http://xtaz.com.br/anima/aros.zip ( use loop oiption ) ( 590 Kb / MOV ON 2 )
  14. Just checking to see what I could do with Render as lines and a bit of glow. Cheers, E lr_001.mov
  15. So I am getting a little carried away. With A:M its very easy too! After doing "It's a Pitch" by the book, I thought "Wow, this is cool!" So, I just had to do some elaboration on this one. I am getting ahead of my self in many ways, but that drives the learning. Now I need to figure out how to switch to the 2nd camera for the next shot. I have it set up to aim at the rabbit for his walk to the door, but haven't figured out how to keyframe a camera switch. http://www.bitterjewelerfilms.com/Stuck%20Door.wmv
  16. Hi all, i´ve started a project to descripe a future town as they thought of it in the beginning of the 20th Century. Here´s the first complete Picture.
  17. I was thinking about how I'm starting to get into building structures and said "well, Willy Wonka's factory has many interesting shapes and structures.." Not only that, but it'd be really fun to make the candy machines and even just the building itself! I started by planning to sketch out some concepts of what's going to be in the building. I've scanned my first one and posted. I'm excited just thinking about this..
  18. Hi - Here is the link to the short film I've been trying to fit in around everything else. Things are finally chugging along so hopefully I'll be able to update this site with some regularity ( I'm sure these are famous last words as the year goes into meltdown) - but oh how I will try. Current wildly optimistic projections have me finishing this sometime in the first quarter of next year. Anyway, enough Blah blah heres the link - look forward to hearing any comments. Raglan Cheers Matt
  19. What happens in this film happend to me a few days ago, I add some things, but mostly it is true. I like the way it is turning out, 47 seconds and 12 MB, sorry I no longer have DivX so I can't encode them anymore . Enjoy. { PROJECT FINISHED DELET THIS POST } it is also available at my site, http://www.psyog.cjb.net wich I will be updating severly for the next few days, it is in the movies section. Any input on the animation before I do a Final render would be nice. Thankies, enjoy.
  20. Thought I'd toss up one more teaser from my project. This character is finished modeling and rigging but is slowly going through the texture process. Comments Etc welcome -David Rogers
  21. As you can see below I am still piecing him together. The coloring is temporary and I am going to try making a bump map so he has the right shell. What I want to use him for, however, requires him to speak. I discussed this with a few people on the IRC chat and they said the best way to do it was to animate his face, then apply it to the model as a decal. Someone also mentioned that it is possible to use pose sliders with the decal so I could apply the decal and still change it. Does anyone know how this is done? This sounds like what I need to use.
  22. Hi Guys! I finished the first parts of my project, ... This movie will presents some aikido technics and etiquets! But just I can upload this in more parts! Sorry! This are first parts: Part 1 (This is required divx 5.03) Part 2 and I'm waiting your opinion! Sharky
  23. Here is a model of the New Horizons Pluto Spacecraft. Not that impressive, but a paying client is extremely happy with the final model. Animation and Texturing will be done by others. My contribution to the project is complete. I just provided the mesh model. New Horizons Link
  24. Hello everyone. This is my first AM project, I bought the software last week and I can't put it down! Especially since I had previously purchased Truespace 6.6, what a waste of time and money! Well I guess it was a tought me to appreciate AM. He will eventually be a soccer player. Sugestions and critiques are MORE than welcome. I could use all the help I can get. Thanks! My Webpage My Webpage
  25. Hello all. It's amazing what great things happen on #hash3d, not only interesting conversations, great guffaws and of course now the monthly lectures But for me a couple weeks ago the idea for a "new" story came out of IRC. I don't want to give much a way but the 2 main characters are loosely based on 2 of our well known A:M ers. It will be an action adventure type story if all goes well. Hopefully through diligence on my part my skills will match up to my imagination and I can do the story justice.
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