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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Roger

  1. I'll tell you why the render time isn't a big hindrance for me personally...


    The amount of time I spend modeling, rigging, texturing and animating is so much larger than the render time that even if the render time were instantaneous it wouldn't change the duration of the project much.


    The things that A:M does without me, like rendering, have gotten to be the least worrisome part of it. :wub:


    The stuff where A:M is waiting for me to do something is the big bottle neck that no render speed up will change. :(



    This is true, I am also the limiting factor in terms of getting things done more so than rendering. I don't know that having extremely fast final renders would make much difference in that regard. However, where they might make a difference is in all the iterative test renderings that we often do when testing lighting, materials, etc. on a scene. Now 5-10 seconds as opposed to 5 minutes for a test frame would be a valuable thing. We can work around this somewhat by doing lower resolution tests or rendering only a portion of the screen but sometimes you need a full frame test at final quality.


    Blender and AM are very different in the way in which they are developed. Blender is a community effort with dozens if not hundreds of programmers. This is not true of AM.


    I am happy enough with AM, I am not investing more time at this point in my life in learning a completely different software. I suppose if I had to at some point and was forced to adopt Blender I would but I'd much rather work with AM.



    How long are your renders taking?


    It depends, of course, but in average 3-5 minutes for a 1280x640 9xmultipass frame without hair/particles.




    You should get in a time machine and go tell 1987 me that the day would come when it would not take 5-15 hours per 320x240 frame with no hair or particles even if you wanted them.




    True, I remember trying to do single-frame Povray renders on my 286 and them taking all night since I didn't have a math coprocessor.


    That said, if you could do those renders faster, why not? It would be terribly useful to be able to do a final quality render in near real-time.

  3. If this is a single take I wonder how many tries it took to get it right. Pretty cool.


    Or...is this just really well done CG? The barrel rolls and multi-train jump at the end seem like they would be next to impossible to do.


    So having never seen an actual Faberge egg...are these the size of regular eggs or more like ostrich eggs?


    Judging from the size of the hands in the videos they appear to be about 1-2x the size of a chicken egg but I've read of some that are smaller.



    I am such a silly Billy. I guess if I had watched all the way to the end of the first video I'd have gotten my answer.

  5. Here is the latest in virtual funny-money news:





    Sounds like the plot to a Star Trek episode:


    Kirk: "Spock, this is a class M planet, perfectly fine...but.... the civilization appears to...have collapsed...from...overuse....of resources.


    Spock (examining an ancient terminal): "Captain, it appears they were "mining" cryptocurrency."


    Kirk: "Ah...well....that explains it, then. Earth outlawed cryptocurrency....in the 2050s....due to it killing the electrical grid."


    Spock: " Apparently money grows neither on trees, nor in the memory banks of a computer"


    *cue theme*

    • ____ 1
  6. I went to see Bladerunner 2049 this past weekend and I was pretty impressed, it didn't outdo the first movie obviously but I felt it was a worthy sequel. Anyone else been to see it yet?

  7. So apparently somehow when I went to see Bladerunner 2049 I missed the Last Jedi trailer with the Porgs.


    Do they focus group these creatures to make them as cute as possible? This looks like a cross between a penguin and a Furby. I don't think they could possibly make it any cuter.



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