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Everything posted by Nosferatu

  1. Aaah...Elena...I always considered you a woman of good taste! Your comments further prove that! Actually, my plan is to do just as you suggested. I'm currently working on slowing down the flames. Next comes staggering the flame lengths and experimenting with a more stylized flame shape, and finally he will have a face modeled in. I'm going to give him that thick-lipped face that is common on grandfather clocks and Angelina Jolie. Right now, the orb is actually red-orange, but the combination of glow and proximity to yellow flames makes it look a little washed out. That will be fixed as the lab work continues. Nos
  2. Chamfers? Huh, what are those? A chamfer is a flat edge to a corner, as opposed to a bevel which is a rounded edge. I agree that chamfers can work pretty well in a still image, but when objects and cameras are moving around, a rounded bevel will give a much more consistent illusion of depth, IMHO. Nos
  3. I hadn't looked at it that way, but I see what you mean. Well, the next one is cooking in the oven right now and I'll post it when it's done. Nos
  4. Experimenting with a hot, stylized sun. This is my first attempt. Next will have flames moving more slowly and face on sun. [attachmentid=9631] Sunshine.mov
  5. Also, try to use "multipass" and try different numbers of passes (I find that 16 is needed for realistic blur). Nos
  6. I'm not sure if you understand that motion blur only applies to movement. So once the page is turned and not moving fast, the text should be crystal clear. Nos
  7. Would Emilio's "Wave Machine" help you? http://www.moscafilms.com.br/emilioleroux/amplugins.html Nos
  8. It works for me (v. 11), but I think I have seen that problem in the past. Are you sure it's not coming in really tiny? You can tell by clicking the "Zoom Fit" button (or press shift+Z). THis will cause the model to fill the window. Did you try just saving the selected vector outline to ai, or did you save the whole document? I use Corel Draw and I first select the vector, and then export as an ai file. Let us know how you make out. Nos
  9. Looks pretty good. I'd suggest adding some motion blur for a little more realism. Nos
  10. Excellent illusion of weight. Very nice job. Nos
  11. Jason, How did you use sweeper to build a house? Just curious as to the plugin's uses. Thanks, Nos
  12. Rodger, I would be most grateful if you would make it available. Thanks for the offer! Nos
  13. Looks cool. Model has a light, almost too "airy" feeling. You might want to have him work to recover his equilibrium after the first jump onto the block before his second jumpto the other side of the block. This might give him a sense of weight and mass. Very nice work. Nos
  14. Cool...I like him. Can't wait to see him in an animation. Nos
  15. Very nice. I like the objects going into a spiral. I would recommend considering reworking the movement of the smaller words that fly into place. Their movement somehow looks "tentative" to me...as if they're not sure where they're supposed to go. It might have to do with the direction changes or a lack of arcing in their movement. The concept in itself is good; it's just the overall impression I get for their movement. Very good job! Nos
  16. I think you're being fooled by the strobe effect. Here's an explanation I had laying around. I don't know who the author is, but it explains the effect pretty well: Wheels appear to rotate backwards in movies because of 'strobe effect'. When filming, the camera actually takes a series of pictures. An example of how this works is as follows: Imagine you have a spoked wheel rotating at 50 revolutions per second. If the camera is filming at a rate of 50 frames per second (taking 50 individual pictures each second) then the wheel would be in the same position every time the picture was taken. When viewing the film it would appear that the wheel was not moving. Now, slow the wheel down a little bit and it would be slightly behind the position it was in when the previous frame was shot. Now the wheel would appear as if it is rotating backwards because you are not viewing the continuous motion of the wheel, but rather the positions of the wheel every 1/50th of a second.
  17. John, Is Newton available as a plugin? I thought it was being worked on but not available yet. Nos
  18. I notice your textures are stretched on the vertical surfaces. Not so on your original. You must have changed the mapping method to spherical or cylindrical. I would scale the textures down. Yo might also want to use a lighter color on the lamps and chairs so as to see the shading better. Keep posting! Nos
  19. Why, it's George B. himself! Pretty good likeness.
  20. Holy moley...I can't find it on the web for under $90.00. Too bad. I would have loved to hear the whole thing. Thanks a million for giving me the information. Nos
  21. Looks great, Christopher. Some suggestions per your request: Swing seats look a little too "deep" from front to back. Slide would probably have safety rails on the top platform. Grass scale looks a little on the large side. The blades might be a wee bit wide. A stucco texture on the walls might look nice. These are all nit-piks on a very nicely done model. Nos
  22. Hmm...I found Chet's studio recording but I can't seem to find the duo version. What album is it from? Nos
  23. Will you be modeling people to fill up the stadium? We'll give you until Monday. Nos
  24. How did you get my gastrointerologist to pose for that picture? Nos
  25. Cool. I'll have to see if I can get that up on Rhapsody. It definitely has that live, "one-take" feel to it as there are a few bad notes, but that creates a lot of excitement. Once again, great work. You're an inspiration. Nos
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