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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by gschumsky

  1. That frame turns into a negative... Otherwise very cool. Nice model of Yoda.
  2. Alright Greg, no fair teasing! The whole purpose of me doing an update was because of this little post. Are you serious? (I hope this isn't a really cruel joke) If it isn't, I need LOTS of details, please? That made my day/week/first 20 years. Nope. Not kidding. I think shellhead looks great, and thought Hal would like to take a look. Greg
  3. Make sure it's in a format we can all use...not some DRM, Windows only format like Rostami uses. I was going to pay for one of his magic tricks but can't view it without access to a windows machine. How soon do you think you'll have something ready?
  4. Btw I let Hal Hickel from ILM know about the excellent job you're doing. He's been working on the film as a lead. Keep up the good work.
  5. Jet Masters sounds kinda action hero-ish, or even Blaze Thunder.
  6. Nice model. As far as youtube, did you render your animation in a 4:3 aspect ratio (like you would for TV)? Either 640x480, 460x320 or 320x240? If you rendered the animation like the pic, she's gonna get squished into that aspect.
  7. Wow! That looks pretty cool. What were the settings you used to get that? Is that all AM, or anything done after in a paint program?
  8. Very nice. I'd say the one thing that kinda bugs me is the ground, esp. where the tiles get bigger and fuzzier towards the camera. The ground should be in focus at least where the car lies, and maybe closer to the camera, depending on the camera's depth of field effect you're trying to simulate. So, let's pretend you shot this. From some basic photography knowledge: If you used an aperature of f11 or higher, everything would be pretty much in focus, from in front of the camera to the building. For an f-stop of 8 or lower, and you focused on the car, then the background and foreground would be slightly out of focus from the 8, and more so with lower f-stops (wider lens opening). Also, is the ground supposed to be the same color as the background plate, or is that more of a beige sidewalk? A: The car is stunning, esp. the reflections and the lighting. B: Fine tune the ground and dof, and it should look like a real photograph.
  9. Hmm, could be another market for A:M... Could start a whole new hobby. Besides supplying the basic freight car and Jeff's engine, maybe a standard straight track and one curve, a straight with a switch, some signs, railroad crossing guards...basically a 3D CG Train kit.
  10. First, that was an excellent explanation/lesson by Yves. Second, doesn't the brushed metal material come close (from what I remember) to Jim's question/request?
  11. Excellent piece Dhar!
  12. Arachnophobic. And for a real good "scare the crud out of you" movie, rent "Arachnophobia". Nothing like a burning, killer tarantula jumping at you at the last moment. edit: Just saw Dhar's entry...it pays to read a post first. Still, rent the movie. Nice spider too.
  13. Welcome back Bud! It's going to be nice to see you hanging around the forums again. Your work is truly inspirational. Btw, how's Candy doing? Greg
  14. So, Nilanjana is a guy? Sounds like a female. Though, to be honest, I really don't like the voice work. The visuals are outstanding, but I think an interesting take on the voice might be to have even a bit more of an Indian accent..Nilanjana sound as if he/she is trying to fake more of an English accent and avoid the richness of that Indian accent.
  15. I took a look at your blog post to see the animation, and read some of your comments. So, the question is, what engine are you using, and 3D (real 3D), isometric 3D engine, 2D iso (looks 3D), or side scroller? Reason I ask is Bibleman was isometric, pre-rendered sprites, and I could help you save a lot of time if you don't want to reinvent the wheel (plus our engine is 16 bit graphics with an alpha channel= nice smooth edges an no more black aliased outlines...). And it's Mac and PC... For instance on the walk cycles. We rendered at 30 fps, but every 3rd frame (if I remember). Smooth walks and rendering went very fast. Let me know if you need any advice or help. Greg
  16. This is an example:
  17. Another way of doing this, which might be easier to do with Composite, is the process used in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow". In Photoshop, I've been able to imitate that look (which is kind of the old process of hand-tinting black and white photos...) by making two layers of the said image (actually, I do two and have a third layer which is the original for backup, and that stays hidden). The bottom layer is desaturated, the top layer is then gaussian blurred depending on how much you want of the effect, and the size of the image. So for a 1024x768, I'll set that to 5 or 7. Then I knock the opacity down to anywhere around 30 to 60 percent. Again, based on how you want it to look. The idea is the black and white gives all the nice detail, while the color blurred image provides the hand-tinted feel, and images take on a kind of dreamy look due to natural bleed from the blurring. So, I'm thinking this could be done right in AM using composite, and filtering two instances or layers of the image. I'll see if I can find an example of this when I get home. Greg
  18. Wow! That is simply amazing. Great work Stephen....
  19. Jeff Lee is another one you can count as a friend... http://www.shipbrook.com/jeff/CoS/index.html Greg
  20. It's always the same problem when starting new secret societies. I know that was the main sticking point for me when trying to start a new religion. -vern You need to make a bet with other fellow animators/modelers that people are dumb enough to accept any new religion, and then write a book about alien overlords, invisible vampire soul suckers, and how this overlord was ticked off at enough of some small race of other aliens that he ties them to a volcano with yarn, then blows it up with an a-bomb. Millions of people will then start a "church" based solely on that.... Oh, wait, that's already been done. On another note, back to the model, this is kinda cool. For some good inspiration, which was stop motion with semi-transparent cut-outs filmed against a light table (Lumage is the process...), I suggest checking out the classic "Twice Upon a Time". http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...p;search=Search They have almost the whole movie there (if not all of it). Great film, and they even have a character with a TV head...
  21. Absolutely. Assuming you can't find better roto's, you haven't much choice. And what are the chances that your going to pay some penalty because your model isn't an absolutely perfect replica? There can't be that many Batmobile nit-pickers. And considering every Batmobile made from this body style was slightly different (the guy who made a lot of the replicas, as well as replica futuras, lived by me), I don't think it's a big deal if a few things are off. I've been working on and off (mostly off lately) of a Honda Rune, using the publicity studio photos, which are pretty smack on as far as the side and top views. The issue I've come across, even though the images are scaled to be exact based on the wheelbase, is that when modeling form the side, then switching to the top, I find things are off a bit. This is most likely due to the lens used when shooting the pictures (i.e. from the top, the front wheel does not protrude out as it should). So in some cases, I'm using my best judgement to compensate. And your Batmobile is looking pretty awesome too! YAre you going to go with the shiny black metal or the bat fur texture (which they used on showcars to hide stress cracks...)?
  22. Too late. Actually, the movie was on Showtime recently. Not too bad. The desert characters reminded me a lot of Todd Mcfarlane's work.
  23. My daughter's softball team was the Ligers... Back on topic, nice work, and the animation ain't too shabby either.
  24. I think the wings add a bit more to the "fantasy/mysterious creature" theme, plus a bit of comedy (since they're kinda small for such a large beast). Have you considered possibly adding buck teeth as well?
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