Hi, had to figure a way for the companions to get on the dragons back, being they are now shrunk. A stretched out hind leg, seemed to be a good path way. After i use Adope premiere to speed up the track.
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No Rodney, this is great, love it. i'm just glad i did not mess something up,
Anything you want to change is fine by me,
"Perhaps a scroll instead of a wooden frame and a few occasionally changing characters overlaid at the far upper right?"
Thanks for volunteering me
In this clip the companions meet their steed as the centipede indicated in the previous clip. I used New blue Motion Effects Elements, earthquake, in Adobe Elements, for the ground shaking.
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i just watched a sneak peek at the music-less version, Mark, that was so enjoyable, the staging is outstanding, The voices match the characters so well. great color. That's a big well done, all around.