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Everything posted by NancyGormezano

  1. If you drag the MoooooZic into the chor - you can slide it into place - or actually set the start frame manually. It can be seen easier in the timeline when in "key mode" rather than graph mode, and I don't believe you can slide it in graph mode (but can still manually set beginning frame) I just realized there seems to be a new feature (new to me) - "Linked Sound" - which appears to work such that the linked sound will also move when you change position of this sound. Neat. If you choose to put the sound in an action instead, and drag the action to the chor - then you would change the start frames of the action to move it around. Unfortunately when done like this the visual representation of the music in the chor doesn't correspond to where the music really is located (seems to visually start at the beginning, but plays when it should) -
  2. I'm not familiar with the video and I'm having a tough time visualizing what you are describing - Perhaps show us a short sample of what you are thinking... Anything with squiggly wiggly lines always sounds good to me.
  3. Your gay elephant it seems. Oh wait - Maybe John called me an old elephant who wears girlie shoes? But I don't think his pig is gay.
  4. Muy bueno! lotsa fun. Looks like Thom's gained some weight...
  5. I knew it! I just knew it! Well...maybe not quite...I'm lying. I thought he said "His elephant wears girlie shoes"
  6. Men? ...um...uh... Soy una mujer. Si, es verdad - una mujer loca vieja. Pero - no problema - Gracias Senorita! Y, tambien - hay dos bolas que entrar a la izquierda, pero es facile a no mirar. (Ay caramba! Hablo espanol muy malo)
  7. I just caught this - lotsa a fun - Them Rockerfella Center Radio City Eggettes made me smile. Loved the chirping to the music - nice touch.
  8. Yes. A camera rotoscope (image/movie), with "front projection" of it on ground plane (and other pseudo objects) is the trick used normally when integrating video with CG. I use it all the time to set backgrounds for still images, or shots where the camera/front projected objects doesn't move. IF camera moves, the rotoscope moves with it. Thus it's best to match motion of camera with a video/movie, instead of a still. If objects/models move, can get some interesting effects (as the texture changes on them) There are lots of other creative uses of it as well, beyond realism. There's no limit. It's fun to combine it with transparency, reflectivity, interesting background images, etc In these 2 images, I front projected the same background geometry with 2 different rotoscopes - for night and day vistas in Cow town - like I've said many times - I'm a lazy twit. http://www.hash.com/stills/displayimage.ph...m=47&pos=12 http://www.hash.com/stills/displayimage.ph...m=47&pos=11
  9. with hair and bump maps and IBL and front projected
  10. I've done 3 - not sure if I will tweak anymore - or rerender
  11. Of course, in order for cloth simulation to work - she must be anatomically correct - uh huh. sure. Good job (I'll stop ribbing you now).
  12. hey....That doesn't look like a red cocktail dress to me... Yup - she'll get attention - no one will notice her face. Might as well put a paper bag over her head.
  13. I'm not sure why you're not getting shadows from the rim light - should be z buffered, and ground plane must be set to Flat shaded. Turn off all lights except rim - make it white, make sure shadows is on And Eric - easiest way to make something white is to front project - front projection will also cover color decals (but will show bump maps). AO will produce the diffuse shadows. When you fool with IBL and want to change the environ map, to see how other imagery will look - you will have to do a trick for the change to show up - which is to toggle the AO value to some number and then back to the value you want. Again - hope you saw prev post on IBL: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?s=&am...st&p=299417
  14. I hope you've spotted my post above - IBL or Image based lighting (different from rotoscope being front projected onto targets to turn them white) is a way to make the lighting look like it has different colors - instead of choosing global ambiance tpe = global color = white, choose global ambiance type = image based lighting and then choose an environment map that is some image with lotsa colors, or could choose an image that is white SO to sum up: camera rotoscope - front projected changes the color of the models, Global ambiance (with AI settings, and type) changes the lighting.
  15. It appears that you don't ALSO have a rotoscope for the camera - which is what gets front projected onto the ground & models. Make a tga, jpeg image (any color - in your case white). Right click on camera, choose NEW/Rotoscope. I changed lighting, and values as well. EDIT - noticed text on image was wrong - corrected to say - key, fill off (instead of key, rim off)
  16. Red Cocktail dress? - Walking on the street? ummm...uh...ok. (yup, I sez to meself...definitely a professional working class girl - hee hee) She'll work with your hero. Her face is attractive, feminine - However the Hero is more stylized than she, as she looks now. Even her sketch has more realistic-ish proportions than he. But really doesn't matter, as body proportions, slinky red dress and flirty hair can finish up the package to sell her as stylized, sexy, love interest.
  17. NancyGormezano


    Part of the impression of floatiness could be attributed to the fact that many of the arms/hands/fingers positions changes appear to "float" into their next position (ie, they move with torso) - Try some extended holds (which will produce a tension) and then quickly snap into next position (ie - take less frames to change position to move over a greater distance). Try not to have everything move at once.
  18. Most compression algorithims count on the fact that all the image data doesn't change within the frame (pixel to pixel differences), as well as from frame to frame - In the 2nd clip (side view) there is a higher percentage of the frame that is background color - less change, therefore - less data to store to recreate same size image, same # of frames. If you have "busy, noisy" frames - they will not compress well, and same as if frame imagery changes abruptly from previous frame.
  19. Much better - more feminine. However she still looks like "going for realistic" rather than stylized. For stylized - something/proportions need to be more exaggerated, characatured - eg - perhaps eyes bigger? smaller mouth? bigger puffier lips? Did you start with a sketch - or are you winging it? Tell us more about this character - what her personality is ? age supposed to be? role she will play? eg House Frau? Love interest? Smart? dumb? That might help you in knowing what features to over/under play As she is now - I get the impression she could be a "business suit" type - or a serious, educated mother of young children. It's all about stereotypes as defined by marketing. Unless you're already planning to "puff some parts up" on her body, or give her crazy wild hair, or tatoos, I don't read her as "disco chick" or "airhead" (ps - NICE, clean splinage!)
  20. Ditto. He looks great!
  21. I'd buy my drugs from him. Very trustworthy & earnest looking. That's how I like my pharmaceutical men. The gloves and shorts (and boots) look like they're made of rubber - kinda strange - is that on purpose ? Perhaps he will be blonde, with a buzz cut ? I like him.
  22. Argh, matey ... I hear them parrots make mighty fine eatin'...for an anorexic... Best wishes on your new adventure!
  23. Nice. How about putting the names of people on their clips?
  24. yes - I could see it.
  25. another blank file for me - but I was able to see your video in the other thread when you exported from qt pro
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