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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Paul Forwood

Hash Fellow
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Everything posted by Paul Forwood

  1. Excellent! But you should go ahead and animate him for next year.
  2. Wowzers, Luuk! That is probably the best anaglyph that I have seen. All the right elements are there. It's a shame that the chandelier gets flattened in the illusion but that is just par for the course I guess. Outstanding!!!
  3. Oh, man! That's bad news, Gerry! No backup? Regarding the shadow and alpha channel problem: If I remember correctly, in your ground plane's object's properties expand the "Options" and "Receive Shadows" and set "Shadows Only" to ON. This will setup the shadows, that are cast onto the ground plane, to render on their own without the ground plane rendering. Then in the render options make sure that the Alpha buffer is enabled. This should produce a render that looks all black but it is actually a dark shadow on an alpha background. When you composite it over a coloured background you should see the shadow. I hope I explained that correctly.
  4. Nice one, Luuk! That one works well for my eyes.
  5. Nice work, guys! My entry was thrown in at the last minute. Not to win. Not to place. Just incase no one participated so there would be something to criticise. I started to model Hampton Court Palace last summer and had to shelve it after about a week so what you see here is just the very early stages of modelling. It is my intention to keep the model as low poly as possible, only adding detail as and when it is completely necessary. Most of the detail will be done with various maps. Currently the whole castle is built from only 8527 patches but I expect that figure to multiply many times before it is finished. I expect this project to be completed sometime before the next millenium. Anyway, I tried to get a stereo render worth posting but these are the best of a bad lot. The "frame distance" is set at 30 metres! This QT movie isn't stereo but helps to give some idea of the size of the model. The arched door of the entrance is approximately 25 feet tall: When I get back to this project I will probably start a development thread.
  6. Have you tried turning off multi-pass all together for a stereo render. By the way, Luuk, congratulations for your image contest win and for the superb model!
  7. Simply amazing, Dusan! Congratulations to your whole team!
  8. Please, let us know when the webpage goes live. Wonderful models, Dusan!
  9. Lots of fun stuff going on in this thread! That will make a pretty cool character, Dude! You should give him white gloves though, so that his hands don't vanish when they move in front of his jacket. Oh, you're going to have fun with all of these characters, totlover! Much potential!
  10. Good start! One thing that you might want to ammend is the style of boot. Ski boots support the ankles and do not allow them to bend. Though there are other styles the basic shape of modern ski boots is generally similar the image below. Do a Google image search and you'll have more than enough reference material.
  11. I don't think so. Not in my experience anyway. Luckily I know exactly where my original Hash, 3D glasses are. I just need a reason to get them out. Have 7Eleven changed their name in Canada then Dhar?
  12. This might be something that you have overlooked: Hit Ctrl/P and select the "Rendering" tab. You should see "Use Settings from:". Set it to "The Camera" so that you know you can be certain that your render will be using the camera settings or set these options to the output you require. I have never experienced the problem that you are having so my reply is only a guess at what the cause might be.
  13. Either make a simple model of a wall with window and bars and shine a light onto the wall so that it casts the shadow and illuminates the eyes. Just like you would do in reality. OR Use a 32 bit image in your light to filter/colour the light. Use fog in your render settings and have a light, at some distance, behind your subject. Klieg lights can also be assigned volumetrics so you could experiment with that also.
  14. Looks good to me, David!
  15. Nice work, Chris! Yeah, I was wondering about the background too. You say that it was all done in A:M so did you create the background with particles?
  16. I do this all the time without any problems. You could set up a home network but I think you are looking for a quicker solution so let's just consider using CDs or Memory Sticks: Start with a sensible structure to your file hierarchy. I have a folder called, "Projects", which contains many project folders. Each project folder contains most of the files that are neccessary to run that project. My individual Project Folders contain folders for: Models, Maps, Actions, Choreographies, Materials, Renders and Sounds and, of corse, they hold the project files themselves. I try to keep it all together so that all I have to do is copy the individual Project folder. It can then be run from another computer and the file paths will still be valid. It makes archiving easy too! But you probably knew all that already so let us know what isn't working.
  17. It looks like a stage set, Lee. I like it too. The klieg that you are using for the volumetric light looks like it could move up a bit, or be made wider, so that it fills the cone of the light shade. Is this for a website?
  18. Oh...Thanks, Roders!
  19. Here is another screen captured video of an A:M model that has been exported as a DTS file and loaded into Torque Show Tool: Once again, compressing this has taken it's toll on the quality. ------------------------------------- You should look for further posts about game development in the Game Development Forum. I've forgotten half of what I learned about A:M to Torque but you can learn as I relearn it inin this thread. The AMXtex and AMXdtsPlus export plugins are available from Obsidian Games Get the info on Torque at Garage Games. ------------------------------- Wow, there are alot of posts that I have missed in that games forums now! I'll have to try to catch up some time.
  20. There are a several plugins available that will convert A:M models into formats suitable for game engines. AMXdtsPlus will export to DTS and DSQ format which is the format used by the Torque game engine. AMXtex will export X files which can be used by a number of game engines. There are other export options but I don't know if anyone has had success in taking these files into a game: ( OBJ, LWO, 3DS, ACT, PLY ) ------------------------------------------------- Here is a screen captured video of an A:M model in the Torque Show Tool. The quality of the captured video is very choppy but rest assured it is as smooth as silk in the Torque Show Tool. We/I need to get back into looking at Torque and kick the TWO game back into life.
  21. Very nice! It looks sort of neo-Georgian. The little detail on the double-arched window, where the arches meet, should not be overhanging the window frames. This will look superb with some textures!
  22. Not sure, because I don't have a Mac, but I think that you would be okay on a G3 up to A:M12. Better wait for a Mac owner to chime in.
  23. Right click in an Action window, or on the action name in the PWS, and then select SaveAs. This saves your action so that you can load it into other projects that require the same motion for the same rig.
  24. Cool! It would be great if you could actually generate the control codes from A:M to drive a real lighting rig.
  25. Ah! Thanks for the explanation, Yves. So, if I understand correctly, the negative blue light is cast in the same direction as the sunlight and used to control the balance between the yellow sunlight and blue shadows. I must try that sometime.
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