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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by detbear

  1. Malo, Are you saying that weights and bones can be imported into A:M from Blender?
  2. It was V.7 in 1999-2000. That's when I started with A:M. Denis the Dog by Anzovin was on the physical disc that shipped. I'm looking at my disc and it confirms 2000. I think I was on windows 95 or 98 with it when I started.
  3. Oooops Again. That first model I uploaded is set up to be "Broken" up. The animation required a Dragon hitting it and the parts flying off. I had to hand key that animation so I set the final model up with separated parts. So the pieces come apart via bones. Here is a version that doesn't have the divided sections. Fokker_Hash_H.mdl
  4. Oooops....You may need these stamps and mats as well: Fokker_Metal.matFokker_gun_metal.matFokker_piston_chrome.mat
  5. When I saw the Trailer for the New Wonder Woman movie, I noticed that they are going to be using the Fokker Eindecker single winged fighter. I have always thought this to be one of the coolest looking fighters from the WWI era. A good number of years ago, I modeled the Eindecker for a short movie clip. It had the same color scheme as the one in the movie. When you open it, you will find on close inspection that it lacks detailed parts. But it is a great start for someone who wants to improve upon it and make it even better and more detailed. Fokker_Hash_J.mdl This is a movie showing the layers of composite in my final film: 2013_Dragon_Attack_Phases.mov Kevin
  6. I probably won't see it on the big screen, but look forward to the streaming release when it happens. Looked like some cool character designs.
  7. Higher resolution greyscale imagery is very important. When I tried to use this wizard, I found that the hardest part was getting a grey scale image of my topography. Without that, you are kind of sunk trying to use the terrain wizard.
  8. That looks really good Ludo_Si. Makes me more interested in 3D Coat than ZBrush. If more streamlines are pursued by A:M, this will be a way to add more to what already exists in A:M without having to build new features. 3D Coat's UV capability is supposed to be Top Notch.
  9. Something must have worked pretty "dog-on" good at one time because "TAK" was an awesome AAA game that appeared to be a springboard for them to be aquired by Disney. I'm sure they had a few tricks to get it to work correctly, but the nuts and bolts were obviously there.
  10. Great work Guys!! Can't wait to see the new image pop up when opening the program.
  11. More than likely they get frustrated and use a different method or software.
  12. I have attampted to do this out of A:M in the past and it isn't easy. It requires many trials and R&D. Camera data exports work best when they are focused on a specific destination or a few. Much like a model exporter. If you hope to get the camera data to After Effects, you need to develop a plugin for AE. Or at least test it to make sure it works. The world space and model scale is interpreted differently in different Apps. So you have to figure out what that size is compared to the Hash export size. We had a VUE camera export that only worked in like V.15. It did a pretty good job, but the scale of the 3D set was different in A:M. I had to experiment a bunch to figure out how to get the two to match. The .MOT export didn't work in the places I tried to use it. Although that could have been improved since 2009 or so. It was probably developed for a specific software and worked in that case. I don't know which one if it was. I think a cam exporter should be developed that works with 3 or 4 target destinations. AFTER EFFECTS would be a great addition. Unity would be another. EVEN a blender option would be great. Whatever brings a good background and effects package into play. Animation is best out of A:M, Maya, Max, Cinema 4D, and Blender.........BUT none of these can produce the fast effects and back drop results like Lumion, Unity, After Effects, etc. Every studio blends these together. We need this option to be investigated without relying on tedious "workarounds" that mostly take way too much production time. JASON: This area needs to be focused on because the more you can layer/ blend Hash with other packages, the more potential users you will have.
  13. Also, there needs to be a way to get rid of the "Spotlight" shadowing. The caustics need to have even lighting over a larger area rather than the circular (Spot)effect.
  14. That is AWESOME RC. Seems like I now recall that you can add mats to lights. I guess you can also animate the Mat too..correct? Anyone have a good Caustic pattern Animation?? That would be helpful for the community also. I think it would bennefit to have a few in the library to use.
  15. I'm not sure if I can make it to the Q&A tomorrow, but I need to create Sea floor caustics. In other apps, this is done by what is known as a "Gobo" light. Basically you use a spotlight{"Kleig") and place an animated image map in front of it. The image is set to only let light pass through the light areas....much like A:M's Transparency Map type. The animated image is pre-created with turbulent combiners to get a Caustic look. When the light shines through the image, it makes caustics on the surfaces below. Has anyone done this in A:M? Can it be done like this in A:M?
  16. Visually it is AMAZING!! Laika is one of the only studios that is taking seemingly large risks by creating "Non sequel" features. The amount of work in their films is astounding. I think they 3D print thousands of face plates for each character.
  17. This is one of those features that has very little in terms of "How To..." A few years ago, I was trying to figure out a way to cut down render times for a very large project. I tried to utilize the lightmap feature, but there was no information as to how to use it, etc. This has much potential to export lighting and adjust it in other compositors. But I don't know how well it works.
  18. It seems quite concerning that functions like this don't work in the newest version. This should not be in V19. So I hope these things will be fixed. Relying on "Backdating" to a previous version more and more is concerning. New users running into these issues will get very frustrated. The last thing they want to do is to have to load other versions and to figure out how to multi- install. It is helpful to be able to step back and get the result from a previous version, but all I'm saying is that it should work in the newest release.
  19. I have bunches of things and ideas, but I couldn't put the proper time into it for a submission this go round. I think possibly next year I will be able to enter.
  20. Unless you are using the GPU aspects of A:M, I think the RAM and processors are the most important. Unless I'm mistaken, A:M is still not a GPU based software. It remains heavily reliant on the Ram for rendering. The CPU rendering in A:M has drastically improved however and render times are quite fast for a "non GPU" engine. If your system has room for throwing a stick or two of ram into it, I would do that. The video card isn't going to do much for you. I hope in the future, A:M can move into a Physically based lighting and rendering world. Until then, the Ram seems most critical.
  21. Hey Fuchur. The 2nd character is a lego version of a black ops zombies character. I made the levitation thingy up. thought it would be funny and/ or interesting.
  22. Hey guys. That means a bunch. Thanks so much!!! Rodney....Thank you!!! That is a very generous compliment. I have a long ways to go to fill those shoes. You are very kind to say that. I'm gonna take a few days to plan the next vid and then get back to it again. Not sure if I'll make the Q&A today. We had some rough weather and there's a lot of cleanup to be done. Fallen trees and things like that.
  23. Hey Everyone. After another month in production, I completed my next Lego Animation for my You Tube Channel. All animations and renders were done in A:M. Post production in AE. I thought that the flooding and Tropical storms were going to keep me from finishing it and posting it today. But I got through it. Here is the link to view it: xhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLl7mjUMmR4 Thanks so much Kevin
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