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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by gschumsky

  1. Nice, nice, WOW! So, how'd you make the eyes? Those add a lot of realism to the model. Greg
  2. So, the questions I have are: Is the Doom editor you're using free, or really really cheap? And you were comparing it to the other engines. Do you have copies of those (kinda like the free version of Maya I'm guessing)? Reason I ask is we were looking into the Quake III engine, but couldn't swing the $250,000 to do tests to see if it was the right solution. Greg
  3. Boy that brings back memories. Had a Rolan synth way back in high school. Nice work! Greg
  4. Nice work Jake. Charlie Brown and Snoopy with mohawks. Funny.
  5. That in itself will prove a great source of information for any 3D engine we're going into I think, and the work you did alone on Froggy is greatly appreciated. Nice job and can't wait to see what you come up with next. Greg
  6. That's a fun game! Nice work Dennis.
  7. Nice work Dennis. Glad to see you got it done. Weren't you using A6 Game Studio for that? Greg I'm thinking it might be a good idea for the other A:M game developers to contribute something for that as well. Lots of good examples can be found in the game developer's thread (Froggy, Action Bird, Skee Ball, the stuff Will Sutton was working on, and the our stuff), and we just recently contributed to an upcoming article for Game Developer Magazine, extolling the virtues of A:M. edit: The beauty of this is we're all very small, if not almost individual game makers. Yes, we had some of the A:M greats here make models for us, but the rest was done by a team of 3 of us. 9,500 copies sold in less than 3 months with no advertising. If we can do it, then there's a lot of potential for students to do some cool stuff.
  8. Is that plugin available to Mac users, or in v13 (which would then be available to us)? Cool work John
  9. Nice model Busby, though she's a bit anorexic.... Unless you dig that kind of look. And very impressive for 2 months. Greg
  10. Don't get your hopes down yet. I'll send you an email that might just lift your spirits. Greg
  11. The pretty much official definition of Steampunk... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk Interesting. Just Googled "SteamPunk studios" (mine I tell ya!!! unless of course someone already owns it). Anywhoo... This is a very interesting thread that might be of some help: http://baegtobar.com/baegtobar/viewtopic.php?t=380 edit: Doh, steampunkstudios.com is already registered.
  12. As I understand it, Steampunk is a style where futuristic sci-fi is used in a setting in the past. Something like in the movie the Sky Captain of Tomorrow, or in games such as Command & Concour Red Alert. I think Actually, Steampunk is more akin to high-tech devices that use either steam, clockwork or both to operate. Movies such as Steamboy and Howels (sp?) moving castle are great examples, Back to the Future 3 (in the western town, and Doc's train), 20,000 leagues under the sea, as well as the Briscoe County Jr. series, the Secret Adventures of Jules Verne, and there are plenty other examples. Sky Captain is more along the lines of the old pulp sci-fi comic books/magazines from the 40's and 50's (no steam operated devices). Also, lots of brass is used...lots and lots of brass. Think Jules Verne. Btw, for a fun "steampunk" ride, go on the astro orbitor at Disneyland. Hope that helps. Here's a nice example of a robot gunfighter that was used in one of the episodes (though this is someone's 3D rendition) http://www.mateengreenway.com/steampunk/steelyjoe2.jpg And here's the site for the guy who did a lot of design work for the Jules Verne show: (this is the cowboy page...but there are links to other drwaings at the bottom): http://www.fictionscience.com/julesVerne_06.html
  13. It's on pretty much every week night at 11:00 (or is it 11:30?) on Cartoon Network. Even though they're reruns. Steve Martin's suction cup alien impression: "Roxanne".
  14. Nice model indeed. Mine was a blue torus (way, way back in the Atari CyberStudio days). I just looked at it and thought "Wow, it can't get any better than this!".
  15. I was just looking at the site where you can buy the actual toy...$181.00 US dollars...Yikes! edit: Interesting fact about the car from the website: "In spite of Lambert's dire warnings, but inspired by Sonny's enthusiasm and pluck, and backed by Oil Sheikh Abdul Ben Bonanza's money, Theodore sets to work finishing the racing car Il Tempo Gigante - a fabulous construction with two engines, radar and its own blood bank." Now that's something you don't see being touted as a special feature on most race cars...
  16. Great work there Stian. Your modeling (and compositing) skills are outstanding. How do you do it (as in find the time)? You know, your model could easily be converted into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang too.
  17. How come Mars has an atmosphere in Will's image (yes, I know v13 has the planet atmosphere plug-in, and it's cool to use, but...)? Unless that's supposed to be some other planet that is yet to be discovered. If that's the case, then that's okay.
  18. If they're anything like jalapeno jam (or even jalapeno/papaya), then I'm in! Sweet and a little bit of fire...great combination. Nice statuette Will (what the heck is "inspirated" mean anyway?? Is that a cross of inspired and exasperated? Or inspired and corrugated?? Kinda like my father-in-law calling a fire-extinguisher a fire-DIStinguisher). I'd like a job like that. Greg
  19. I see no picture...so, is the character the invisible man?
  20. Bummer. I went to go look at the AM films version and when I click on Play I get the QT logo with a question mark in it...
  21. Me three! Greg
  22. We called them Rubik's Cubes (named after the mathemetician who designed it). Could never solve one though, or the globe, or the pyramid... Nice work and excellent technique. I'd probably speed up the rotations a bit though, but that's just me.
  23. Funny. y o u spells ouy. Nice. Keep up the good work. I wonder where all us 40-something guys would be today if AM and computers like we use now had been around when we were 15... I remember typing code into a DecWriter terminal to get it to print out ASCII text to look like Snoopy or the Playboy bunny logo. Sad. Isn't it?
  24. Nice random render. So, the big question is: Are those actual models in the boxes too, or just decals on the box models?
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