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Posts posted by Roger

  1. So I happened to catch an episode of this before getting rid of cable, and remembering the original show from when I was a kid, the new one seems rather adult and not terribly family safe.


    I don't remember the original show being this cynical, I suppose it is possible that it was the same and jokes meant for adults sailed over my head, but the new one seems terribly overt with the drug and sex references (it is implied that Electric Mayhem uses weed, and Miss Piggy is shown talking about Tindr, while Fozzie is attacked by Piggy (I think) for having a "new piece of fur" (replace fur with a cruder term for posterior, and you get where this is going).


    I just find it hard to believe that this was sanctioned by the Henson family.


    Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for this type of humor and I don't consider myself a prude, however it just doesn't seem appropriate for something that at first glance seems intended as a family show.

  2. Here in the UK you need a licence to watch TV ( £145, about $250 ) and the fee pays for the BBC. I gave it up for two and a half years to avoid temptation,much like yourself. Recently bought a new licence because the BBC is under threat from the current government, part of that attack is trying to stop the BBC producing shows that rival those on the commercial networks. They haven't named it as such but, one of those shows would be Doctor Who.

    Although there is every likelyhood that it would be picked up by someone else ?



    I added BBC America to my former cable package because I don't think there are any PBS stations in my area airing Dr. Who anymore. I could be wrong. I also got hooked on Top Gear. I imagine if the BBC went under, Amazon or someone would pick up Dr. Who since I believe they are picking up Top Gear. I think it will be rather sad if they manage to kill the BBC, that would be like the Koch Bros. campaigning to defund PBS. Public broadcasting is one of the few places that support quality programming, everything else is just garbage these days. TLC and Discovery went down the damn toilet, that is a big part of the reason I got rid of cable I am just sick and damn tired of supporting these people with my money when all they are going to make is reality show garbage and continue the long slide to cultural oblivion. To heck with that.

  3. I haven't had cable since 1983. But now with Netflix there is too much to watch again.



    About the only time I see actual TV is when i go to visit my dad in MN and there is nothing to do except watch TV and then I find there are channels I didn't even know existed, like "TrueTV" which seems to be a 24 hour loop of people injuring themselves while doing some extremely ill-advised stunt, with color commentary and analysis by experts like Tonya Harding and Danny Bonaducci.


    Yes, I recently became aware of that myself. I like to think of that as the "Ow, My Balls!" channel (in honor of Idiocracy)

    Was that really a niche that needed filling? I guess no one ever went broke lowering the bar. I'm just worried the bar has been lowered too far.

  4. Well in the interest of getting more done and saving a bit of money, I've nuked my cable plan. Just have to figure out some way to watch the occasional "Dr. Who" online. My theory is, since I have to actively seek out any content rather than plop on the couch and hit a button, the temptation to fritter away time won't be as great. Anything I do watch will at least be a deliberate, planned event.

    Wish this recovering couch potato luck. :blush:

  5. "Radiosity" seems to be for cases where you need the color bounce from adjacent surfaces. For most situations that's not a major factor..


    Global ambiance and ambient occlusion should be able to do most of your realistic shading needs.


    And you could probably fake color bounce well enough with some appropriately placed lights.

  6. The geometry looks fine but the materials are not looking so hot. Also, the glass material is applied to both models. I wonder if I should save each model separately and then import to a CHO and create a set, that way the materials will be applied properly and it will be easier to make out what is what?


  7. Well, it is a start. I must have done something wrong with the materials, though, since both the table and the fishbowl have the glass material applied.

    Should I save the table out as a separate model and import the table and bowl into a new chor?


    It is difficult to make out the glass material so my guess is I will need to have the objects placed on some sort of set so that they have some sort of background.

  8. I've decided the best way to make progress is to try small projects, not necessarily related to my main film, to at least keep my skills up. The kind of thing that could be completed in a night or weekend.


    Hence, a fishbowl. I was curious: how would the rest of you go about handling water inside the bowl? Model it as a separate object, or try and use the fluid feature? Or some combo?


    I'm going to post my fishbowl model by midnight CST, if anyone is interested. At least the glass part.

  9. Cool! I won a caricature!


    Congrats to the folks that won, I really liked Fuchur's ladybug.


    Robcat, very well done video. Perhaps you have a 2nd career in your future as a TV/Youtube host?


    I'm glad I entered, this was my first ever Hash image contest. I wish I had not waited so long to get started but there's always the next contest. I'm sure I will do better on the next one.

  10. I wish I had gone to SIGGRAPH more. Money was always tight, and then when money was no longer tight, time was the limiting factor. Maybe I will go next time it is in LA again, although it sounds like it has changed a lot.

  11. Largento, I downloaded and saved all your comic tutorials if that was what you lost. I still have them on a flash drive somewhere. I'm happy to PM them to you. I found them very useful.

  12. Based on my personal experience, I'd advise anyone against studying art unless you're already independently wealthy.

    You're better off getting a degree in something marketable and then minoring in the arts or pursuing it on your own time.

    Plus, no one will ever say "and hey, if that medical school thing doesn't work out, at least you'll have a nice hobby!".


    And definitely think about the local CC for the first 2 years. It's amazing the difference in cost. No sense paying $400/credit hour (or more!!) for Speech 101 when you can take it at the CC for $40/credit.

  13. Robcat: yes, it would fit in a laptop. Not sure on power consumption, it might consume more than a smaller drive but still less than spinning a platter at 7200 rpm, I'd think.


    Rodney: You may want to look into the Seagate Momentous hybrid drives. They are a regular laptop drive with an 8GB SSD "cache". After the drive "learns" what data you use most, it is nearly as fast as a regular SSD. 512GB SSD is currently the sweet spot as I think you can get them for about $180 on sale. That same amount would maybe get you 1 terabyte hybrid drive.

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