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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

nino banano

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by nino banano

  1. Jaff hey .. great animation, very smooth, only 2 minor remarks: 1 .- When the legendary legs takes over the head of the opponent are not very open press his head, maybe a little to close his legs to be seen to be really pushing this 2 .- when the legendary is pressing the opponent head and they are turning it means that the legendario is charged... looks like unbalanced, take care the center of gravity of them, just moving back the opponent, so, on having pulled the legs to knock down the opponent, the hands of the legendary cross the opponent and stay over as if legendary one was on him, takes care of these details... ... but very well done, I see a great improvement in your team of animators .. congratulations hola Jaff..estupenda animacion, muy fluida solo 2 pequeñas observaciones: 1.- cuando el legendario lleva las piernas sobre la cabeza del rival se ven muy abiertas no presiona la cabeza, quizas cerrar un poco las piernas que se vea que realmente le esta presionando 2.- cuando el legendario esta presionando la cabeza del rival y esta girando se entiende que este lo esta cargando y se ve desvalanceado...cuida el centro de gravedad de ambos, quizas inclinando un poco hacia atras al rival...y cuando baja las piernas estas deben de jalar la cabeza del oponente para derribarlo, cuando lo hace, las manos del legendario atraviesan al personaje y quedan por arriva del aponente como si este lo cargara, no se nota cuando lo agarra solo hasta el final, cuida esos detalles...pero muy bien animado veo un gran progreso en tu equipo de animadores..felicidades
  2. nice magic first pass, xtaz...
  3. thanks so much for share us this project kronos...it´s very helpfully..gretings muchas gracias por compartir este proyecto con nosotros compañero...es muy util..saludos
  4. Hey thanks...are you going to join in or what? Sure I´m in...I´m working some ideas...I´m going to post it later
  5. it´s amazing Nancy...good feathers movement..I like so much the model, so the colors as well...
  6. Hey dagooos nice animating...very well done..
  7. THE RULES: -participants will make a unique cartoon/movie with the ball entering screen-left(your left) interacting in the screen (whatever you want) and exiting screen right. -participants can enter as many as they want. -movie parameters: 864W X 486H @ 30 frames-per-second (3 second minimum/9 maximum)... we will place this on Youtube HD. The final copy will also be made available at D1 letterboxed resolution for those wishing to burn a DVD. - A 'ball' will be made available as a common file. However, those wishing to use their OWN model as the 'ball' can do so. -Movie files will be sent via electronic delivery by JUNE 1, 2009. ( to a yet undetermined address) If these rules sound 'jiggy' with everyone...away we go! ________________________________________________________________________________ The rules are ok for me
  8. [quote name='3DArtZ' post='296527' date='Mar 19 2009, 10:47 AM' is it cool to use v13 or v14? What about the V11.5...it`s the version I have...
  9. Hi xtaz...nice dog model...good luck in the contest...
  10. looks like fun... I´d like to join..
  11. Hi Cronos ...great character ...thanks for share it...
  12. great work soulcage, you really inspire to me...greetings
  13. Hi Slice..I like the shot, the balls looks pretty well too...see you
  14. Hi paul...good work.. I like a lot ...greetings
  15. Hi Jaff...very well done... I agree with Paul and Rodney ....good luck in the contest...send my regards to all there...see you
  16. Hi agep..this is a great model...very well done...greetings
  17. great model Eric...how many patches does it have?
  18. Hi Masna, Its a nice image, I like the foliage´s tree..can you post the wires...
  19. Nice modeling dailan 1...I like the head, torso,pelvis proportions
  20. it`s an awesome theater serg2 ..I like a lot this render
  21. Hi agep this velociraptor is amazing..great work ...so the walk is fine as well
  22. Hi tralfaz...nice modelling..keep ahead whit it...greetings
  23. nino banano


    Hi Xtaz..nice model... it`s a great soccer player...the uniform seems lite to the santos team, ...good work...
  24. it`s a great model Eric, I like it so much...very detailed...congrats...
  25. Hola Cronos, que bueno que estes en este proyecto, me sustan mucho las texturas, solo hay que trabajar un poco mas con las luces...saludos a todo el equipo de motion mx... Hi Cronos, good for you to be in this project, I like the textures so I think you have to work a little more with the ligths...send my regards to the motion mx team...
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