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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by johnl3d

  1. here is picture of timeline for gravity ..dynamic force in chor
  2. this is step 2 tried an earthquake effect had x ggravity vary right and left as simple buildings fall b3.mov
  3. This one is hard to explain...but imagine that each of the pillars are of different material and density and a huge force comes in from the left side of the screen and the pillars react based on their weight etc. Well I gave each pillar different settings with the rigid body constraint (enforcement) and (bounce ) mainly then increased the dynamic force (gravity) of the chor over time in the x and a little in the z direction this is the results. I know weird but it has a purpose need spell check for topic line...hey its late b2.mov
  4. Gene try looking at this version http://johnl.inform.net/pages/10material23.htm you need to tweak a little
  5. project 10.5r slower speed and distance remember most of this is default settings for other settings crystal1.prj
  6. basically same project different settings crystallite.mov
  7. 10.5 project less background ..camera rotoscope crystal.prj
  8. here's a quickie using the explosion plugin...to just have it crack you could limit the speed and distance of the explosion crystal.mov
  9. Hey Phil...here is a hint..let me know if this helps Its better if you figure this out than you can do this whenever you want questions click on my name and email me
  10. Gene thought you might like a commercial....sorry no sound had less than an hour for newer users render as lines = web words =font wizard spider = illustrator wizard....if I had more time he'd move.. Model of course by Gene 1st render glue.mov
  11. very nice it looks like you had fun with this
  12. Phil materials not enbedded so hard to see what you did i put a pose slider just to control output on simple model see if that helps poseslider.prj
  13. you could control the smoke direction in the chor by controling gravity ...if i have time i'll try it and post and you should be able to control a lot of things with sprites with pose sliders
  14. Nice Modeling Jeff ...yes you need some scales or texture
  15. i always made stripes with the checker set up ...just zero out the appropriate value to make the stripes
  16. this looks better than the older version of AM http://johnl.inform.net/pages/9test1.htm but as a side note you can "adjust " gravity in the timeline which might help you tweak the box falls
  17. oh and thanks Vern didn't know i was on one of yours top ten lists for those who want to play with this here is the project 381k V11.1 lightman.zip
  18. actually i wasn't going to post this because the arrms aren't right and the sprites where too small i fixed the sprites but the arms still aren' t right 789k i'll have to actually think about this one a little to get the lighted arms and even the legs to do want i was thinking probably with a few more constraints lightman1.mov
  19. Matt I always enjoy your posts you have a lot of artistic skill
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