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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. If you have the "key model" "key skeletal rotations" and "key skeletal translations" buttons depressed it should work for ya.


    Where do you find those buttons David? I'd like to know myself.


    They are the buttons on the skeletal tool bar bottom left hand corner of screen.

  2. I'm revamping the scene, trying to make it more natural. I'm still deciding waht to do with the left hand, but I added the hat tip back in...






    Hi Cory


    I think what may be making it look a little unnatural is he leans forward and extends his arms all the way out. Normally you would lean back a little when you put your arms out like that to keep your balance.




  3. oh no better stop here. The three shots I got seemed a little messed up. two of them had the same dialog and one didn't have any. Better wait for a conformation before going any further.



  4. Tinman walking out of the room and say "I will tell her that I still love her"


    This is the first pass. main poses, some inbetweens, no lip sync or facial stuff just jaw flapping.


    but Im getting sleepy :)







  5. I just watched Bob's tech talk video. Does the drag and drop method do the same thing as the constraints method?

    In his example when he dropped the pose into the choreography window on frame 20 the model went back to the T-pose.(the frame he copied and pasted) Is there a way to drop the pose on the model and just have it set keyframes for the group of bones at their current position?





  6. I hope to see more as well. Are Dhar and I the only two animating at this time, or are there more that are not posting WIPs?

    David Seymour is animating, and he's not shy about posting WIPs: I don't know why he only posts TWO WIPs occasionally?




    Nah, I'm not shy about a WIP it's fun to hear others opinions and critiques. I'll post one next shot I do.

  7. Dave, that looks great, I love the drama you created.


    Before you upload anything to SVN, drop Rhett (jandals) a line, he is the director on this segment.


    My assignment was to tweak the scene between the extremes that are given. I had to keep the opening and closing shots the same or as close to it as possible. It will be up to Rhett if he wants to replace this scene with your render of it, but keep in mind that such a drastic change will affect the scenes before it and after it.


    Great job man :)



    Ah I see. I didn't know you were just doing the inbetweens. I thought thats what the computer did. ;) The poses just didn't seem very extreme.

    Maybe he is going for a more subtle look then what Bob was going for.




  8. Hi Dhar,


    I couldn't help myself, played around with this shot trying to push it a bit more. Just to give ya an example of what I was talking about above.


    If you want I can upload it to SVN.




  9. Now that's working it. Impressions:


    1) Where Tinservant is saying "the most excellent and wonderful emperor of the winkies" to "the famous tinwoodman of oz" there's an angle change that doesn't really need to be there. Plus there are continuity problems with his pose. But that whole section is excellent acting. More of that.


    Ken you are right. That should probably just be one shot I will change it if thats OK. I'm not sure why it was split up. I was thinking there would be another shot inbetween.

  10. Generally it looks like the whole shot could be pushed a lot more, a bit consevative now.

    You could try the body lowering first then the head squash then the eye blink to make it look more natural.


    Great tip Mr. Seymour. Thanks a mil. Please elaborate on how much more I can push it.


    Hey, thats looking good.


    To push it more you could vary the poses more.


    Now all three poses are pretty close. For example on the first pose you could move the character back slightly and away from the tree more. you could rotate the characters shoulders and move the neck so you have a nice line of action.


    On the inbetween pose you could move the character down a lot more (like his chin hits the bottom of frame) and maybe tilt his head down a little. On this inbetween pose the facial expression can be pretty extreme because its only a couple of frames so its not going to read well.(and you dont want it to)


    On the last pose you could rotate the body and shoulders toward the tree maybe put his right hand on the front of the tree and push his face towards the camera more and tilt the head toward the tree(or vise-versa) a little so you have a nice line of action in the opposite direction of the first pose.


    I'm to trying to tell you exactly how to animate the shot just trying to give you some ideas on how to push a shot and it was easier just to give examples.



  11. Generally it looks like the whole shot could be pushed a lot more, a bit consevative now.

    You could try the body lowering first then the head squash then the eye blink to make it look more natural.

  12. Thanks for the suggestions, guys, but Noel and Bob Croucher jumped in and confirmed this bug last night. I still can't understand why nobody else is experiencing this.


    Maybe I am the only A:M user with an Intel processor who is using the Ctrl/C and Ctrl/V to copy paste keyframes!? Verrry unlikely but it must be some strange combination of hardware/software/use. This is not the first time that I have found myself isolated by glitches that no one else can see.


    Anyway, thanks to Bob Croucher for confirming the copy/paste bug! :-)


    Don't feel too isolated Paul, I was getting it too :o

  13. bravo!

    this is really cool.

    i love the blue character!

    and i love the AO combined with this shading!

    did you use a darksim or an AM-gradient?!?


    Thanks for the comments!


    I used AM gradient for the character and another gradient on the floor so it didnt get washed out.

  14. Of coarse its overkill. I didn't mean to imply you had to use high settings like these to get acceptable results.

    This image was just part of my testing of AO. It did render fast though exactly 2 hrs at 1152x864


    The animation was rendered with only 5 passes at 20% sampling because I was in a hurry but 16 passes would have been nice.

  15. Jeepers that is terriffic animation ! Nice characters and rendering to boot.


    Yeah, this guy was from "Clothesline". David, what's up with that? Enquiring minds want to know. :)




    Well when I put it all together it just didn't seem as entertaining as I thought it would be. I showed it to you Doug. Basically I think it needs work to tell the story more clearly.

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