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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. If anyone else is having trouble (like I was) getting the IK/FK switching to work here is what I did to get it working without setting a ton of keyframes.


    1. Frame 0 turn IK arms on and select IK hand controller. Make a keyframe by pressing the keyboard up arrow once then the down arrow once.(this is just to get the bone keyed in your bones folder in the action)


    2. go back into FK and position the arm.


    3. go to frame 10 turn on your "keybranch" "key constraints" "key rotation" and "key translations" filters on. Select the right bicep controller and force a keyframe. Select the Fk hand controller and force a keyframe for that.

    Now select Right_hand_Ik_control in the bones folder in the project workspace and force a keyframe. Switch your arm to IK mode.


    4. Go to frame 20 and position the arm. Select the bicep controller and force a keyframe. Now in the project workspace select Right_forearm_FK_control and force a keyframe. Turn FK arms back on.


    and thats it you should have only four bones and the IK/FK pose keyed in your action.


    I did notice a slight twitch when switching sometimes but It's really slight and I'm not sure what is causing this.


    PS forgot to say make sure you turn your constraits filter off when you are done switching. If you leave it on and key model you will get A LOT of unwanted bones keyed.

  2. You have to use your keyframe filters if you are keying hundreds of bones that will slow you (and your machine) down big time.

    The only keys you should be setting are for the control bones and pose sliders. Learn how to use the filters and they will be your best friend smile.gif


    Hey Dagoos

    I checked my A:M 2002 Complete Guide book by David Rogers and couldn't figure it out. How do I do this? If I use the Key Heirarchy filter on say IK hand I only get keys on the hand, if I use Key Model I get all the moved geometry bones keyed (the hundreds of bones). So which filter do I use to force a key on every control bone only?





    If you force a keyframe with "keymodel" "key rotations" "key translations" filters you should only get the bones which have been previously keyed. Make sure you don't have the key constraints filter on. That could give you hundreds of bones. If thats not it PM me. Just so we dont clutter up Davids thread too much

  3. Now I feel almost guilty after all the work you have done on this rig but I'll ask anyway

    Shouldn't the bicep controllers be connected to the shoulder controllers or something so the arm control bones stay in the center of the arm when you rotate the shoulder bone?


    It's not really necessary...I don't think, David. The arm controller bones aren't physically connected, so they don't have to be in the center. The arm geometry bones are in the center and have "orient like" constraints on them, so the controller bones can move more in some directions. Has it caused a problem? I could rethink it if it has.


    I'm going to post a file here for Noel since I don't have full access to my e-mail at the moment.


    Nope, it works fine. I just couldn't remember it doing that before is all.

    Thats good news about the plugin! It will help out a lot.

  4. Now I feel almost guilty after all the work you have done on this rig but I'll ask anyway

    Shouldn't the bicep controllers be connected to the shoulder controllers or something so the arm control bones stay in the center of the arm when you rotate the shoulder bone?

  5. Really amazing rig here, great job!!



    There's probably a way to do this in A:M that I don't know, but there are so many hundred's of bones, I won't be able to clean up my animation after my first pass. In my own models I put a 1 in front of all my main controls, and a 2 in front of secondary controls, and then the rest I leave, so when I animate and force keyframe all my important bones are at the top of the timeline. (guess I could just learn how to force key on only the bones I will use)



    You have to use your keyframe filters if you are keying hundreds of bones that will slow you (and your machine) down big time.

    The only keys you should be setting are for the control bones and pose sliders. Learn how to use the filters and they will be your best friend :)

  6. Well this won't help much but I cant get the IK/FK switch working. I installed 12.0n+ couldn't try it on v13.

    frame 0 I position arm FK go to frame 10 hit the IK/FK button and it jumps back to IK position.

    The only way I could get it to work was forcing a keyframe with the keymodel and keyconstraints filters on but that gave me about a 100 bones keyframed in the PWS. The elbows seem to work fine like you have them. I didn't do a lot of testing with them but they seem to position OK.

    Am I missing a step to get the IK/FK switch to work?

  7. Just a personal preference of coarse but I found the rig with the nulls seems too cluttered and harder to work with. I just don't see the advantage of nulls over the bones. I have used the rig a lot and have never had a hard time selecting or positioning the bones. but like I said it just my personal preference.


    PS. great job of rigging scarecrow especially for how fast you did it!

  8. It's bugging me that he's holding his side like that. If he were sitting or if he had a stomach to rest on, but his dialogue is strong and aggressive but the body language is a little defensive and weak. It might work better holding his elbow instead (resting his arm in his elbow?) (Sorry I know that's a big fix)

    I can't really argue with you too much since that was the way I started out. But my mentor didn't like the huge hand on the spindly elbow so he suggested the wrap-around. It works for most of it, but not for all of it. I'm going to find some slight alternative pose around "next year" to break it up, I think.


    I began with more aggressive poses but every week my mentor was nibbling away at this to get the performance smaller, smaller, smaller. A few more weeks and it might have disappeared entirely. ;)


    You did an excellent job of not over acting the piece I thought, very fitting to the dialog.

  9. Hey, the automated squetch control was cool, how it progressively stretched the spine. Really made it seem like it was actually stretching the skin of the character.

    Its too bad the expressions locked up the posesliders though, looks like it made a lot more work for ya :blink:

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