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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by Dagooos

  1. Now that was funny. Great animation!
  2. Dagooos


    Those are some great characters and the set very complimentary to them. nice work
  3. Really nice Jack, my 3 year old daughter just wants to watch it over and over. Im sure Hash is hoping you get it done on time too!
  4. bad link Jack
  5. WoW nice animation you have there! The green guy falling on him is dead on. I see a lot of nice little touches you have added like the guy shaking before the pot falls, adjusting the hat before he goes into anticipation pose sweet stuff! Cant wait for the hi-res version BTW great website I love the simple clean layout, great models, animation and drawings.
  6. Hi zachBG, Nice entry, those showdowns are alot of fun. I agree with Godfrey, I like the pose with his feet off the ground you should try holding it for 6-10 frames so we can see it. Thats the pose that will sell the shot nice work
  7. Thanks Doug but I knew I shouldn't have told you where I live
  8. Rodney - Over 1700 post and I get your first official heart icon ! I Sir, am honored Parlo - Thanks for the comments, I checked out your website that is a great character you have there.
  9. Thanks MATrickz I worked a little more on animation. Added bullet trails and changed the ending. Still a WIP http://www.5000hp.com/animations/ballman.mov
  10. Nice smooth run even threw in a little squash & stretch nice touch
  11. Is that a different version of ball guy or did you link wrong animation?
  12. thanks for the comments Parlo - It is DIVX 5.1.1 sorry about that I should have posted .mpg iso - Great little model and set up. I should have posted where I got it! I was thinking it was on this forum though ...Thanks pdaley - Thanks for the ideas ! now I have to learn how to use sprites Rodney - No secret to timing footstep sounds just position sound about 1 frame ahead of ground contact.
  13. haven't posted anything in a while. Downloaded the ballman model and played with it last night for a while and then added gunshot sound effects today. May work on it a little as im not sure if the ending reads too well, also add some motion blur http://www.5000hp.com/animations/ballman.avi
  14. Try playing around with the lighting. Maybe a few low intensity lights as of now the fur looks pretty washed out. I think giving the fur it's own lighting will improve render quality dramatically. I noticed this when I was working with one of Jim talbolts models. When I tried lighting fur along with rest of model it looked all washed out and bright.
  15. HaHa, I think this could be very funny if they were standing on an iceburg in the middle of the ocean maybe some snow blowing in the wind
  16. Hey, Nice model. I think I like it even more then the nerd model. very professional looking
  17. I've never watched a Star Wars film before but that was very cool! NIce JOB
  18. Hey, nice job robcat2075! It is fun to see what people come up with in just for hours. JohnArtbox, you can enter any time on wednesday what you do is send them an e-mail with a code on it and it will bounce back. you have four hours from the timestamp to send your animation back in to that address.
  19. The only time I ever get black patches is when the normals are not facing out.
  20. wow, very cool super hero's can wait to see them in action! cheers
  21. Thanks for comments> Here is an update fixed a bunch of stuff. http://www.5000hp.com/animations/world.mpg
  22. Hi Sean, I have some comments on your animation, but could you first post a direct link to your animation file. I would like to download it so I can make sure it is playing OK?
  23. Hi, Hash people Made this animation test over the weekend. I havent rendered it yet so, If anything looks wonky let me know. world.mov Thanks David
  24. Thanks for the comments ya all! Vong, if you want on of those blasters I can sell you one real cheap
  25. Hair looks very realistic, luv the style! The mix of realistic and cartoony proportions I think you hit the nail right on the head. nice work!
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