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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. FYI, this is sped up. I did this animation. Take a look at it in the SVN folder. It's significantly slower. I think what happened was that I animated at 30fps and then we reduced it to 24fps. I've had some issues getting A:M to switch frame rates. When I change them in the settings panel, nothing changes on the timeline. Suggestions?


    Try changing the frame rate by selecting the project icon in the PWS and then changing the frame rate in the properties panel.

  2. That looks great David. This was my first scene that I worked in TWO. Glad to see it near complete. I was working on this same scene today, thankfully I saved it under a different project and movie name. I am thankful that its in your good hands :)


    Hah, I Did not know you were still working on this shot. I can pass it back to ya if you want or you can keep working on yours, not a problem. theres lots of other shot I can work on :D Just let me know what you want to do.



  3. Hi Ken,


    Bob Taylor gave me some really good pointers a while ago on this shot. I thought I would pass it along in case you missed it.


    David most acting is reacting even though he's telling the universe his feelings its the guys around him who should react to his promises.Its like a guy telling his buddys of his new plans he'd look left and then right at them then finally at the stars and they should respond accordingly with agreeing nods or what ever says we agree or comedically "like what a jerk".Even though the dial is sleepy Tin can punch cartain thoughts in the dullness with fist accents or with determined head nods.The point is the less he does and the more they do the more youll tend to believe the cornball dial.I think i might straighten his crown on his head on the line rather than present it to the stars. look in the mirror, long speeches really force us to see our own acting. Something new and meaningful usually imerges rather than pulling it out from our internal acting instincts.thats why alot of animators work in the same room with each other to observe each other at these times.Just passing thru hope it help s.Incidentally in my oridginal storyboard i got off him and cross faded to music and got to the long shot as quickly as i could just because io felt it was alittle long winded but neccesary to show his intentions.


  4. Hi Peeps



    Been tweaking on this shot where Woot tells his Mom hes going to the tin castle.

    Mostly been working on Woot and started on his Mom. Haven't touched the duck yet.

    also been playing around with lighting and camera angles and different props.








  5. Hi Stephen,


    Just watched this again. The overall quality and all the little details its amazing this was done by one person.


    The little wings on that guys hat hilarious!


    Have you had any commercial interest in this yet?



  6. Very funny :lol:

    The animation was extremely good and the modeling of the rabbit was superb.

    Im sure this will be the Butt of many jokes. :lol:



    but I can't take credit for the model. I know Bob Taylor did the concept sketch. I'm not sure who modeled it but Agree awesome Job!

  7. Hey Dagoos, you oughta submit that to Spike and Mike's Festival of Sick and Twisted Animation. I think it could make it in.



    robcat, this is the rabbit from the TWO movie (or was), the ears have dynamics set, unless he turned them off and animated them.


    I suppose if I said I like Santa Claus you'd tell me that was all a trick too.


    I just checked out their web site some extremely cool stuff there. I have to get that DVD now!


    Thanks for the link!

  8. Hi,


    I've got Woot static in the background so I'll return to him tomorrow to give him some life, but here's my first take at KuKlip giving his line. That desk of KuKlip's is so close to him, did anyone else have trouble with his right arm constantly going through it? I know KuKlip's a little on the chubby side but he probably needs a little more space on that landing! :P




    That looks good. He really does look like hes thinking back! Nice acting choices. He looks like he does just enough.

  9. Hey, thanks for all the feedback!


    It is the TWO rabbit. The ears were dynamics makes this character fun to animate, a lot of free animation.

    I just animated the main contol bone and dynamics did the rest.


    I think I will try this as a HAMR project. I know I will have to make a few changes. What you cant see on screen isn't pretty. I will probably just scale the character down to 0 when your not suppose to see him.



    Hey David, your animation skills are coming along great! I've been checking your stuff whenever you post. The 12 fps things you've been experimenting with remind me of the Ardmann (sp?) stop-mo style a bit.


    From one of your previous posts I got the impression that you subscribe to Keith Lango's VTS service.... am I correct? I've been scooping up as much character animation training material as possible and it's fun to see how the pros work.... very helpful in figuring out the workflow of animation. Just wondered if you'd been following him too?




    Thanks Mark,


    I don't know what it is but I hear the Aardman's comment all the time. Even my daughter who is five

    said that as soon as she saw a Aardman's commercial. I think for the most part it maybe I use too many keyframes and sometimes leave a lot of interpolation on linear.


    Nope, I haven't subscribed to Keith Lango's VTS service but I did read his article on timing and spacing. Really enjoyed that. You just don't hear anyone talking about spacing in 3d weird.


    If you don't have it already...Preston Blair's character animation book is awesome. I litterly wore the cover

    off mine. It's not a 3D book but It really teaches how to animate not just 3d tricks.

    So for scooping up character animation training thats all I can say. (its all I have)

    Ohh and watching lots of Ren & Stimpy :lol:

  10. OK, I couldn't find the problem. I think it has something to do with him spinning around. Since it seems to work before that fine. I made another action spun the character around and both legs worked fine.

    So....I attached the project file if one of you guys get a chance to look at it.







  11. Good expressions overall. But I still think he takes on too many poses. He is spending a lot of energy just to say this line. Also, having him cross both his leg and his arms reads as if he wanted to shy away from the conversation and trying to protect his body from a verbal attac. This is a very closed (I would even say stuck-up) body posture. Not an assured royal body posture in any way. I would avoid having Tin Woodman - King of the Winkies - to adopt closed body postures.



    You given me some food for thought. I was trying to give him a little snobbish look just because thats how I animated him in a previous shot. But your probably right its not very fitting.

  12. In the anticipation pose her right hand is hidden by her head. If you turned her torso a little so the hand went back behind the head it would read much better.

    also you might want to pose your character on the first frame in a crouching position.

    Are all you guys power animating or just you? :D

  13. PS. does anyone know if there is a way to render a .mov on two's?


    There may be an easier way (batch rendering with utility or Netrender for instance) but... for the rest of us there is this:


    In your Render settings type in something like this for the range:


    1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,... ...,10,10


    It had been so long since I did this I thought I should test to make sure it still works.

    Worked fine on 4s (1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3 etc.).


    The only strange thing noted was that the first sequence of 4 seemed to only have 3 frames.

    This might be due to the frame 0 being dropped in MOV files? Dunno.


    One of the nice things now is that you can save your cameras externally as .CAM files.

    In this way you could set up a series of cameras with settings like this (named appropriately of course for easy finding) for resuse.


    Love the Rabbit animation! :)



    Thanks Rodney, Worked liked a charm




    All this discussion has me confused about what the goal is but there are a few ways to mess with the speed of the action.


    You can set A:M to render every other frame in the render panel (frame range-> step = 2)


    You could render twice as many frames by doubling the project framerate. I think that rendering straight to a quicktime movie will just make a .mov with a higher framerate but you can render a .tgs sequence and then open the sequence at whatever speedyou want.


    You could also just scale all your keyframes in the timeline.


    Hi Rhett,

    no real goal here, I just wanted to try animating at 12fps on two's. Like the old cartoons. Thought this would be a good time to try it since I have keyframes on almost frame anyway.

  14. Nice, David! If you could either post an Action that shows the problem you're getting with the leg or send one to either Mark Skodacek (if he has time) or myself we can take a look at it. I'm at the end of my "day", so it would be late Friday/early Saturday before I would be able to get to it.


    As for rendering on twos, couldn't you render out every other frame as Targas (even numbers), copy them to another folder and rename them as the odd numbered frames and combine them in another folder? It seems like it would work...or maybe I've got something backwards, or something.


    Thanks David, I will post an action here and if one of you guys get a chance you could look at it.

  15. I like the theatrical and balet dancing movements. I think it is a good idea in this sequence because it is a Tin Woodman recollection of the past and it looks like he is romanticizing the images he have of it. I particullarly enjoy the elegance of the arm and hand movements and positions.


    The whole sequence seems to happen too quickly though. They sort of defy the laws of gravity. Nick jump, in particular happens so quickly that it looks sudden. Since this is a dreamy and romantisized recall sequence, I thought that Nick could jump much more slower than reality would allow it, like if he was flying in the air in slow motion. Nimmie knealing down, however, does have an appropriate timing. If Nick jumped at about the same pace, I think it would read better.


    Moving the collar bones on the characters will help with the large arm movements. Nick, in particular, when he raises his arm around frame 160, really need his collarbone to be raised as well. Right now, it looks like he is braking his shoulder articulation. Arms cannot really raise above 90° without involving the collarbone.


    C'est du bon travail.


    Hah, great shot, you have some really good poses there and I like the look she gives the camera first. She does look a little strong though that way she chucks that axe but can definitely see what you are going for. You found a shot where you can sneak in a little of your style ;)

  16. Hi, animated this little test last night. I was experimenting animating at low frame rates. This one is at 15 fps. I'm having an issue with the characters left leg, still trying to figure that one out.

    Anyway thought it looked kind of funny. That Rabbit is a cool character I hope he is still in the movie!





    PS. does anyone know if there is a way to render a .mov on two's?





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