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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by ddustin

  1. Do you have one for an Opel GT (mini corvette)? David
  2. It's that or it is hunting season
  3. Shelton, There was a cow posted a while back. Do a search for Daisy and that should bring it up. If not, I can emial it to you. The model is excellent and has a walk cycle in it. David
  4. Reminds me of an old Cheech & Chong Skit. Tired of the steady, drip, drip, drip of ............... lol
  5. Love the dial... but don't really care for the wood. Nice work.
  6. Thats just a real-time refresh issue. I wouldn't worry at all about it. On the tree images, try setting them to flat shaded (don't know why, but that worked for me recently with a skydome with the same issue) Will, I'll check it out. Thanks, David
  7. The driver has brain damage, was going to be a pro golfer, baby on the way. David
  8. The short answer is yes. Longer version: The truck that was hit was moving right to left, when impacted by the other truck. The impact sends this truck flying across the intersection and into another vehicle. There are 7 vehicles involved all together. I have an overhead view animated from within another crash specific software that we'll use as an animated rotoscope to get the actions right. If I could have gotten a nice view of the intersection I would have liked to use Live action, then it would really have rocked. David
  9. Here is the latest version. The crunch takes place over 4 frames (133 milli-seconds), still not fast enough. I got the decal to work (see previous post). Will, The only pose slider is for the cumpling of the geometry. The crumpled decal is faded in, in the chor. I would really like to use a light rig, but it fades out the tree images. David [attachmentid=15859] crunch_decal.mpg
  10. Here is what I mean about the parts of the vehicle that are transparent. It renders out OK, but it makes me nervous to work with it this way. David [attachmentid=15858]
  11. I think I can probably guess who it is. Most of our high end vehicles are modeled by Gene (Eugene Liscio). We model some of the models that only require lower detailed views. Gene does an excellent job and is one of the best resources I have ever worked with. We regularly collaborate on projects. David
  12. Stuart, Picky yes.. We are really trying to set a high standard in this area of accident recreation and in the southeastern US. There are obviously really tallented people out there (my wife says I'm out there, but that's another post) that can create this level and better. The accident reconstruction people we work with say our stuff is cutting edge. I think our stuff is good (5 or 6 on a scale of 1 - 10) but I would like to get it to a higher level and own the market. I want to test the decal come more and see if I can get it to work. David
  13. Ken, Thanks for the compliments. The mirror actually was hanging down in the original, at scene images. I plan on having glass pieces flying as well as parts from the vehicles. Shadows could be a little sharp, it's a sun. The trucks are modeled in A:M by a good friend and frequenter here on the forum. If he's up for the publicity, I'd gladly post his name. The hood will buckle on impact, but not open. Thanks, David
  14. OK, Here is a quick render of what I have so far. The crunch needs to happen about 3 times as fast. [attachmentid=15838] David I don't have an undamaged frame unless I use the model and render one out. The damaged image applies OK and works fine untill I turn it off, then you can see through the side of the truck where the image is applied. If I render it, it turns out good, but I'm not going to hang my hat on something that's quirky. I've gotten burned by that in the past. David Agreed on all points. I'll continue to tweak on it. David crunch_test.mpg
  15. I think it should be able to be done with poses too. My clients expect pretty high quality these days (it's my own fault, I always try to out do my last project, they have gotten spoiled). This will be a multi-million dollar legal battle. The more realistic I make it, (I like the oooo's and ahhs too) the better they do financially. David
  16. You're close. The body is just modeled with a color applied. There are decals on the side to show the Ford decal etc.. In the past I have applied an image on top of everything esle and turned it on in the chor at the moment of impact. When I tried it this time, the body of the truck (where the decal was applied) goes invisible when the decal showing the damage is set to 100%. Displacement did work, but it was increadibly slow and it never reproduced the correct surface. Image is RGB. Yes I'm using V12.0u Don't think I want to try 2 models just yet. There will be parts flying on impact already, plus smoke. David
  17. TL, I'm using a pose slider and muscle mode. The pose slider is set at 100% then I move the CP's into the desired position. Spline detail is pretty good. The only problem I see with the constraint idea is there are multiple surfaces that make up the truck. I'll already tweaking the bias handles to wrinkle the surface. Funny, I have about 20 pics of this truck from almost any concievable angle yet it's elluding me. Hmm. Any idea why the 2nd decal won't work? In the past I've added decals, turning them on at the instant of impact, particularly when the images are good the effect is pretty neat. It is the actual vehicle damage after all. Thanks for the tips so far!! David .[attachmentid=15835]
  18. I need to get this model to look like this picture. I'm using a pose slider in muscle mode to try to create the same surface... wow. Tried applying the image of the crunched vehicle as a displacement map, that didn't work. Tried applying the image as a decal over the top of all the decals, the truck panels with the added decal on them turned invisible when I turn of the crunched decal.. Hmmmmm. David[attachmentid=15834]
  19. You really want to model only half the vehicle then use the copy flip attach function. It will save you boat loads of time and frustration. For what it's worth. David
  20. TD, It has been really interesting to watch you progress in your A:M usage. Good work and ideas. David
  21. Kind of reminds me of the flying sub in the series Voyage to the bottom of the sea. http://www.vttbots.com/flying_sub_links.html David
  22. I take it one step farther. When there is a model, material or image on the CD that I want to use, I do: First I set up a dedicated directory for the project, we'll call it c:\artiface, (assuming you are using windows) Next I setup sub directories for the models. Under c:\artiface\models\ I create directories for each model I want to use like c:\artiface\models\car, c:\artiface\models\woman etc.. All individual models have their own directories for the images applied. Then when you want to use a model (after you copy it and it's associated items to the right directories) you just import it. I realize this is a little anal-retentive, but it makes for excellent portability between computers etc. As far as you being on dialup.... yuk. You may want to find an A:M user close to you that can copy the latest update to CD and mail it to you. Actually anyone could, but I wasn't sure if you were in the states or not. You REALLY want the updates. There are always fixes in them. Hope this helps. David EDIT: I just read your system specs and you will probably want to upgrade your system memory. 256 Mb will be really sluggish. I run 2 Gb of RAM on my main system.
  23. Art, Yes you can save the files to your hard drive. David
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