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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Shelton

  1. This program still amazes me. I have been playing with lighting for when the two love birds finally see each other.
  2. I remember this. I like where you were heading then!! Steve
  3. I look forward to include this on one of the last characters I will be working on Steve
  4. Thanks Steve and David! I forgot to turn on all the settings on both characters. I had to reinstall after hardware issue so here are the two with everything turned on. Steve
  5. Here are the two Love Birds now Steve
  6. New shirt added today. Now onto hair. Steve
  7. Tweaking the jeans for now I am finished other than adding a faded decals Steve
  8. Had some time to play with leather and jean material Steve
  9. Mike I also like the look without the decal. What color and settings do you have ont he jeans? Steve
  10. Good job! I am going to have to model several of those steve
  11. Oh man I am in Texas and I won't be back for a few days. Maybe log in remotely and play looking forward to getting them moving steve
  12. Thanks! Here is one last shot of Stone. I will be gone for a few days for a early Thanksgiving. Will be back first of next week. Steve
  13. It has been a while since I looked at movie maker but you will need some other program to convert the file to avi or mov file Steve
  14. I have tried to get rid of the white spot in the corner of the mouth. I have not been able to rid of all of it. It has to do with sss and the sharp angle of the patch going into the corner of the mouth. Steve
  15. Al That is wonderful. Excellent job Steve
  16. Finally had some time to work on Stone again. Steve
  17. This is perfect timing. I have begun to rig the characters so I will wait for a few more days. thanks Mark for all you do around this forum. It is appreciated. Steve
  18. Good job to both of you. I enjoyed Eddie going postal Steve
  19. Thanks Robert. I want the two main love interest to be closer in age and more real (not realistic). Steve
  20. Added a spline ring around the eye and then wrap across the bridge of the nose. This gave the 5 point patches at the inside of the nose more flexibility. The 5 points were running up the nose and made a sharp break toward the eyes. Now I have the 5 points turn to run with the eye area and wrap onto the nose. Gives smoother transistion to the bridge. Also it let me open the top of the nose wider which is what I was wanting. With the added spline I have more of an eyelid as well and lets me round out the eye area. Also changed the lip area as well to smooth out the corner. It is a bit spline heavy and will have to reduce the mesh some. But I am getting closer to adding the hair Steve
  21. Thanks Mark SSS Base color R 224 G 179 B 129 Settings Red 3 Green 2 Blue 1.75 Density 175% Renders times less than 3 minutes on close ups.
  22. Thanks Steve I hope to have the head finished this weekend and then on to other things Steve
  23. Here is a three quarter. Some cleanup of the chin area and time for the mouth. Steve
  24. Thanks Steve. This Stone is a new character. I will use the old Stone and I have renamed him Rock. He will be in the short as well as a secondary character. Thanks again Steve
  25. I have not had much time the past week but here is a quick update of the revised Stone Steve
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