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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by the_black_mage

  1. lol yeah, i thought it was funny too.
  2. looks good, make the scews and question mark on all sides but the top and botom...
  3. actually you could use an environmental map http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l192/the...ngMarble-04.jpg use this as an environmental map, that should improve the render look. have its opacity at around 35
  4. bevel it plz... http://www.ypoart.com/tutorials/bevels-cube.htm
  5. now all it needs is a metallic look(or a gloss paint color), more specularity it looks too plastic, the rims need to be more reflective (there not hubcaps). also 100%reflectivity and specularity in the lights...also make the specularity color white or a very light color... http://dessga.cgsociety.org/gallery/ http://rav.cgsociety.org/gallery/414838 heres a good car render goal...use this as a reference...
  6. lol
  7. it might look better if it had more to reflect off of, try using an image as a surrounding...or even a enviromental map
  8. one more thing... shouldn't the cars be reflective? and another thing, try useing that floor texture as a bump map to distort the reflection, if its a material then make a copie of that material and in the main settings turn the bump percent to 100% and apply it.
  9. i have an idea, one thing that works in other car tutorials is having a 100% absolute white(or ambiance 100%) rectangle above the car as a reflection... though make sure its out of the cameras view though. i think you need more lights, try adding lower intensity lights to lighten the shadows, i would recommend all klieg lights, a key light, and 3 other lights to lighten the shadows. make sure those lights don't cast shadows...
  10. seriously you didn't, in fact it doesn't even look like you used it...is it supposed to be at night? even so i think the lights should be on, some places keep there lights on over night. the lights don't need to be inside have some lamp post out side or some thing.also it would be nice if the horizon was covered up, you know with something like buildings or trees...adding a glowing moon would be a nice effect too...
  11. celtx could help too, its what i use... http://www.celtx.com/
  12. very nice
  13. dude nice, were have you been all this time!! always and dude have been gone for a while too....
  14. you guys have got to see this, its so freaking funny!!!! http://www.flashportal.com/movies/super_ma...ros_z_ep_1.html it goes all the way up to episode 5 it might give some ideas too...(starts watching it)
  15. calm down its not even the final render lol, good to see you back though.
  16. recommended software to make a poster.. http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/ http://www.getpaint.net/ http://www.inkscape.org/index.php http://park18.wakwak.com/~pixia/ http://www.ambientdesign.com/artrage.html any of these should help in making a poster...
  17. yeah i do it....
  18. try rigg tutorial, you'll learn something...
  19. you know what i realized, that fact that you didn't know these were test renders says how good i am with indirect lighting
  20. haha very funny
  21. lol, but seriously i think it would be awsem to play a Mario stage in 3d, seriously i really think people would worship us if we did that lol, but right ofcourse
  22. also if you want inspiration i found this site to day, this guy does the most amazing stuff... also there a possibility that you might start to think allot...personally i realized that i should try animation more often rather than poses... http://www.tysonibele.com/Main/main.htm you can also ask him questions by e-mail too.
  23. yeah, the final render will be more dynamic than this. ever since my art craze which has lasted for the last several months I've been into the wow factor, which is also involved with lights. also if you don't know what the wow factor is, its something i made up. basically it my practices of making drawings or renders that make you say "wow..." weither its the sense of motion, the explosion,to something impossible or to the look of something unimaginable...or even the look of something simple...
  24. i was pretty much talking in after math yaknow... besides it doesn't have to be a full game, wouldn't it be fun to recreate one mario stage in 3d?
  25. lol there is a ceiling lol, its just hard to see cause i don't have a light up there . and nyah the carpet is risen which is why the table looks like its floating...i'll see what i can do. also i kinda like it getting dark, when i see my living room the room isn't exactly bright, and when it is bright its not pleasant. and also as i said the lighting here is just so every things illuminated and to give some what a sense of what the final picture will look like. the final pictures light sources will be from the lamp and the out side... EDIT: does anyone think theres a problem with the tree?
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