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Posts posted by Roger

  1. So far I like the new Doctor played by Jodie Whittaker, I think she will do well in the role. 

    I just can't help feeling that this was a weak episode for a season premiere.   It seemed more like a middle of the season episode.   

    Anyone else have any thoughts?   I know we've got some Who fans on here.  

  2. I didn't realize he was 70, but that is starting to seem awfully young these days.   I was just talking about him with a guy at work, I can't believe he is gone...everything I found about him that was recent online had mentioned he was teaching and had started a new studio.  

    I never actually met Mr. Vinton, but I've always enjoyed his work.   There will be a void in the animation world without him.  

  3. I decided not to get the crazy priced Titan and got a Gtx 680 4gig, which I’ll flash . . . Let’s see how it goes


    For AM use you're probably better off not spending on the Titan, it just wouldn't make use of it. Other apps that use CUDA might, but unless you use a lot of CUDA enabled apps and it's not just a hobby but something you use to pay your rent, it probably doesn't make sense to spend that kind of money.

  4. Well the only 2 dramatic roles of his that I am most familiar with are Deliverance and Boogie Nights, those are probably his better "serious" performances that I can think of off the top of my head.


    He did a lot of screwball comedies, the most famous of which would be the Cannonball movies. The outtakes from those alone are priceless.


    I've also heard that White Lightning, Gator and Eastbound and Down are pretty good but haven't personally seen those.


    And of course the Smokey and the Bandit movies, for whatever reason those didn't really appeal to me as much but most people would consider those iconic. It could also be that it has been so many years since I've seen them, and I've likely only seen the broadcast TV edit or maybe a version chopped up for basic cable, that I didn't get the best version.

  5. 2001 had some very groundbreaking effects for the time, stuff that had never been seen before. I found some information on on how various effects were done as well as behind-the-scenes information that was pretty interesting:








    There's a lot of good stuff if you're interested in how they made the film.

    • ____ 1
  6. More funny-money news:




    I am so glad I did not "invest" anything in cryptocurrency. Between the fraudulent companies selling the mining ASICS, the exchanges getting hacked, and the sheer volatility of the different crypto currencies, I'm positive I'd have lost everything even if I got in early.

  7. Instant ray tracing sounds cool. As always, we wonder if that could somehow be natively used in A:M


    That is the eternal question. Of course, as we've pointed out in the past, interactive real-time graphics is no longer the bottleneck, the bottleneck is the animator.


    But it would still be cool to be able to make use of hardware like that.


    Having seen AC/DC more than once, I have to say they put on one of the best hard rock shows around. I saw them once in Milwaukee in '09 and twice again more recently I think it was 2013 and 2016 I saw them, both times in Chicago. I'd have gone to see them back in highschool but just couldn't swing it at the time.


    Anyway, we are likely to only get tribute bands as Brian Johnson is retiring due to too much hearing damage, and Angus' brother Malcolm passed away recently. I had heard something about them finishing out some tour dates with Axl Rose singing and someone else subbing in for Malcolm, but I don't know what their long term plans are. My guess is they are either going to hang things up or it is entirely possible they are going to keep going until Angus drops dead, just with a different rhythm guitarist and singer.


    On a slightly different note, there is an AC/DC tribute band that does bluegrass renditions of their songs called Hayseed Dixie. While I've never seen them I have heard one or two of their songs and it's definitely an interesting spin on your typical tribute band.


    I don't know what Angus does to have that level of energy in his 60s, tons of cardio maybe?

  9. I hadn't realized they had even done a new season yet. The last episode I remember was the one where Evil Morty wins the mayoral election. Clearly I have not been watching enough inter-dimensional cable.

  10. Found it. And it is actually more impressive than I remembered, all the code fits into 96KB, not 1MB as I thought. I think the group that did it is called Farbrausch. I've posted some other links that contain some demoscene stuff but the one for the game (called Kkrieger) is the first link.









  11. Can you port a mac version? (kidding!) that is pretty cool Rob! Reminds me of 1979 Waterford Mott High School Computer Lab when we were learning to do a similar simple task in BASIC language... I could not grasp the code, and would not 'cheat' like everyone else so I failed. The foresighted teacher told me, 'If you can not learn to code, then the farthest you will ever go in computers- will be as a punchcard machine operator!" I outdid him with my fortune telling... 'I don't need computers, I am going to go into animation!" What little did we know!


    Meanwhile, have you seen the amazing coding that Greg Rostrami is doing with less than 1mb of code??? He is in a group of programmers that are using 'ray marching' or 'sphere tracing' techniques... mumbo-jumbo to me- claims they use 4096kilobytes MAX, which is less file size than a 37X37 pixel image to contain all programming, textures, lighting, music and renderability. (filesize of executable is 4k) Here are some samps from his peers, his are quite amazing as well:







    These are pretty cool, I've always found those sort of tech demos fascinating. I forget what it is called, I will have to hunt around for it again but there is some person that crammed an Unreal engine type game into I believe about 1MB. Everything is procedurally generated at runtime.

  12. It is impressive that sound can be formed like that.

    Very interesting.


    I'm not so sure that they aren't using non-audible tones to generate the animation and then embedding that in another signal (the music). That seems to be the way they are doing it, if I'm understanding the software description correctly.

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