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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. sometime the idea is better than the results 147k lightman.mov
  2. I decided to look at bvh files and got one and used shaggy in a very rough attempt to get the feel for using the bvh action. I only matched four points of shaggy to the file which you can see since i did it in shaded mode so it is not very good but you get the idea 653k bvh.mov
  3. your lightening effect was good and i've just been playing with this longer and so just continue to practice and look at how other people do things. Go to my site and download some projects and see if you can figure out what i did if not ask http://johnl.inform.net/ or even here http://www.geocities.com/johnl3d/ also read the stuff at ARM http://www.lowrestv.com/arm/ I use to read every post when it was just list mail and i learned alot and tried alot Johnl3d the old guy
  4. actually all that it was showing was a cheap way to add people to a scene with the woman being an example no real effects here
  5. thanks to ddustin I downloaded the sample files from here http://www.marlinstudios.com/products/people/people.htm I made a plane and used the alphas as a tranparency decal and the other as color and added some flames from Colin...but forgiot to loop them and got this the alpha seems to be a little messed up but it could be my placement STILL.mov
  6. Very nice TREE ! must be great to be able to model so nicely
  7. here's the project just remember i spent a good 30 to 40 minutes on this its hhard to find a good balloon Oh and thanks Gene the modeling machine the effect and all the parts are included Nailpolish2.zip
  8. Gene you forgot the brush and bottle top or it broke off then I tried to remove the cap and the polish evaporated 59k NailPolish.mov
  9. and I thought you only animated cereal boxes ....
  10. Gene this is a quick attempt to spray but its too late to tweak spCan_0.mov
  11. Thought I'd try to animate Gene's Fire Extinguisher but there is a small problem ...maybe because of Colin's post Colin hope you find the tgas Thanks again John fireex.mov
  12. Sorry I didn't help but it was hard for me to follow what you had done and what I did was change a few things closer to what i would have done ..the cloud you had had way too many patches that were not needed but then I would not have model the cloud but used sprites. And I could not see what your lightening was doing . At least you can post complete projects by zipping now. Have fun
  13. Gene again you are doing a great job modeling next animate it for you site!
  14. did she pay you to say that....you brought her up...
  15. oh the qt time looks a little better looping so i included it and the stuff for the project in the zip file again this is rough did it while watching the game vash.zip
  16. Vash I'm not sure why you modeled the stuff as you did i did some rough changes trying to keep close to what you did here is a rough render....there are better ways to do clouds but this is similar to the way you had it. Oh and i change the bolt too and added a flare alightning_test.mov
  17. Here's the 11.1b project file Have fun I did grad.prj
  18. This is a sphere off the cd with a simple gradient combiner material applied. I added pose sliders to the threshold and start and end points of the gradient and the transparency of one of the attributes. I was trying different settings with simple colors. To demo what they do I changed the sliders to different values every 10 frames with no real pattern and rendered a quick qt I'll post the project in next response grad.mov
  19. you can't embed you have to add them to a zip file so they can be downloaded with the project if you are using xp you can right click on project then choose sent to compreseed zip folder..it will create a folder the name of your project.zip then drag and drrop iimages into the folder then post zip file
  20. you have to zip the file and include the image...why are you using bmp map should be using tga I think for better results...anyway a project does not embed images. Repost with image so we can see what you mean ..okay if by disappearing you mean the lightening bolt why not make it active and inactive in the chor lightning_test.mov
  21. here's the project file it'll ask for a picture which is on the cd ...oh and i added a spin and slight wobble expression to the quickly made saucer. this was a multipass 1 quickrender so there are a few artifacts project 11.1b metal.prj
  22. was adjusting metal material and messed up the pose but it gave me another idea so if you need a cloaking material for your flying saucer this might wwork metal.mov
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