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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by largento

  1. Much like Charlie Brown never got to kick that football, Flemm can't be approved by the Parrot Review Board. If he ever was, he wouldn't be a "Wannabe Pirate" anymore. :-) Not that he'll ever stop trying... :-)
  2. Thanks, Paul! I couldn't resist doing it when the idea occurred to me! :-)
  3. We haven't seen the half of the trouble it's going to cause yet! Here's #33 with a big nod to Monty Python... I'm going to call it a night and do #34 & #35 tomorrow. I'm going to make #36 an oversized recap strip with the Storyteller recapping the story so far using images from previous strips.
  4. Thanks, Rodney! I hope the audience at the website will feel the same as you! I've had a fondness for doing something like this for a long time! I remember having a conversation with a business partner back in the mid '90s about my wanting to do an adventure story with cartoon characters. I just like that idea... and with this, I'm getting to do that!
  5. I was hoping you'd say that! The detail and texture just screams out for being seen in HD!
  6. Thanks, jimd! The book is still aways down the road! On November 2nd, these strips will begin running five days a week on the website. Once I've finished this story, I do plan on having a book printed, but I'm still about a year away from that, I think.
  7. It's amazing, Dusan! Wonderful, beautiful, touching! Really and truly amazing! As Paul says, a masterpiece! Thanks for sharing it with us!
  8. Thanks, Kat! Well, it sounds like it's a done deal for Flemm... all he has to do is bring in Henrietta as his sponsor! I can't imagine that anything might go wrong... :-)
  9. Gerry I think she looks great! The only thing that stands out to me is that I worry she needs another spline ring at the shoulders. Not sure that it will deform they way you want it to. Three rings is usually the rule, but it might not be a problem...
  10. That's really looking great, Al! I love seeing the details in these models!
  11. I think these are really cool-looking, Myron!
  12. Bam Said the Lady! Done with #30!
  13. #29... one more to go and then I'm caught up!
  14. Thanks, Robert! I'll try to keep that in mind!
  15. Assembly line's a crankin'! Here's #27...
  16. Lookin' good, Paul! That's an amazing range of expression he's got built into him!
  17. I hope so, Andy! Here's #26! I'm hoping to get 2 more done today. I'm behind this week. I had a lot of Greyhawk writing to do earlier in the week and was visiting family for most of yesterday.
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