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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Roger

  1. Sad news.


    I wish everyone could have the experience I had of seeing my first "Wallace and Grommit" cartoon in a theater in the 90s with a thousand other fans and sensing that animation could be wonderful again.



    A tribute: Peter Sallis, voice of Wallace dies aged 96


    I remember the first Wallace and Grommit I saw was a double feature of Wrong Trousers and Close Shave in one of my animation classes and they were amazing.


    He will definitely be missed.

  2. Something I'm not clear on... when you mine a bitcoin you are basically being rewarded for doing the work of verifying or clearing bitcoin transactions.


    But is some extra busy-work added to slow down the addition of new bitcoins to the supply?


    I figure there must be if they've announced that are going to decrease the reward for mining.


    To the best of my knowledge, they increase the difficulty of the hashing algorithm so that over time, as more bitcoins are mined, it becomes exponentially harder to mine the things. There are only ever meant to be 21 million bitcoins in circulation, some of these have been lost forever. Originally way back when bitcoin was in its infancy there were people mining them with CPU based systems, then GPU based systems. The only way anybody is mining them now is with custom ASIC miners or farms of the darn things. I don't think there are any individual miners (or not many, anyway) still in the game. I had contemplated setting up a Litecoin mining rig at one point (alternative cryptocurrency) but never got around to it and it wouldn't be worthwhile now. Plus I didn't feel like spending the better part of 2 days setting the damn thing up.


    The whole thing just seems shady to me but not for the same reasons Rodney is worried about it.


    However, if you live in a country with currency controls or hyperinflation, Bitcoin can be a valuable way to hang onto your money.

    For most normal people, it is too volatile. The extreme deflationary nature of Bitcoin also makes it difficult to use as a currency,

    since it encourages hoarding.


    I think eventually we are going to see some sort of cryptocurrency take off as a standard that is backed by a major bank, I just don't know that Bitcoin will be it.

  3. Do you have a way to make square cuts? This will be critical for a functional piece of furniture. If you don't have a circular saw, you may want to rent/borrow one. I don't think I'd want to try cutting plywood with a handsaw or even electric jigsaw, you could cut it quickly enough with an electric jigsaw but it would be difficult to get a perfectly straight edge.

  4. I recently passed 1,030 subscribers and my top video(Made with A:M) has over 120,000 views. Two of the others have 50,000 and 30,000 I think.




    Youtube is not a "Post it and they will come" medium. It takes much work. The hardest part is getting your 1st 100 subs and your first 1,000 views. From

    there things begin to get better. But for most of us it is a slow process.


    Once there are a certain number of views, Youtube ascribes more attention to it and it shows up more in the "recommended" feeds

    for more viewers to "Click."

    This is why it takes so long to build an audience no matter how good or bad your content is. And for most people, it takes a lot of work to

    get their content in front of a large viewing audience. Youtube is hard work in order to get seen. HOWEVER, there are some who get a quick

    break here and there. We all hope for that magic bounce into getting the "Million" plus views on our hard work.


    ALSO, a few years back, Youtube changed the algorithm to a "View-Time" dominated setup. This means that a "Cat" video shot on an iphone that is

    3 minutes will make more money than an animation lasting 1minute. The cat video took only 3 minutes to make and a few additional minutes to post. Whereas

    the animated short took 3 months or more to produce. This makes producing animation for the Youtube platform unprofitable in many cases. Especially when you

    probably aren't going to get enough views to cover the time spent.


    So if we want to make money on Youtube, we have a better chance with cat videos :)


    Oh I realize I am unlikely to make money off YouTube with my videos, for just the reasons you listed. I'd probably have better luck if I had had a camera running the time my dog came running at the couch and tried to jump on it and bounced off the front.

    I'm doing what I'm doing more for self-actualization at this point than any other reason.

  5. Hello to you Martin!


    Glad you are back. I've been here off and on, I was either really busy with work or had something else going on during the TWO days because I honestly had no clue that Robert was the voice of the Scarecrow until just the other day. But I've been working on my film off and on.


    However as I've now reached "man of a certain age" status, I need to get more serious and actually finish this thing.

    Hard to believe I am 42. I was even going to do a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy themed b-day blowout with a few close friends, since I did nothing for the big 4-0 but did not get round to it due to other things coming up.


    PM me if you're interested in hearing what is funding my film-making aspirations, and the adventures (or misadventures, more accurately) surrounding said source of funds.


    p.s. The home video I have with over 100,000 hits has gorillas in it.



    That reminds of the stories about DC Comics noticing in the 50s or 60s that issues with gorillas on the cover sold better, which led to tons and tons of gorilla covers. :-)


    40K is a large number, so I'd agree that at some point it must have gone "mini-viral."


    I got excited about my view numbers last year (significantly less than 40K) until I noticed that a cat video that had only been up for an hour was in the 100Ks. It makes it frustrating when you realize that the effort-to-views ratio is greatly skewed against animation. But really, it's cool to know that you've made something that even a few people have enjoyed.


    Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to start working on a project with a gorilla in it. :-)



    Hey man at least you have more than I do, I have a whopping 56 views for my Christmas card I did (most of those being people that are related to me somehow).

  7. Martin,


    Very glad to have you back.


    Sorry to hear that things were so difficult. I guess I don't see what they had to gain by trashing AM? Although it also sounds like others were trying to pass your work off as theirs?


    BTW I bought the Kindle version of your book on Amazon, it was an interesting read.


    Anyway, good to see you around again.


    Still slogging away on my project, which reminds me I need to update my WIP thread.

  8. I've been trying to figure out how they did that fractal zoom at the beginning of the movie Limitless, where the camera just keeps zooming into the frame and never stops, without any cuts. It looks like a variation on that one technique they use in some films where they use both the zoom and dolly at the same time, but I'm not sure how they did this fractal zoom thing unless there are serious CG shenanigans going on.


    Here is the example of the shot:





    There are about 15 seconds of pre-roll before the segment starts so please be patient, it will eventually come up.


    I'm really stumped, some of the segments I think I might have an idea how they could be done but the bits where you are flying through the cars, I admit I have no clue. Unless it is all CG, then I guess anything is possible.

  9. For those that have said mouse, I agree I have a cheap wireless mouse I bought for my AM'ing on the go --- however for just web surfing and posting online I like sticking with the built-in trackpad. But ever since Lenovo decided to copy Apple their trackpads have been garbage. It used to be on their Thinkpad line, the trackpoint with ultranav I could use comfortably but not on their newer models.

  10. It seems like every manufacturer out there tries to copy the Macbook trackpad and manages to screw it up in some way.


    I particularly loathe Lenovo's take on it. It's like trying to mouse click with a see-saw. You try to left click something and end up right-clicking it, or right-click something and end up doing a left-click instead. This seems to happen most often when using the trackpoint. What was wrong with 2 separate physical buttons? That was a perfectly usable design. I don't believe the Mac trackpad was ever intended to have more than one "button" so there is no problem with using a monolithic pad for clicks, but on the PC it is impossible to get it right, it seems. At least I've never seen a good implementation.


    Anyone else frustrated by this?


    Looks like I will be going back to using an old model Thinkpad for my web browsing/posting/email.

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