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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Wildsided

  1. Hey guys Breckridge update time. Just finished the new intro so thought I'd post it. Episode 4 is recorded (with a recording box as per Tony's suggestion) and will be out soon. New_intro.mov
  2. Nice one Karen and a Happy Christmas to you too.
  3. Thanks Robert, she was supposed to be the co-host of Epic Gamin' but I made her about 3 years too late.
  4. Ho ho ho guys, it's Christmas episode time again and year it's on time! A:M wise we have Tech, Gwen, Game and a whole new Christmas themed short starring Ace, the Ace.Co mascot. http://blip.tv/aceco/full-episode-6702486 This year the team checks out a 1994 SNES game called Daze before Christmas, educates the world on the European legend of Krampus, throw in some 2D cartoon goodness and Game tries to make something 'a thing'. Had a lot of fun making this one. Dan
  5. Hey thanks Tony! Definitely seems worth a try.
  6. In my home home office, it's by no means a professional recording space. Just my USB mic hooked up to my laptop on a tripod in front of me. Plus aside from normalizing and noise removal ( not that there's a ton of noise, my mic is pretty good where that's concerned). I'm not a pro when it comes to audio.
  7. Thanks Kathryn, very kind of you Been toying around with a new intro for the Breckridge Audiobook. Built the sealed corridor along with a stormy set and made the sequence below. Sorry it's so low res, Don't wanna render it out in HD until I'm totally happy with it. lightning_flash_test.mov Still tweaking and sound to add but there's always something else to do right Dan
  8. Annie and I would like to thank all of the Hash community for your continued support.
  9. Annie's pretty much done, just need to rig her fingers and eyes/lids and toy with making her transparent. Really happy with how her top turned out. Thanks Nancy by the way coming from you that's high praise.
  10. Hey guys. It's been a while since I've posted something that's actually model based. So here's my work in process model of Annie Johnson, a key character from Breckridge. Whether she's friend of foe I'll leave you to surmise. But in case you're wondering, yes she's very much dead.
  11. Breckridge episode 3 is up on blip.tv http://blip.tv/aceco/breckridge-by-dan-ske...apter-3-6687775 For anyone who's interested.
  12. Hey Simon, yeah so long as it's stopping after the logo has finished and the chapter number has been displayed then it's meant to do that. I'll add more visual elements as and when I get them done. Currently sketching out designs for the central ghost character. The shadow in the window is meant to represent her but at the moment its a stand in. It's actually a 75% transparent model of an anime character called Mikuru Asahina made completely black to hide the fact that the model is a mess of tri poly's and then the arms quickly rigged to get her out of the T-pose. I'll replace her with the actual character when I've built her.
  13. I use an M-Audio Vocal Studio USB Mic. Then clean up in Audacity.
  14. Evening all, Breckridge Chapter 2 has been released over on the Ace.Co Entertainment Blip channel. http://blip.tv/aceco/breckridge-by-dan-ske...apter-2-6670980 and I built some more of the school.
  15. Just wanted to let anyone who's interested know that Breckridge part 1 has been released. http://blip.tv/aceco/breckridge-by-dan-ske...apter-1-6661357 Hope you like it
  16. Hey guys, I mentioned in my diary topic that I was working on a new audiobook project called Breckridge. It's a ghost story for anyone who's interested and takes place in and around Breckridge Secondary School in the fictional town of Southedge in the North of England. I also mentioned I was working on making Breckridge School to use as a visual aspect to the audiobook. Below is what I've got done so far. This part of the building is a geography classroom in the schools' south block, flanked by a girls bathroom on the left and a boys bathroom on the right. I know this because I'm basing the overall layout of the school on my old high school. The major difference being that I'll be adding a second floor to south block that doesn't exist but is necessary to accommodate the sealed corridor. Once I've built the second floor for this particular wall I'll add some gutters (Eaves trough's in North America) and then will have enough school to use as a photo in the first episode, which will be released over on Blip.tv/aceco. Thanks for looking
  17. How do all, Another update post for anyone following what I'm up to. If you've ever visited the Ace.Co Entertainment page at www.Blip.tv/aceco . You'll have seen that I've started posting daily game play videos complete with commentary. These are easy and fun to do and crucially require very little in the way of editing (Literally syncing up the commentary with the game play and setting the volume of each clip). The idea being that I'm not only putting out regular content which means more views per month and the potential for higher revenue. But also that it gives me time to work on other projects without feeling like I'm not posting anything new. These projects include launching two Audio Book style shows. Parallel Worlds Episode 1 is already up and I'm currently working on 'Breckridge', a ghost story set in and around a school that may or may not be based on my old high school.... I intend to use A:M to enhance the listening experience with stills and brief animations, which is why right now I'm building Breckridge High School, classrooms and all. Only ever made one building before (the cabin for Epic Gamin') and one kitchen for the abandoned E.G fully animated series. So this should prove to be an experience. Dan
  18. What's that? What's what? That thing in the sky. Oh that's just Gerry KNOCKING IT OUTA THE PARK!!
  19. Ladies and gentlemen I have returned. Not that it appears that anyone even noticed I was gone. But yeah I'm back.
  20. Happy Birthday to a fellow Dan

  21. Here's my new anime girl dressed. She still has no name
  22. Are they boots or does he have really big hairy feet? Also it's a little unnerving that he's smiling....
  23. Damn you work, you win this time!
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