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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by gschumsky

  1. I love Tom Servo!!!!! Now you need to make a Crow T. Robot, and of course Gypsy!! (Joel was a better host than Mike too). What cracked me up about that show is that we used to do that stuff in high school and college way before the show hit the air. Btw, I did see a site somewhere where they had the instructions on how to build Tom. Also, Tom did make a cameo appearance in "Troops". Nice work so far! Did you make the model of Bender in your Avatar? Greg
  2. Hey, you've got my bus (well, modeled by Rodger Reynolds of my bus actually)!! Anything with a VW bus in it gets my vote. And gas stations...there's always something cool about gas stations. Maybe because my bus gets 25 miles to the gallon, I have a 10 gallon tank, and drive 60 miles roundtrip each day...well, I spend lot of time at gas stations! Now if gas were a bit cheaper here ($2.49 a gallon in San Diego). Greg
  3. Yeah it was 23 megs, and zipped a mere 9 megs..still too big to post here. If your email will handle a 9 meg file, I'd be happy to send it. As far as the time feedback, what version of AM are you using? It could be a small bug feedback wise. I'd report it on AM reports and that way they's at least know about it. Greg
  4. That's a lot better chor! Here are some images of the one I did a while back (low passes on the renders, that's why they're jaggedy). I'd post the project, but it's 9 megs. Lemme see if I can find some space on my site.
  5. You should send that to Peter Jackson, since they're currently working on King Kong (you knew that already). Maybe they might be looking for some new modelers, and who knows, find a way to use AM in their pipeline...excellent work as usual (send him the Balrog while you're at it...wait a minute, do I notice a pattern here!?!?!?). Greg
  6. Which ones? My ports aren't booleans. They're sleazy bump maps. Download it and see for yourself. I didn't understand how bump maps worked, so I thought they would actually cut themselves out. After I learned that they're just an illusion, I tried displacement. Didn't work. What was I doing wrong? As for your holes and vents, why didn't you just use a transparency map to cut some holes? Or am I not understanding you? As I recall, the iMac G4 (you meant that, yes?) has hundreds of holes. You saying you modeled them all in reverse? *whistles* So, yeah, thanks for the comments so far, everyone. And see if you can't fix those pesky ports. I really don't feel like modeling a bunch of plugs that will be seen by their absence. I've gotta go now. It's past my bedtime -Zev Ohhhhh. I thought your ports were booleans...good idea nonetheless. Yes, all the vent holes are booleans. I didn't think about using transparency maps because when a boolean cuts into something, it also provides depth (thus giving thr case a little more meat than would be with just the splineage). As far as the holes, I made one cutter and duplicated it a lot. Not hundreds, I think it was more like 50 or so. As soon as I get the chance I'll post the model and some images. Greg
  7. Looks like a guy in costume almost... very nice work! You should do this as a series in the same box, different colored characters like the first one...lots of emotion, have big prints made (or do small ones for now), take it to a local gallery and see if they would do a show. We were just in Las Vegas and a gallery at the Venetion had some great, weird stuff. A lot of it very artistic, and some stuff looked like it was drwan by a 5 year old (or 8 year old). Those were expensive, and they had a show just for that artist. So, you never know what they're looking for next. Greg
  8. Nice job! Looks like one to me. The ports are the hardest part as far as I'm concerned. When the iMac G3 (the lamp model) came out I did one in AM as well..they were using it for the ArcticPigs demo. All the holes in the top were booleans, as well as the vents in the bottom. The problem I had was doing the ports too. So I just left them out, although when I have time I may go back and either try to model them, or just use booleans as well (mind if I use the one's you did for this??). When I get the chance I'll post it as well. Keep up the good work (so you're 16. Some of the most talented people I know were just as when we were growing up..just wait to see what you're capable of when you hit 40!). Greg
  9. Thanks, dude! I couldn't get most of my friends or family to stay up late enough to see it. Ah well... Rodney: there's still time! It's running again tonight! Thanks everyone for your kind comments... What time???
  10. Simply Amazing!! Whoever said people can't do mechanical stuff with AM was smoking something illegal. Keep up the great work! Greg
  11. One thought would be to take the panda on fire project off the CD (don't know if it's on the new one, but it was on the Keekat and maybe even the Perk CD's) and use your marshmellow instead. That would be great to see the little guy running around, all on fire with smoke pouring out behind!! Even shoot some DV footage at the beach, semi-evening by fire ring...have it jump off the stick and run around in circles in the sand, maybe do a drop, stop and roll. Greg
  12. Nice work Mike!! You should post (if you haven't already) the Noah music video you showed me this Summer. Excellent work my friend! Greg
  13. Glad you liked it. I remember a house on TV having the dark green walls and lots of wood...very masculine feeling. What's kind of nice with these colors is that it remains masculine, and also creates more a of a feeling of depth in the room as well.
  14. One other idea would be to make the fireplace used red brick (use the cinder blocks inside). That would go with warm feel/ classicness of the rest of the room, imo. Greg
  15. This is what I'm thinking of...
  16. This is really shaping up well. Aside from the composition of the shot (which i know is just for test renders), it looks like you have a popcorn ceiling. Depending on the location of the house (east coast, west coast) and how old the people are that own it (over 70/under 70) then I'd think about getting rid of the popcorn. Yes, it adds texture, but that's a detail in the ceiling I'd use if I was going for a house in in the 50'-60's-70's, or if the owner of the house is older and or, likes that popcorn ceiling. To me it makes it feel a little dated. Also, you may want to look at other colors for the walls...check out the Ralph Lauren paints. We've done a few rooms in our house (1950's) using these and they work very well, and add a timeless feel to the rooms. Otherwise, the rest of it is looking very nice. One other thing to think of..you don't have to make all the walls the same color. For example, we painted out family room a camel color on three walls, then used a brick red color on the far wall. It ties in nicely with the camel color, and helps break up the room, providing a nice focal point (our TV is at that end of the room as well). Greg
  17. That is a very nice model so far. Heck I'd even like to see your robot arm become available too!
  18. And this is what I get. maybe it has to do with being on the 10.5 for OSX and this just isn't implemented yet...
  19. And if you're using Linux, or using OSX, then there's always GIMP (is there a Winders version too??).
  20. If Quentin Tarantino ever did animation...this would be pretty darn close. Interesting little film, and gotta like the "let's do our sound effects like the Looney Tunes guys!" approach. Greg
  21. You guys are simply amazing.
  22. You know, I think that would work well. Could you post the model/project? Thanks! Greg
  23. Ha! Okay, not interesting, just plain wierd.
  24. I'll download it and take a look when I get home (left my CD at home... ) Thanks John! Greg
  25. That's an interesting pine. How fast is your PC (27 seconds!!!). Is that using 10.5 hair or v11 hair? (I'm guessing 10.5 since you said you could render on the Mac). Greg
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