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Everything posted by steve392

  1. I had trouble adjusting the timming of the jump ,I had to add more frames to be able to get it .There are times when Im not sure if Im making it better or wors lol.Is there a way besides scrubing to see it in slow-mo ,I have to render it to be able to see the changes as I can't seem to judg it sliding the scrub bar .Iv never used the channel editor so much ,its a real handy tool.I must say Im enjoying doing this its a great way to learn .I realize your probably very busy Robert and I appreciate you taking the time to help and advise ,so without further addo heres my latest rendishen jump_test_take3.mov jump_test_take3_left.mov
  2. Could you do a shaded wireframe side view Steve,a bump map on the lips makes a world of differance
  3. A lota lota work ,glad its going ok David
  4. I actually triede that jump where you open the legs front and back and I had to land with my back foot bent ,and not flat like I had it ,wich gave him the pain ,even though I did feel an idiot doing it
  5. Thank's a lot Robert I will study it and try again ,will post when I think Iv got it work't out cheers,Thats a clever way of doing the notes btw edit Man youv got good eyes lol
  6. That looks a lot better to me ,well done it all goese well together now
  7. Robert could you take another look if you have the time please ,to see if its an improvement in your eyes .I think its way better after going through your notes and adjusting things,it now looks to me more like he is moving himself if you know what I mean I adjusted the whaiting a bit on the pelvis and the top of the legs ,and the knees needed the spline rings closer together Hes suposed to be an old guy x navy a bit of a down and out ,down on his luck just messing doing some exersizes very badly but at least hes trying lol jump_test_take2.mov jump_test_left_take2.mov
  8. Haha thats good I like that one
  9. Loovely curves .I don't know what age she will be but to me her face looks older than her body at the moment ,probably just my experiance or lack of .Maybe when her hair and lipstick are on it will be differant again but lovely modeling edit It maybe the white patch on her head throwing me
  10. Thats a nice looking train there mr spleen
  11. Yea the background is just an image as a layer,yea the timing is my worst enemy (very bad at it) .I supose you could just vidio a bouncing ball to get the timing ,I might try that Thank's for your reply's
  12. Mmm I may well use this idea ,looks realy nice
  13. Looking good ,nice smooth modeling ,you done a good job on the shoulders by the looks of it and yea she's um um nice
  14. Yea diffinatly more femanine ,made a lot of differance
  15. Thats interesting ,I didn't know that (obviusly)thank's Nancy at least I know Im not cracking up ,well not for that anyway
  16. hehe I knew that shagy was mad .you got that working very smooth,thats ideal if you can drag and drop
  17. Superman doese
  18. I purchaced a large set of bvh files from mr bones some time ago and played with them for a while but couldn't get the rig to stay and just add another file for some reason ,I had to rerig everytime ,plus my lack of nohow didn't help.That pose idea sounds good Mark especially if you can scale with a pose aswell,that would make things a lot easier
  19. The vidio would be usefull ,but is there any way to say use it as a roterscope in an action so that I could see the bones on top of the vidio?(probably not ,not needed I would think) I thought I would show my progress so far ,still a lot to look at and change /adjust but I feel its a lot better than it was after going through your notes and changing stuff edit just out of interest how can these two clips be a differant size theye are exactly the same apart from a front and left view,very strange jump_test_2.mov jump_test_left.mov
  20. Thats good ,its working well .Mark do you start with a T pose when you put the bvh rig on
  21. Thats looking nice ,I find its hard to know when to stop tweaking
  22. Brilliant Rob thats exactly what I needed.I will study this and see what I can improve,I learned a lot from this vidio stuff I never even thought of and some things I didn't know at all so many thank's for your time and I will repost soon as I get it done
  23. The belly is a nice idea I allready have a pose for that ,mmmm will look at that Im working away for a couple of days from tomorow so will play with it as soon as I get back
  24. Matt I would very much like to see that in action if possible ,sounds a graet way to go
  25. Iv been using tsm2 for a while and didn't know a lot of that, amazing just how much I don't know I sometimes suprize myself lol
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