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Posts posted by alweb

  1. I wonder, those turkey have no wings ?

    I never see one in real life, only frozen in plastic bag but I remember that they got wings ...

    ...without feathers but ? huh ?


    never mind !




  2. We need layers to do that .so we could turn off the complex model ,animate with the simple proxy then when were satisfied with the action render out with the full model.rapid iteration is everything when your trying to perfect acting.




    Note that you got the "object draw mode"option for each model shortcut in choreography who can help with speed.

    You're right , using a proxy character would be the way to go IMO.

    especially with complex action scene with more than 2 characters.


    ...but I would suggest to build the proxy character from the rigged near final one.

    That way you can just delete useless stuff, reduce mesh , keeping all the rig intact and preserve important part like hands and those who interact with other characters in action.


    And as should be , switch shortcut to the detailed one at final render.


    my 2 cent on this ;)


  3. Im actually concerned that we need proxys for the characters as well the are gorgious but heavy and proxys animate fast.In the past weve parented the proxys to the bones and switched out layers .Unfortunatly we dont have layers in AM




    Are you thinking about a kind of full proxy "animatic" step ?

    Something roughtly animated to replace the storyboard animatic ?

    ( without lipsynch, detailed facial , lights, texture, dynamic and effect etc )



  4. Very nice Alain. How are these proxies going to work? We'll start animating on them but what if the real models aren't exactly the same. You might have a wall where there isn't one in the proxie. Or the steps might be slightly different......


    Hi Ken,


    Well I'm not sure how it'll work, it's an important point .

    Personnally , if I animate , I'll stick my animation work to the proxy and as modeler I'll also stick to the proxy.


    As for steps, I'd take the "proxy step model" and use it as a starting point for a detailed modeling.

    Or paste my "detailed step model" into a new model where a "proxy step" has been already pasted and make correction to fit the proxy steps etc. ... that way I'd just have to paste it back right in place into the "detailed setup model".

    the "detailed setup model" would be in that case a copy of the "proxy setup model".


    Another solution would be to make every element a separate model and compose the proxy setup into choreography...that way you replace "proxy model" by "detailed model" right in the choreo.

    ... In that case I would still start my detailed modeling from the proxy model to keep position and size accurate in the setup.


    BTW: Where were you with that Yoop character ?




  5. Are we still going with the sideways sliding mechanical door?


    We still have the issue of the window. The sliding door will slide over the window on the inside.


    I know we all love that mechanical door... but...


    Vernon "!" Zehr


    Good point Vern !

    Is the window cause a problem to the sliding door ?

    I mean ,the door can slide over the window on the inside...



    ...maybe a window would be moved, reduced or erased ?

    Or the house enlarge a bit...


    We got some room to play...


    Vern, if you want to add , modify this proxy setup please do so.

    You already have a good idea of it by working on the inside and your

    point of view are very welcome


    Just keep in mind the inside proxy done by Bob




  6. Alain,


    Very, very cool!


    How many patches? Is it light enough to work with quickly?




    Thanks Jim

    Well, the files are include... I think it is light enough.

    I prefere to put more than less , that way the element can be use as starting point and you still able to delete extra element or split the thing and keep only what's needed to a particular shot.


    On that set, I presume the big trunk and the landscape mesh can be reduced . ...some house detail trashed.

    I use Yves's primitives a lot...maybe lighter basic element can be use too ?


    If some animator find it to loud to work with keep me posted about that aspect so I'd suggest a workaround or make an update



    NB: I set bones into proxy so you can move trees



  7. Nice modeling David ! :)


    I'm not sure if that this design/landscape would fit in the animatics point of view ?

    but the castle elements and landscape are great !

    Would you try to get an "animatic" camera shot from your castle?



    Great work again !


  8. When you mention that the castle needs to be scaled 200%, does that mean the castle will be even bigger in relation to the scarecrow in pic three? Just wondering.


    No, In fact in the proxy choreo , the scarcrow has been scaled down to 50%.

    Yoop castle mesh should be scaled up to 200 % so character will be ok at 100% in choreo.


    I've put some bones in the proxy model , element like trees and building can be move and adjusted.




  9. Here is yoop castle2 proxy


    NB: The castle should scale up to 200% to fit with scarecrow size.

    I haven't do it for now cause I didn't want to resize my camera and lignting setup.


    There is 3 cameras that show 3 scenes in the animatic...they can be split in 3 choreo further.










  10. Just a note


    Remember that this is just a "proxy" set-up

    Proxy are models used temporarly by animator to place there work.( for those who ask ;))

    The model will be replace by the official design later...

    like , walls, fireplace, candelabre, table etc etc.


    Of course , I've put some design and light into it...so it won't be just box

    I found it more funny to do and it can be a starting point for further official modeling.




  11. hope you see what I mean...


    I got you on most of it.....


    The skirt is big in the front view....do you mean her hips? I think it looks ok, but maybe they're overly large. Bob what say you?


    So, the fan thing. Is it part of a cape or no? A dracula cape?


    Bonnet? Is that her hat in the drawing?


    Finally a suggestion....It's getting kind of squashed round her neck area. So, putting in the medallion necklace is going to be tricky. What about if it was part of the apron? Maybe a magic broach that gives it power? If not, let me know.


    ok cool !

    A dracula cap would be nice ? do what you wish

    a bonnet ?... would be the kind of hair net or hat she got on the head...?


    Your suggestion seem good to me, since the mesh of that area would be tricky to adjust enough.

    Note that a necklace would disapear under the neck fat if its small ...but it's up to you.


    Is there magic in the medallion ?...



  12. Hi Ken,

    some comments...


    about the collar(fan):

    it would be part of her shirt and fall over her back as a marine shirt ....like popeye

    maybe the tip of it would have a zigzag shape like a chinese paper fan ?


    about the shirt collar(neck):

    an idea: you can cut/detach the head from the torso ? that way you'll have a free circular spline to make a little collar for her shirt ? just add a couple of spline to finish the neck going inside the shirt ?

    the back of this collar would be the fan thing ? who fall over the cap when she's happy.


    hope you see what I mean...;)


    about the apron :

    Should it be longer ? , falling more over the skirt...with some lace details around ?(in texturing step?)


    about the sleeve:

    ..make a tight sleeve end would be just fine, with some jowels and bracelet it should do the job right.


    about the cap:

    It is a piece of garnment , maybe she won't wear it all the time ? so it should be on and off

    If you can model it with a lace to attach it around her neck, it'll be cool


    about the belt:

    I think you've not completed it at this time isn't it ?

    I'm wondering about its placement around the waist ? should it be placed higher ?

    especially at the back ?


    about the skirt:

    in front view , there's something... skirt look very large ? is it cause of the clothe simulation processs ?

    so the skirt have to be larger than the underlying body for the simulation?


    -maybe the waist fat should fall more over the waist skirtline...cause of the skirt rubber band who tight her waist! ;)



    other stuff:

    IMHO...the pants line are to heavy , look much like ring...should be thinner. color and texture will do the rest


    that's all ...lot of stuff I know ;) take what you want of it.

    hope this help a bit


    Thanks :)







    I think the collar is part of the cape.


    I think.




    It could be ... I see this kind of clothe ....like a dracula type cap ...


    Is she still wearing a "bonnet" on her hair ?...



  13. Good draws Bob !

    I think Yoop mesh can provide this kind of flexibility...

    It seem to me in the sketches that she have dark eyesbrow ?

    this would be add to the model ? geo or hair ?


    Also she got ear rings ! cool !;)




    PS : Bob can you make more draws of the Yoops castle ? the design is not very defined

    And it would help a lot...

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