Ok...SOMEBODY PLEASE REPLY...here's a cool shot I just got off the renderer...I forgot where the post is, but how can I duplicate a model in a chor w/ out dragging it in over and over again?
Whoo hoo..I've never done this before...create holes...stupid porcelain material isn't working..I tried flipping normals on the five point patches but the black areas wouldn't go away
You can use meta balls to make models. I once read a tuturial for a different program that has this function. I made an entire stuffed animal bear out of a set of meta balls. This is the advantage.
with metas you can create a model and basically, by hand, control each bubble you make. The meta balls are actual models, rather than a material of bubble simulation
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in the sextant section you'll see that there is a 360 degree turnaround of one..that was my reference