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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. Thanks Ken,


    I don't really need to recover the pose I just need to delete it. The only time I had trouble pasting mirrored keyframes is after the pose became corrupt. On new poses it worked fine. Tough one to report though I'm not sure what was causing the poses to become corrupt. I'm thinking it was while saving them but not sure.

  2. Just watched Marks video. I'll do the Tin Servant's face if someone isn't working on it already.


    Will assign it to you in dotProject - you should get a task notice via email shortly.




    OK just finished installing the face rig on the Tinservant. Seems to work well, although I did run into a little problem along the way about 3/4 through the rigging I started losing a couple of my poses. I ended up with one bad pose I couldn't delete.Its not hurting anything I just renamed it (bad relationship) haha.

    Should I just wait for alpha 5 to come out so I can delete the pose before I upload it to SVN?

  3. All you would have to do is strip down the original models (remove splines and remove/disable any dynamics). But that's probably not going to help much, the slow down is more likely the result of a very complex rig. Besides, you basicly already have a proxy model, his name is Thom, he's in the TWO rigs folder. I'll try stripping down a model to see if it will help any.


    It may have something to do with version 13 also. I noticed a substantial slowdown of realtime playback when we switched to version 13. In v12 I could get realtime playback of 30 fps with scarecrow model now its down to about 10fps but it might be a video card thing too.

  4. I need a little clarification on something, please. When keying the squetch rig I keep getting error messages about constraint targets and then A:M shuts down. Here's what's been happening (and it's very possible I'm just doing something wrong).


    1. Select all of the control bones and nulls at once using shift/click.

    2. Set the rotate, and translate filter keys to on (none of the rest of the filters), and key bone.

    3. Shift/click the force keyframe button, and select "In all filtered channels".


    Bam... A:M gives the error message "Exception #031. Problem getting constraint target direction." and shuts down.


    This happens every time, and sometimes gives different constraint names as the problem. I've tried using other filter keys as well.


    I'm in version 12.0p.


    Any hints?


    This is a bug in version 12. You cant key more then one bone like that. I reported it and Noel is working on it.

  5. Is there anyway to hide the face camera? When you turn on pose Hide_ Face camera is still visible and is a little distracting when animating from another camera. If not would it be possible to add another on/off pose to the rig that translates the camera out of view?

  6. What was the render time?

    When I had done the bellagio fountains, I think the highest time it got to was around 15 minutes per frame at 4 passes (or maybe it was abuffered rendering can't remember) 640x480. Most of the frames were more in the 8 or 9 minute time. There were quite a few sprites moving around on that.



    In the A:M world it gets up to 30 feet. But it looks to be the consensus that it appears much higher than this. I think 50 or 60 feet would be tops before air resistance takes its toll. Plus with the technology of the TWO characters, it's amazing they knew about water pressure at all. Is it the fattening of the mist or the speed at which everthing travels that makes it look 50+ feet?


    That does look good

    I'm guessing its the camera angle makes it look like its off in the horizon and the slow side to side movement that makes it look so big.

  7. WOW great short!

    I really liked everything about it. character designs, lighting, sound effects animation style all seem to work really well together.

    I agree you could have shortened it up some but most 3d shorts of this length I cant even watch all the way through because they are so slow paced and boring. You did a good job of keeping it interesting and fun to watch.

    Looking forward to seeing your next short.

  8. That's a great test animation, David. It's good to see the Hand Gizmo in action and I'm glad my rigging is useful to you.




    Yep, great addition to the rig. IMO it will get used quite a bit. Makes animating the hands less of a tedious process.

    Will come in real handy B)

    Nice job

  9. Hi guys, WONDERFUL model. I had a little spare time today and DL'd it to try to do a little 'scarecrow-ey' walk but I could'nt get too far without a crash, here's what I did (3X):


    -Opened model in A:M V11.1i(on a PC)

    -Made new action for model

    -Played with/posed model for first frame of walking.

    -Then I was going to make a 'Key Model' keyframe on a frame further down the line (1:10ish)...upon hitting the 'key model' button in the lower left of the app I crashed, over and over.


    If you can't recreate this or I am missing a crucial pose switch or should'nt be nosing around here anyhoo then...nevermind.


    Yep, just recreated it here. strange works fine in v12

  10. I think the eyebrows can get the poses in Bob's sketches but it may require a few additional sliders. The FACE nulls can hit the most common poses that will probably be needed.


    The distortion box looks cool. I have never used one outside the modeling window so I am not sure how to implement one. Does it work based on hierarchy? Or does it just distort whatever mesh it encompasses? In Dagoos' example, if Scarecrow had his hat on how would that have been affected?




    The distortion box is based on hierarchy. It will distort whatever bone its constrained to and its children. So the hat could be set up either way. Other then that I don't know much about them, today was first time I really checked them out.

  11. Nice Rig!


    Are you going to be adding a distortion box to the rig? So you can hit the poses Bob has sketched.

    I played around with it a little today could have used a little higher resolution on the box.





  12. Okay, try these arms and see if the IK/FK switch works for you...it appears to, at least in the testing I did. To move the elbows in IK, rotate the bicep using the roll handle. The shoulders are now manipulated using the shoulder controls only. The arms won't move outside of the center of the arm either. I'll be on the legs next...hopefully I'll get it done tonight.


    Bingo....nice job

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