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Posts posted by alweb

  1. Well,

    I've based my work on the design of the animatics ... but there's not much draw of it so...

    I think more sketches would be necessary to build such big model.

    IMO, bigger the model , more details and design is needed to avoid dissipate in all direction.


    The details are not completed on each side and on every building...I'm still not fix about lot of things so it was a kind of basic model.

    I think like you about the door and it size ... also the reinforcements plank on the door don't help

    It would be better with something else ? iron plate or ?



    Al :)


    PS : of course it should be a forest all around ...

  2. Hi

    Here is what I've done so far about the Yoop Castle.


    I wasn't sure about where I'm going with this castle ...;) so it's time for comments and critiques

    I'm posting a picture and the project files , if someone wish to add things or want to go further in the modeling go ahead... take the files.


    Maybe I'm totaly out of the track with this design so... lets discuss it


    I've made a tree, not completed NB:I pose it in skeletal mode by moving bones with manipulators and the ctrl key ...to move geo at the same time.


    I'll work on the Yoop kitchen proxy... it'd be better use at this time.






  3. If his doorknobs are/were 6+5.6+4.5 feet high, then he was high enough for me! ;)


    I'm on a lull with Yoop for a while as I've other (non AM) projects to complete. I'm also abit bogged down with her clothes. It's hard to model it when I don't know how it's going to react.

    But I'll get motoring on her again soon....


    Hi Ken

    Of course we understand...

    Don't worry about the size, Yoop can scale up and down at her wish.


    About her clothes...don't worry again, model what you can and a rig-guys would take her and install cool dynamics... the skirt, the sleeves, necklace and jowels, tail , cap , hair, fantail , some fats area , ears...all those are place where dynamics and special rig would look funny ( 8-9 !)


    Same thing with the hair material ...you can make the hair geo and let someone else do the hair material ?


    it's up to you Ken ... don't hesitate to ask for help , you do a great work and I'm sure some folk would be please to help you if you ask for.

    I'm also available if you need me for something.


    keep the faith ! ;)


  4. Hi,

    I would like to start something for the Yoop castle...

    But I would need help for element like trees , forest around , plants and other special effect like grass , sky, texture and so on. There's lot of space for collaboration on this...


    I would do a basic set-up of the castle and do the integration of misc stuff or/and pass-it on for more effect?


    It could be fun ? Is it sound good ?



  5. 20 feet brings Tinman level with halfway up her skirt. She'll appear even bigger (they'll be smaller) when they're transformed.


    Alain, is this tooth the level of detail you're looking for?


    perfect Ken! :)

  6. What do you think of these teeth Alain? Front and side views.



    Well not bad Ken... Is that a modified version of those I've sent you as starting point ?


    Maybe you should enlarge the canines ? base your choice with the facial sketches me and Bob have provided... it show some details ;)

    I think theet was more squary exept for the cannines.

    Also add some theet in the back (molar) and be sure to have enough gum/theet geometry going into the mouth to get all the lenght of it...



    And what about the inside top of the mouth ? roof ?(sorry don't know the word;))

    and the inside of cheeks ? IMO you should made a complete inside mouth in one block...including tongue and throat.


    Just don't attach it to the lips if you wish...so it'll be easier to select...

    Yoop is a big mouth ... she'll speak loud and laught open wide often so some details on her mouth would be welcome .


    PS:see this ref ? , it show a side cut of a inside mouth geo.



    PS2:Also , no need to model the teeth with the gum in the same mesh, like I've done into mine

    ...if you prefere to put the theet on the gum as two separate mesh elements ...it'd be as good.




  7. Is this the idea for the belt Alain?


    look great Ken !...have you plan something to attach them together?




    ps ... ho ! maybe they can be attach or stick to an underlying leather belt ?

  8. Working on the dress. I don't know if this spline arrangement would work. Anyone know? Need more splines? What about the tail area?


    Also, Alain, is the jewelery like round beads? The ones round the neck and waist.


    Hi Ken,


    My first tought about that skirt would concern the lenght...

    I mean, is the bottom of the skirt should be perfectly straight horizontally ?

    Maybe the bottom should be higher on the back ? ( in side view )

    and higher a bit on the side ?( in front view )... to follow the upper line of the waist ?

    I'm not wearing skirt too often so ...maybe some girls out there should get us straight about this issue ?



    About the density of the mesh...if we go for a clothe simulation (... I'm not competent on that sphere)

    so if some clothes simulator (I'm not talking about nudism ! ) can do a test with that mesh , It'll be great...


    At first view , I would not put a clothe simulation on all the skirt but just in the bottom half... 2/3 ?

    The upper part should have some ply modeled to get the "drapé" effect needed .

    ...but this is just my opinion and I'm not an expert at all of CS.


    Ken, you can get an assistant (special effect freak!) for this part if you wish. :)


    -The jewelery:

    for the waist belt , it's look like golden oval plate of different size...something like a TexMex desperado belt ?

    (some textured incrustration would be nice on that )

    ...necklace and other stuff are to your discretion...beads or other ideas can be fine !

    ...dragon's claw ? pigmee reduced head ? naaa ....



    I'll try some color sketches soon...and keep you posted...


    PS: about the tail...just made a straight vertical cut into the skirt...the skirt pans should close together under the skirt...




  9. Hi

    Just want to add that this rig ROCKS !

    I've found it very friendly to use and it give lot of finness and flexibility to the character.

    haven't found bugs or details at this time.

    Great work !




    My questions would be more about installing this rig into a new characters.

    -how much time it take you to do it ?

    -Do you start with a character who already have a basic bone set-up ?

    -Do you move particular sets of bones to adjust and scale the rig to a new character ?

    -Any plan for a fast tut on that issue




  10. NB: Are you able to make a better lighting of the render ?


    Sure. What do you want it? Brighter?



    Don't know ...put a front light at least...now we see the shadow side...so it hide details

    it's up to you... put a spot on her ??




  11. In the animatics, who is the story we work on , Mrs Yoop is scalable...

    When she talk to woot she scale down to his size and when she wanna scare , she scale up.

    So the real size of Yoop is not really known but she definitively live in a big castle...

    so set should be quite big ... designed for a 30 ft tall giant ? not sure ... seem a bit too much... 12 to 15 fts is quite big too ? 0f course Yoop can be bigger and have her head to touch the roof...???good question.


    Maybe Bob can give some presisions on that ?


    PS: I think size is important regarding texture resolution isn't it... scale down character is better than make it bigger...Yoop would have more high res map used...




  12. Got that done. Any word on the question about her teeth Alain?


    PS I assume we're putting cloth on top of her? Or not?


    Ken, about her teeth , just one thing be sure to split the lips from the gums...

    here a quick sketches on that issue...


    Clothes ... ?

    The skirt would be over the pants for sure ( possible clothe simulation)... the apron too .

    But the shirt should be modeled isn't it ? what do you think ? it will simplify a lot ...just made the neck of the shirt

    She also need , the cap , the belt , the neck fan thing, some jowels


    what about some ribbons laced around her calf/ankle like Conan the barbarian ?


    PS: Is your render is from a camera ? it seem to have some focal lenght who confuse proportion to my eyes .... Would it be better to use the front /side view ? ... the same rendering you use before was just perfect

    it's a lot easier for me to look the progress made in that orthographic view over rotos...but keep the camera render to show an overall of the model...





  13. Nice details Ken !


    Here some tweak I've made in photoshop over you last render .

    Mainly around the mouth , chin and fat ....

    I'm also posting the psd file so you would be able to " flip" between layers

    of my tweaks and your render... it help to see differences.


    PS : if you can reduce the iris of the eyes ? or just make it a lighter color and preserve only the pupil in black ?it would give another look of the character...more evil .


    Good work so far ! :)





    wanna add : bigger(longer) arm and shoulder would help ... , make the forearm and hands proportionally longer like a great ape have ... it would make her more bestial


    Nice creasing effect under the tits !... maybe a fat creasing line around the waist to split with the skirt/pants with the torso would be nice too ?






  14. She remind me...

    The Grinch who stole christmas with Jim Carrey ? , also the TV show with the dinosaurs who had replaced human ?






    Mrs Yoop reminds (a lot) of a character that I have seen before. I can't quite remember where I saw her before. Anyone else getting a dejavue - matrix glitch?

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