sprockets Learn to keyframe animate chains of bones. Gerald's 2024 Advent Calendar! The Snowman is coming! Realistic head model by Dan Skelton Vintage character and mo-cap animation by Joe Williamsen Character animation exercise by Steve Shelton an Animated Puppet Parody by Mark R. Largent Sprite Explosion Effect with PRJ included from johnL3D
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4556&hl=treez distributed by ZPiDER Marcel Bricman Master
  2. Thanks Rodney but even you can do these strange things just spend 3-5 hours in traffic listening to the radio play the same songs over and over as you dodge cell phone equipted drivers. You'll get inspired... Now this is another twist on V11 hair..a big hairy army I did a simple animation of a line guy shooting..(at a cell phone. ) then used the animation as the hair decal..the white strip in this film is the model the hair material was applied to. the idea is you animate a variety of "real" characters say for a war scene or wild dance then add them to a field as various decals in hair. You now have a wild crowd for a battle scene etc. By the way the density for this shot was .01 to get the best effect keep clicking the movie so it repeates lineguy.mov
  3. Got version 11 today now I can add leaves and really try my idea ..make the branches stiff cloth..the posted sample was default... then with leaves the stiff cloth tree branches can move as the cloth reacts to either a force or an object hopefully simlar to a real tree
  4. just playing with the tree trunk plug in or what trees do at night cloth_tree.mov
  5. Great job I'm quacking up ...lots of creativity
  6. Nice chair and the lighting does look great ..it doesn't fold but does it animate well otherwise......
  7. xp machine here worked fine
  8. another great character !
  9. I can almost hear it speak..the overlook reminds me of some cartoon character and I imagine a certain voice with the face
  10. wow....oh I mean WOW nice modeling
  11. Got this idea after watch a commecial where bubbles with people fall then the people continue doing something. Thought it might be cool to have a ball or frisbee shape sail through the air and morph into something else with color and shape changes. So I volunteered Thom and did a very rough test will have to play with it a bit more as time allows roughidea.mov
  12. Got this idea after watch a commecial where bubbles with people fall then the people continue doing something. Thought it might be cool to have a ball or frisbee shape sail through the air and morph into something else with color and shape changes. So I volunteered Thom and did a very rough test will have to play with it a bit more as time allows wrong clip posted thought I had stopped it but I guess not. sorry for any confusion
  13. nicely done!
  14. looks great to me..nicely done!
  15. You forgot to say no goldfish were harmed in this animation. .nice job!
  16. Bowtie idea very rough just to show it worked http://johnl.inform.net/pages/bowtie.htm forgive the walk cycle did it in 2 minutes...
  17. You are right! thank you and anyone else reading this will thank you too not sure what I did wrong when I tried it but you're answer I copied and pasted and It worked... now where's the bow tie
  18. sorry for double post but found a way to sort of solve my example If(Round(ChorTime(),1)=1,ChorTime()*1000){,0})) but this is clumsy it now will return right value from .5 to 1.4 I think at least it starts and stops about there still looking for other ideas Haven't programed for awhile...getting to old for this...
  19. nope ..systax error
  20. Expression experts Was wondering if its possible to have a statement that says if (Chortime() >.5 and Chortime() I know this works If(ChorTime()>0.5,ChorTime()*1000){,0})) it passes the variable Chortime()*1000 after 15 frames which is .5 of 30 What I was thinking was lets say Thom is wearing a bowtie at frame 15 to 30 a good looking female thom goes by and therefore his bowtie spins I tried a number of combinations but get a syntax err Anyone know ?
  21. Okay I downloaded the project called autosquash and modified it from here http://users.hol.gr/~sogou/animaster/expressions.htm I had the ball bounces with a rigid body simulation then had the x scaled to the y position in the simulation very simple but this was very easy 1express.mov
  22. she's a good actor...I love the refrigerator with the magnets..reminds me of ours..looks pretty good to me so far....
  23. read someones post about a teardrop and ran this test...think I set a few setting too high and the shape isn't quit right.. \ teardrop.mov
  24. very hard to seee whats happening..overall looks good for a first run..though
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