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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by jakerupert

  1. I somehow forgot how to do this. I have made a boolean cutter that is meant to cut the hull but not the innertube of this screw. So, how do I achieve this? Cant get it to work: see picture BoolScrew.mdl
  2. >The only downside is you can't apply a left hand normal decal, mirror it and apply it to the right side since the "polarity" of the mirrored decal is wrong, as shown in the third image. So you have to generate left and right side decals. Still far easier than adding modeled rivets. Maybe its ghone with 16. Great Model!!!
  3. Looking very good so far, except the right hands fingers pose could have some rework, if you want to have it more realistic...
  4. WoW, I like that model. Is it custommade? Just the tail acts somehow a bit strange, starting to move too low, I guess....
  5. Hi Nancy, To my taste the SSS doesn`t add anything good. The skin looks like from Madame Tussauds cabinet. (waxy) (That also goes for the Forwood chara.) Sorry, but am I alone with my opinion? (Maybe the AM SSS is not really at the breakingpoint yet?)
  6. Looking good. I would give the bright side some colortint as well. mybe this could have been done with a materialeffector also.
  7. nice model! (you seem to have some flipped normals still)
  8. Well done so far. Could you post a shadedwireframe of your "Zorra" with and without dress for better judgement?
  9. WOW! WOW! WOW! Really beautifull work and excellent splinemanship! I like your style! What is trapcode?
  10. >For the fog I'd experiment using a fog image that is all black at the interior of the tunnel. This might prevent the tunnel from looking like it's illuminated inside when the train goes through. The image might look something like this: is there a way to aim that picture correctly or will this have to be try and error?
  11. >regarding the animation: i´m with you when you say that physics defy reality in a cartoonworld, but you should take care that it doesn´t look "wrong"... in a cartoonworld physics are most times just exaggerated, not inverted so why would the train slow down BEFORE it hits the car? and why is the car thrown away with a much higher speed than beeing hit? even in a cartoon-animation the basic physics should not be thaaat wrong. Its not animationcritictime yet! Hopefully I will be reaching there in a few years. (joking again, hopefully!) Thanks for your help!
  12. Any ideas anybody, why the truck in this scene is flickering? Is the fog in the camerasetting overriding the setting of the render? Is a skydome cutting down or extending rendertimes? Any ideas?
  13. >Maybe I should broaden the mouth a bit??? By the way, you never showed us, how you solved your eyesocketproblem now?
  14. If you go along these instructions, you should be safe: CFA_TUT.rtf
  15. I find the software Vern is using, Anime Studio Pro 7 at 179,-€ is quite worthwhile for 2 D and even to work together with AM on certain aspects. Sometimes I am thinking, if I would have invested all the time, that I put into learning and experimenting with AM into just drawing a movie like Bill Plympthon did, maybe I would have had it finished by now? Oh, well ............
  16. this is cartoonworld, where physics defy reality... ;>) Jake
  17. Hi Walter, Great test, looking very good. How did you do your enviroment? ;>) jake
  18. Some results from my tests from the FAO thread: This is just some nonsense further testing the overall looks and animation rendering times. Added some fog. No Fake AO this time. Merry christmas to everybody here on the forum!!! HedgehoglandTunnel231210.mov
  19. >´ll have to try that goup thing, i´ve tried to set the null shader for the whole model before, that didn´t have any affect...
  20. I don`t know much about all this, but doesn`t the FakeAO render instead of the nullshader give you a depthmap as well? So couldn`t you use a FakeAO only render to use its in post for your purpose? What I do to activate the nullshader easily in each model is make a group with just the nullshader and put it on top of all materials groups, thus overwriting all the others, to deactivate again I just drag these group on first place in the group branch. The decals you can deactivate easily with the decalbottom. This way it won`t be that much work to get the nullshader going.
  21. >Yves posted some stunning topology some time ago too... Its a real shame, that she is probably rotting on his harddrive, due to him changing software. Also Tanazassis girl is a real work of art. and Mr. Talbots. Also a pity that they are out of service... Maybe we should put up a collection of the nicest splinedesign somewherè? female, male, head, body, realistic, stylized.... This link also could be interesting for your style: http://matthewkrick.com/tutorials/ PoissantgirlWipWireTotal.psd girltot.bmp redheadwire.bmp
  22. >One of my goals with the final story (the graphic novel) is to create a story that would make a great standalone movie. That's partly why I'm doing it independent of the gag-a-day format. I'm imagining it as a feature film in graphic novel format. By doing it offline, it's also something I could take to studios to pitch as a movie. And I am at a point, where I lost some of my impetus, while realising the huge amount of work still ahead just for a pitch presantation to do all the voices and sound to make the whole comic an animatic (Like my short sample). You have several advantages on your side living in America you have all the native speakers to aim at and prepare for a worldmarket more easily and I guess you have much more possibilities TV channels , movie productions etc. to present your fine work to. So I am very eager to follow, what will come out of it. What took a little bit the wind out of my sails was also, that not even TWO with it`s huge effort could get sold to somebody. So I am planning to aim much lower for the time being and aim at much smaller goals. I wish you all the best of luck as always. http://www.marinavonsee.de
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