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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by Dagooos

  1. Ok haven't had much time to work on it in the last week. This is the shot that comes before the last shot I posted. (doctor) I would say shot is about 90% done its always that last 10 % that slows me down hehe.


    This is when he first meets female character.

    First 10 seconds of female isn't animated yet but she is just standing there anyway, thought I would post to see if it reads OK? Also curious if the blue guy looks too floaty?



  2. I'm imagining the sounds that might be in this when you get to that point. The test "pull" he does on her could be histerical. And the sound of the implants, too..


    I agree with ya on the sound effects. A stretching sound or little squeal from her as he pulls on the skin would really make the shot.



    I'm thinking there will be no lipsync, is that right? The sound track could be just fun sound effects and music.


    Yep, you are right no lipsync. Just sound effects and music loops. Gerry has offered to do the sound work.

    Thanks Gerry!


    Oh yes, that is very clear now. Great update.


    Now - we need a reaction on her face when he pulls at her chest before the implant. Sort of a look of pain or a whince. Also a slight reaction in her body would further improve it.


    Yes, good suggestions thanks Doug


    Also, she could give a sort of "happy surprise" reaction to the result.


    Yeah I was thinking the same thing a pleased look on her face would be fitting


    God, what must the female AM users be thinking!  It's all in the name of making a short better!


    LOL I was thinking the same thing but I want to go on record as saying on not obsessed with that that part of the female anatomy I have never even modeled

    a female before :rolleyes:

  3. Using TSM2 for my rigging. On my model I set a "hand clench" pose for each hand and tested them in an action, and they worked just fine. They are % poses. This is done on my pre-rigged model.


    Then I ran the rigger. When I turn on the TSM constraints, my hand clench no longer works. The pose slider is there but it just doesn't do anything.


    Any ideas?

    Yes, delete that pose and make another now that you have your character rigged. Its not working because the bones you posed are now constrained to control bones. They just can't move now :(

  4. I think it might read better if the Doc does one at a time. He reaches down (squash) then grabs a handful of skin and lifts up and with the other hand pushes the bags(s) underneath, as he does so we see the new body shape!


    Yep that would definitely do it. thanks for the ideas


    Or she could aready have a smaller chest.


    and another good idea!


    Thanks a lot people it's back to the drawing board :)

  5. Well, I thought he was wearing surgeon's gloves and was performing a sex change operation. Just pulling new parts out of the pink "male" character.


    LOL I didn't even think of that. Maybe as doug suggested simply adding eyelashes to her would help. thanks for the observation!


    The implant joke needs to be more obvious. Try rendering a closeup of the surgeon holding up the bags and try to give some other clue as to what they are. Cut back to the long shot and get him to pinch up a flap of pink skin before stuffing in the bags. Just a suggestion. You could still follow with the squash and pop.


    I think you are correct it does need to be more obvious. I thought it was but from the feed back I have received its not obvious right now. thanks alot for the suggestions!


    Just my two cents, I think everything works great, wouldn't mess with too much; camera angles, etc. The lack of clarity seems to be coming from the fact that the "objects" line up too closely with the doc's wrists -- I actually thought he was wearing clear gloves at first. If they were off center a bit, I think you might be home free.


    Hey, thanks for the observation and suggestions. Holding them off to the side may help quite a bit. I will change that up a bit. thanks

  6. LOL What a strange animation! :D Why's the thread called clothesline? I keep missing the thread because I think to myself....someone wants to know how to model a clothesline? :)

    I called it clothesline because thats the name of the short. Now that you mention it I should have made a short description of it under the name :(


    Anyway, I could never make an animation like this....I'd be all like "How does the hospital trolly just unfold like that?" Hah You have you're own style and I like it.

    The hospital trolly unfolding was a pose slider. thanks!


    I have to agree about the implants. I didn't even notice anything in the guys hands at first. They should be the same size as the finished breasts IMO. Also, the breasts seem too far down the body....I thought he had opened her stomach or something.

    Hmmmm gonna have to work on that. That is why I held them up for a long time so the viewer would see them and wonder what are those? I think you are right on that they should be bigger.

    I agree they do look like they are too far down on the body but when she is standing up they seem to look right.


    I think a camera sweep could solve it though to give a 3D perspective of them.

    Yeas I think that may work


    PS Should the guys nose be green?


    I was wondering if anyone was going to notice that.

    Actually, it should that was kind of an accident when I was modeling him. I changed it to green but went back to the white just to give him a little different look.


    her body

    1) It wasn't obvious to me that the pink guy is really a gal ... and


    I was hoping it wouldn't be too offending to anyone :)

    2) Not obvious what that "thingy" at the end popping up is supposed to be - I think I know now. My husband noticed and asked "what is that?" I didn't even notice it. Might be a guy thing. I just thought it was the body deforming, from being squished.


    I repeat - I loved it - & perhaps the sequence read's better in context with the rest of the movie.

    Hmmm. this is what I was curious about. It sounds like it doesn't read as well as I thought.


    The things in the doctors hands are suppose to be implants, that he just slaps on her.


    In the shot before this one she wants the male character to do something but he doesn't want too. So she comes up with this idea to change his mind.


    maybe a different camera angle or something to make it more clear.


    thanks for the critique

  8. Thanks for all the comments!


    I was hoping it wouldn't be too offending to anyone :) It was just meant to be a fun gag that allowed me to switch the models up.


    Dhar - I think you are right about the squash It doesn't show any weight I think I will revise it and make her body squash a little and make the beds wheels squash and bend out a little too.

  9. Whoah nice model


    I think it looks like a fast walk because you don't have frames of him propelling himself into the air as he runs just kind of consistent motion like a walk he never really leaves the ground. A little more up and down hip movement may help also. If he is running up hill you should exaggerate his weight a little., giving him a slow in and slow out of the pose where he catches his weight on his back foot, so it looks like its harder for him to run. Hope something in there made sense. :blink:

  10. I have a whole lot of ideas about what could be done with animation, but I don't think this is really the right thread for it. Perhaps we should create a thread in the OT forum?



    Thats sounds like a swell idea


    BTW been following this thread. Great animation! and I am looking forward to the making a short DVD.

    One question on the DVD. Do you have someone shooting video at your studio through out the production process? It would be interesting to see you guys hashing out productions ideas,problems, brainstorming and what not documentary style. To give an idea of what actually went into the production.

  11. Hi John,


    I knew Nancy would love this as soon as I saw it :)


    Very nice movie and great character design. My only suggestions would be


    When she sees the painting she likes, I think that pose could be stronger and maybe add a little anticipation. Like maybe her her eyes locking onto the painting or something.


    The other thing when is when she takes off running I think it would be hilarious to see her feet coming way off the ground in back of her like she is slipping on that slippery floor.

  12. Thanks For the comments


    Josh what are you babbling about? sorry couldn't resist :P


    I agree with what you said about about the background. Played around with it a little more tonight trying to get character to stand out better.




    @ John - thanks for the suggestions but are you sure you mean the left hand not the right hand with flower. If I wobbled the left hand it would have to be very slight or it would lead the eye away :blink:


    @pixelmesh here is wireframe 1496 patches mostly in the teeth :D



  13. Great look and style.  Just curious what kind of rigging challenges and solutions you've had with this character.  It seems difficult to rig plumper characters, especially when their lower and upper bodies are kind of 1 blob.

    Looking forward to seeing the rest! Is this for the animated contest? I better go wack some more at my entry to try and catch up :)



    Hi Alonso,


    For the rigging I used TSM, It was pretty simple to set up , doesn't even have fan bones. I just used the A:M weights with three spine bones in the center of the character, set the weights by hand and it seems to be working rather well. The facial stuff is pose sliders and six additional bones to tweak the mouth shapes.

    The squash and stretch of the eyes are controlled with a null which is a child of the head.

    I wasn't planning on entering the contest but its a possibility :)


    almost forgot, the "animation bootcamp" very cool :ph34r:

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