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Everything posted by HomeSlice

  1. OK David, seriously. If you aren't going to be shooting that wall with a Macro lens, all that geometry is probably going to be way way way overkill. However, since you ARE modeling each brick.... Can you make the building explode using Newton? Or at least crash a car into it or something? Pleeeease? Really great looking model.
  2. So far, so good!
  3. Looking good so far Marcos. Animating that crowd scene is going to be a challenge though...
  4. You might also try a fluid emitter and make the particle size fairly large and emission rate really small. .... Whichever way to do it, you will probably have more control over the final look if you set it up in a separate chor and edit the rendered sequence into your movie. (rather than trying to do everything in a single chor)
  5. That looks great. Love the retro.
  6. That works very well for a straight line of control points. If you have an object that is not a straight line: Activate the "Show Manipulator Properties" button in the main toolbar. Select the whole object. [shift]-click a CP in the object. The selected CP's position will show in the Manipulator Properties widget. With the whole object still selected (it will have a yellow bounding box around it), type different values for X, Y and Z in the Manipulator Properties widget. The selected CP will move to that position, and the rest of the object will follow, while maintaining its shape.
  7. Great dream!
  8. LOL, that's funny. It reminds me of the attitude of some of my relatives. They grew up in very small towns in the middle of the U.S. I'm not sure if they even know any Europeans....
  9. Try setting the Breath action blend mode to "Add" and delete the blend percentage channel. Also try dragging Choreography Action 1 under the Breath action. Whichever action is on the bottom of the stack get precedence. This can cause some unexpected results if there are keys on the same bone in both actions, but with the blend mode on the bottom action set to Add, it works OK many times. However, be aware that with Blend set to Add, any bone with keys in both actions gets the keys added together, so there may be times when you need to tone down the movement in one of the actions.
  10. >
  11. Do the splines stay invisible when you turn off the grid?
  12. The only way I know of to align objects (other than individual control points) in a Model window is to place your original object so a horizontal or vertical side are on a grid line, then turn on "Snap to Grid" (it's a button in the top toolbar). Then when you drag a pasted object, it will snap to the grid lines. So it isn't really like an "Align" function, but it works once you get used to it. If an object isn't on a grid line (if it lies between two grid lines), then when you activate "Snap to Grid" and drag it, the object will snap to the next place on the grid in relation to where it is between the two grid lines, instead of snapping to a grid line.
  13. That looks like a row of bricks to me. But if you would like to try a different tool, I like the Sweeper wizard better than the Duplicator wizard for most things. Here are instructions on how to use Sweeper. http://www.hash.com/sweeper And don't forget about good 'ol Copy/Paste.
  14. And you could put a dynamic constraint on his arms so they move around a little when he rotates.
  15. In addition to all the other resources on hair mentioned above, there is also a great tutorial (IMHO ) http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29738
  16. That is a very cool robot. Definitely not cliche. I was just wondering how you were doing. Glad to see you are still at it
  17. Nice set Spleen.
  18. Amen to that, Brudda.
  19. OK, now you need to beat the crap out of that dumpter and set it at more of an angle. Wonderful modeling David.
  20. OK man, I fixed the audio and uploaded a new version. 4421218a51b1e1f1b0ba
  21. You don't have to be so darn nice about it animas3D. OK, I think I got it fixed. I'm re-encoding it now. Will try to upload the fixed version either tomorrow or Wed.
  22. Very nice dblhelix! (I'm so glad you figured out how to compress your movies.)
  23. Oh, my mind is just in the gutter ... where it usually is.
  24. Mrs. Santa will probably replace your A:M upgrade with a lump of coal for that remark.
  25. I haven't heard anyone say your bus stop entry can't have Santa Claus and a few reindeer ...
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