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Posts posted by Roger

  1. I saw Rogue One tonight, it was very good.

    I still don't know what a Bothan looks like, though.



    There was also a cameo appearance of

    a very young Princess Leia...who was either played by an uncanny lookalike or a CG body double, it was very hard to tell. She looked that much like a young Carrie Fisher. The only other option I can think of is they shot extra footage for A New Hope and kept it under wraps all this time.

    There were some nice callbacks to the original trilogy without it feeling like a reboot/retread like Force Awakens. I liked Force Awakens also but this one held its own. If the rest of the movies are of this caliber then Disney stands to make a ton of $$$ of the franchise.



  2. Yes, me too I think---I need to wait a bit, but I think my next PC will be AMD based.

    They had a link to download a demo that you'd test with Blender. How does that demo anything if I'm still on my old CPU?


    Yeah I was a little confused about that, too. Not sure? Maybe so you can benchmark against theirs?

  3. Basically it is just a new cpu, but it is the cpu that is going to return AMD to profitability after years of being on the ropes. Rumored pricing of $500 for an 8 core, 16 thread cpu and 16 and 32 core server cpus (no word on pricing for those but I expect them to be in the same range as the mid-range Xeons, so $1000-$2000). They also demoed their new Vega graphics card, that looks quite promising, was fluidly running some Star Wars flight-sim demo at 4k resolution at 60fps.


    Well I just checked and I was quite surprised to find out that the Dennis CD is Win 9X/NT/Win 2k kernel. What version was the switchover to XP?

    I dimly recall that my Win2K machine stopped running the alphas I was getting from Steffan at either v16 or 17.


    He went to a new compiler and Win 2K was not supported so i needed to build a new machine at that point. By that time everyone was on Win 7.



    Really? Win 9X/NT/2k support continued through v16? That's a pretty long run.

  5. Well I'm going to do both the twinkling lights and the old-school, I think.



    I've been playing around with generating a pine tree via the Treez plugin and so far I'm not happy with the results, I don't really think it is meant for conifers/evergreens, and due to the nature of the branch and trunk style I think it may be better to just model the trunk and branches separately.

  6. What year was version 10.5? Would it run under 95/98/NT? The oldest version of AM I have that is still marked as running on those is AM 99.

    I have the CD with Dennis the Wolf on it, that is the year 2000 CD which I thought was v12? I'm pretty sure that one had some major updates in terms of functionality.


    The reason I'm looking for something that will run under Win 9X/NT 4.0 (or worst case, Win 2k) is I need something that is fairly low resource, for purposes of my experiment.

  7. Well, in theory, it should be possible to emulate an x86 system on another platform, so I was thinking of emulating a 500mhz pentium and attendant hardware on an android tablet, just to see if I can. If that does not work, then I'd like to try running an older version of AM on a lower-end modern Windows tablet (say some sort of Intel Atom based device).

  8. Which version of AM was the 1999 year version? Was that 8 or 9? I remember 9 as being the buggy version, and the 1999 year version is the most recent one I have that still supported Win 95/98 and NT. I've been planning on experimenting with an older version of AM in a vm on Linux and Android and I thought those versions might be lightweight enough to manage it, but still have a more modern feature set (in terms of having unibody models, hooks, 5 point patches, etc).

  9. Was looking for latest hard drive prices today as I need a bigger hard disk for my desktop, and found this one:




    I can remember a time when a single 1 terabyte array would have cost about $500,000 US. This drive is roughly 1000 times cheaper.


    We can't be too terribly far off from having 100 terabyte drives, and with an array of 10 of those you could easily have 1 petabyte of storage in a home server. My mind just boggles, I don't even know what you'd do with that. I don't imagine you could begin to mirror the internet, maybe just mirror archive.org, the Library of Congress and Wikipedia?

  10. I admit, I went into this one with not terribly high hopes, but it was really good. The effects were excellent, very "trippy" for lack of a better description. I saw some of them in the trailers but the actual movie was pretty wild. I'm also glad to say that the story being supported by the eye candy was entertaining as well.

    One sentence plot summary: hard-headed rationalist has to seek help for an injury from unconventional sources, discovers a latent talent for the mystic arts, and eventually goes on to save the world.

    All in all, one of the better Marvel Universe movies I've seen recently. And of course, there is the obligatory Stan Lee cameo, which always makes me chuckle seeing where they put him in.


    Very good stuff, go see it. I'm looking forward to more Dr. Strange in the future.

  11. The trick for today is to eat two large meals with out exploding


    See, I never understood this. With my family, we go to either my aunt's or my cousin's place for dinner on Thanksgiving day, or we host the dinner. Depending on whose turn it is that year. Then we have a smaller dinner the day after with just immediate family. 2 dinners, no exploding family members! Everyone wins!

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