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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. Knee orient like foot Ik poses are broken.


    Thanks, David. I didn't notice that...I'll fix it tonight.


    The spine I really have no preference on that I liked your set up but like Raf's too.


    I'm thinking something like the one attached here...it has the option to squetch the entire spine with a slider or you can expose the nulls to squetch an individual section manually. It also has an added segment. I put the controller out in front so that it would be easy to grab and still see what was going on in this example, it would be in the center in the actual model. If it won't do the job, let me know.


    It seems like it will work fine, three spine bones should be enough for about any character. I made a couple changes an attached the file.


    Changed stomach bone to orient 100% like hips. (It still moves when you translate chest controller). So you can roll the character.


    Added a percentage pose to control spine stretch by translating the chest control up & down. It seems to work good at about 20% (I had to add another bone to get this to work smooth)


    Added a chest center bone (just a small bone you can't translate to mark the origin or the chest bone.


    Just thought I would throw a couple ideas out there.[attachmentid=10557]


  2. I like the neck control setup now and the finger controls. The shoulder nulls seem to work OK.

    Knee orient like foot Ik poses are broken.

    As for the sizes of the control bones they seem fine to me but everyone has their won preferences on that.

    The spine I really have no preference on that I liked your set up but like Raf's too.

    I just cant wait to get this rig in another character


  3. So far I'm liking the face controls. One problem I'm having is copying and pasting the keyframes. I select all of the nulls I want to key, select 'key bone' and 'key skeletal translations', then force key - the pose is usually some extreme weirdness. Is there another way? Looking at the channels, the keys are obviously different values. Is there a better way?


    I think that is bug in V12, try it in V11 should work like you expect. I dont know of any other way except one at a time.

  4. The only concern I would have is the length of time it takes to install relative to the 2001 rig.....for newbies. Otherwise, it's a dream to use.


    I think that's a "nut" that has to be cracked before it replaces the 2001 rig. The installation rig makes it a lot easier but new users will still probably find it a daunting task.

  5. David,


    Before you make final_version_1000 ;) I had a thought "this may be an easy one"

    A percentage pose for the feet so you could turn down and adjust the amount the knee follows the foot when rotated. I know you can counter it with the knee control but I thought this might be a neat little feature.


    What is the tumbling control you mentioned?

  6. Thanks for all the comments



    Yolk Yolk - What a Crack UP!


    I absolutely love your stuff - that's terrific ...


    (Whatever happened to Clothesline?)


    Thanks a lot Nancy. Clothesline is real close to being finished I just have some prop modeling and stuff to do but I had to stop working on it for the summer.




    that's great! The animation is very good!


    How did you do the egg splatter effect? did you just have a model of the splatter than place it inside the egg, and expand it at the right time?


    Also, how did you get that semi-clay render? It looks very good


    Thanks, the egg yolk is inside the eggs. i used a pose slider to deform the egg when it hits the ground (muscle mode)


    The clay look is from yves skylight rig and not useing any specular on the model


    Excellent stuff! Made me LOL. The lighting is beautiful as well; was that Skycast?


    Thanks Zack, It wasn't skycast it was yves skylight rig with 25 lights. It wasnt bad though with such a simple model and set the animation only took 5 hrs to render.



    What rig did you use.

    that was a great little piece.

    But I definately would like to hear what you used for a rig.


    Mike, you either did not read my discription or I wasnt very clear or you are being sarcastic ;)

    It was "David Simmons" squetchy thom rig :)

    cool rig BTW

  7. This started out as a rig test for David Simmons Squetchy Thom rig. It pretty much uses all the S&S features of the rig. A fun rig to work with if you haven't checked it out yet!


    Anyways I just added the eyes and animation over the last couple of weeks.


    Hopefully the link will work, OK. I don't have my webspace right now. You have to click on the "320" under the animation for proper size.







  8. Okay, it was two bones.


    Changes in this version:



    Chest "orient like" hips doesn't lock the chest controller.




    If there are any other issues, let me know.


    Thanks David for the quick changes. Just wanted to let you know I put about 15 - 20 hrs on the rig this week and didnt have any problems! I didn't use all the features but used most the S&S stuff.

  9. hey, thanks for adding the orient chest like hips pose. Do know why the chest is locked in orientation with the hips when you apply with a pose slider. When you just apply the constraint in an action you can still move the chest bone individually but Im not much of a rigger its probably something simple im missing.


    BTW the Ik hand control slider is slick

  10. Hi David,


    Rig seems to be getting very close!


    I have been playing around with the rig quite a bit and I have been adding an orient like constraint to the chest FK bone to the Hips IK bone and just using the lower hips bone when I have to tweak the hips independently.


    I thought I would just suggest it, in case you feel like throwing in another pose slider or something :D

  11. Yes, that is exactly what I was after and it worked perfectly for you so I opened the model in version 11.1 and it worked perfectly as well. So it must be a version thing. I attached a pic of what I get in the latest update of v12. What version are you working in?


  12. David,


    When you position the arms in a "flexing your biceps" FK position the wrist get twisted up. Normally I would just fix this with smartskin but I see you have three

    geometry bones in the forearm so maybe a fan bone would be better for this.

    Just wanted to see what you think?

  13. One small request could you throw in one of those nifty rotation limits on the forearms, so they can only be rotated on the x axis?


    D'oh, I misread this one...the limit on the 'X' for the IK made the elbow unable to move the way it needed to in some positions, so that'll be changed back. I'll see about adding this in the next version. I shouldn't read things when I'm asleep, I guess.

    I thought you misread that. I should have specified for FK also.


    As for that hat I think that would work too. anything to just show which way he is looking.


    BTW and I know this is a long way off but Raf maybe coming out with a scripting language for TSM2 which would be able to install any rig in a character. This rig would be a good candidate for that. Even though TSM2 has S&S controls built in now its still nice to have a choice.


    I'm interested too in seeing how difficult it will be to install this rig in another character. I will give it a try when its done.

  14. Hey David


    This rig is turning out real nice I'm surprised more people aren't raving about it. nice rig to get away from that stiff cg character syndrome.


    Just curious if you are planning on adding a simple face to the model when the rig is finished?


    One small request could you throw in one of those nifty rotation limits on the forearms, so they can only be rotated on the x axis?




    The final render had 23 model shortcuts and 22 lights, all kliegs, some raytraced and some z-buffered. The raytrace lights had specularity on and the z-buffered had specularity off. I used the z-buf lights to softly illuminate most things at vaying intensities. I used the raytrace lights to add hot spots and draw the viewer's eye to certain areas, much like I would if I was painting the image.




    I am curious as to how much time you spent on lighting compared to modeling and staging the characters. Would you say 50/50? Seems like with 22 lights you must have had a good amount of time and testing into the lighting. Did you light the set one light at a time?



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