sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by robcat2075

  1. It's just modeled hair, right? maybe it's not assigned to the right bone?
  2. robcat2075


    I like that! notes: - on the cut-zoom to the lizard's head, I think the difference in sizes needs to be greater to sell that effect - the flat-footed walk (0:26) will look stiff and weightless. - don't do a bent knee walk. It's a classic comic strip convention but no one actually walks like that, it doesn't transfer to animation. - he's instantaneously rebounding off the bottom of his walk. That will always look jerky. - the hip swinging of the lizards around 1:16 needs to be much bigger to read in the long shot - the "elbow" of the lizard is popping the wrong way in the close ups of the lizard dances. - When the guy with the heart-hole stands up there's a weird pop to the right at the end. -when you turn the lizard head dont' just swivel it on the end of the neck, pose the whole neck/head line as one flexible curve. - the close up of the lips is hard to do. Instead of having it drift open, use a slight anticipation and slow into the open pose. The right mouth in this comparison anticipates before opening and slows into the open position. lips.mov
  3. that looks snazzy! Twoing! If your wood is a Material you can scale in in its properties.
  4. May all the flags of Zandoria fly high today. Happy birthday! (for recent forum joiners, Will is the creator of the mascot that appears during boot up of current A:M versions, "Tar of Zandoria")
  5. I have a vague recollection of a Martin's Minute about how SoftImage had tried to claim that.
  6. Perhaps the most important thing is to understand what you are saving and why you are saving it. Then you can do anything you want.
  7. Welcome back! There is a... remedy... for that. In the camera's properties change "Type" from Perspective to Orthogonal. Note that this is not the "Shortcut to camera" properties but the original camera in the Objects folder that needs to be altered.
  8. Someone familiar with that hand rig should chime in but i presume it has the essential geometry bones that CPs should be assigned to, not to any control bones. Does that makes sense?
  9. There are some useful links in this thread: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...19&hl=jacob
  10. Welcome to the forum JohnP! AFAIK, you dont' really constrain a path to a surface. A path is a spline and you would have to manually shape that spline to follow your ground surface. (There is a tool coming in v17 that will conform a spline to another mesh's shape.) However, the path constraint itself is a fairly basic thing, it moves an object through space along a path, it's not aware of character animation issues like re-posing feet or a character's posture to accommodate walking up or down an incline. I remember sitting through a Softimage demonstration several years ago where they showed a path constraint that was a bit more aware of this than A:M's. But it still didn't look right. It would not have been acceptable for anything but the most undemanding pre-vis work. In finer animation most walks, inclined or otherwise, will be posed out step-by-step.
  11. If I'm working on animation and the models are already "final" and saved separately then i just save chors and let the chor load whatever models it needs. We did all of TWO like that. When I'm doing experimental stuff like building/rigging a model and maybe have a chor set up that I'm testing it in along the way, I like to save PRJs with everything embedded so I can always backtrack to a complete self-contained environment. And either way I'm always saving with incremented version numbers, I never save over old files.
  12. Smokin'! How long before someone gets it down to a minute?
  13. Hey, I remember that one! That's a cute one. Good movie making.
  14. there is preroll for particles but not for cloth AFAIK However you dont' have to render every frame cloth is in , you can render the one frame you like by setting your render range when you go to render. You DO have to let a cloth simulation run long enough for cloth to settle into the place you want it. So you will have "animation" in your chor... the cloth settles into place... but you only have to render the frame at the end that you like if that's all you need.
  15. How about if you go ahead and let the center CP get selected when you are doing the weighting on that side, then go back and fix the weight on that center CP individually?
  16. I just did some cloth yesterday in v16 and didn't see anything odd. Can you post a test PRJ with something odd?
  17. Good looking test! I'd suggest more "drag" to the cloth to make it less flippy and tone down that head nod.
  18. You can't say you're just a kid anymore, welcome to 21 and up!
  19. ouch! looking forward to next installment!
  20. I bet you could use Luuk's AMTrak to mocap the puppeting... put some markers on your hand and shoot that.
  21. I interpreted the dark slash on the picture as the surface suddenly sloping so you'd need a spline at the start and end of the slope which is what the two blue lines attempted to stake out. I could be judging that entirely wrong. I probably am. However, you need to know that shape before you model it or you'll never know when you've got it. You might look up more, clearer reference pics. Or perhaps you have that bow?
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