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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. Thanks Guys for all the comments!


    @ Paul Forwood - I do have alot of dynamics in the short just not on this character though :) I think it would be nice though to have the belly wiggle just a bit. Maybe I will try to add this with a dynamic constraint and some smartskin or something. The flower I will probably just animate by hand.


    @dimos - Damn, thats got to be the best compliment I have ever got. Thank you

  2. Thanks for all the comments!



    David - that looks great.  Nice and clean with lovely weight, anticipation and followthrough.


    Just some personal observations though. 

    1.  On entry I get the feeling he is running from something (or bing chased) and he is puffed out.  Not sure why you have him banging his head.


    2.  You tell the story very well from there on but I am a little confused where his attention actually is.  At some points it is definitely off stage left and at other points I feel he is looking at me - the viewer - but other times I'm just not real sure.


    3.  Did you consider having the flower bend into this nose when he took the real deep sniff?



    Thanks for the comments David. Good to see you back!


    1. you are pretty close


    2. I agree about the eyes his attention should be going off stage left but they seem to be floating around now


    3. yep the flower was doing exactly that but seem to have lost it somewhere down the line. Will check that out.



    Oh, yeah! It's good to see more of your work, David. Very nice! Did he miss getting picked up by a car at the beginning? Is that why he looked depressed? I love the snappy poses and little details like his toes wiggling when he jumps.


    I'm really looking forward to the final animation,



    Thanks Jim,


    I know the shot doesn't make much sense now. It was just a random shot I picked out thinking it wouldn't give too much away.

    but I can say this guy defiantly doesn't need a car :lol:



    Where have you been hiding?  :lol:

    I cant really say but I have been watching you like a hawk :P



    Very good so far.  I really like the setting and the colors.  In particular I like how you're animating him, very Warner-ish.  I'd love to see his eyes pop out of his head when he spots her (or whatever he spots).  I think the tongue reads very well.  Keep on it man.  I'll raise a cup of coffee to you while I'm working on mine.  :)



    Hi Doug,


    That made my day. Warner-ish is exactly what I am trying for with lots of cartoon sound effect stuff.



  3. Hi, ya all


    For the last three weeks I have been putting a ridiculous amount of time into my first short


    It's called "CLOTHESLINE"


    It's a romantic comedy about a sex starved desert roaming psycho :)


    I have 8 shots done, well almost done I still have to go back and fix intersections and what not (out of 10) and may add a couple more but at this point I am pretty sure I will finish, if I keep making enough coffee :)


    It will be about two minutes long, includes three characters and be rendered in version 12 to take advantage of the new composite and cloth features.


    oh, and its timed to Rush 2112


    This is the third shot


    shot 3

  4. When you release TSM2 with scripting language. Will you be able to write a script that will convert a TSM1 Rig into a TSM2 rig? I have a ton of characters rigged with TSM1 that would love to be updated to take advantage of the new features of TSM2.

    It would also be cool to have a script that converts the AM2001 rig.


    I was just curious if you guys were thinking of this?



  5. Love this guy and the set looks terriffic.  This is a neat idea to eliminate the legs, thereby eliminating all those joint/rigging worries.  Maybe I'll design all my characters this way and also eliminate the shoulders !  hehe


    Anyhow, he's loaded with personality.  Is he magical somehow? 



    Thanks Doug


    I think you may be on to something.


    For some reason I have always been a fan of characters with invisible arms and legs. Back in the old days you used to see a lot of them because there just weren't any good deformation tools. Now only the lazy people make them :D


    I not sure if this is a magical character or not. Just wanted to add a prop for more interesting pose

  6. Hi Nat


    This is looking really good!


    Maybe you could change it up a little so the hands don't twin as much


    Just a personal opinion but you may want to tone down the hand gestures a little (its a pretty mellow clip) and concentrate more on the facial stuff.


    if you changed the camera angle a little you could get some stronger poses


    especially on that squirrel.


    Looks like you have some great acting in there. I really like the facial stuff


    good luck

  7. Thanks for all the comments!


    The arms and legs were just fill ins I grabbed off another model. (the arms weren't shaggy's but off of the famous KeeKat)


    My original sketch had all rounded features and no legs. I have tried to keep it as close as I can to this but as suggested may try modeling some legs to hold up all that weight :)







  8. Jim said start posting!


    So here is my WIP


    A couple cartoon type characters. The male is basically what he is going to look like.


    The female still needs a lot of work just started her.


    I thought it might be fun to give her big saggy breast and rig them with dynamics :rolleyes:



  9. HI there,


    congrats on going live!


    A couple quick questions


    Would it be better to animate at a lower frame rate, say 12 - 15 fps to get a true representation of what the final product will look like?


    How long do you keep the animations available for viewing?


    After you submit a film how long does it take for it to be online?


    Do you have some sort of film rating system ? (e.g. top 10 , most viewed )


    If you have a phone, can you send an animation to someone else?





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