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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by photoman

  1. I've just usually go to top view and drag and select all the models, then I just move them or rotate them. I've done this with about 50ish models. Though I havent tried selecting the models from groups. Photoman
  2. Its the way I set it to render in realtime. It renders as smooth curves reguraly. Why I have it that way? Accidently clicked it
  3. Started the second coaster. It is near finished I just have to tweak some stuff and add camera paths and misc stuff. Here are some stills and previews. Coaster2_low.mov More C&C welcome Photoman
  4. Thanks! There should be more in coming weeks but I also have finals in coming weeks . Photoman
  5. FINISHED!! Here is the video. http://vimeo.com/2778061 Thanks for the feedback and support! Photoman
  6. To be truthful all the textures besides the terrain/water (In the funnel thingy) and marble where darktrees. Photoman PS I have 2 cameras that have finished rendering.
  7. Here is a 5minute test I did with the sweeper plugin: untitled.mov Just ignore the random pieces I forgot to delete. Photoman
  8. I have many sketches (What else are you supposed to do at school?) of various tracks. This next one (If my computer ever finishes rendering (20 hours for 5 seconds!)) is going to have a helix(es?) a loop and MAYBE dominoes . Though all depends on if it is possible with newton dynamics. (The jump in the movie above took about 1 hour to get right it involved simulating with no landing and putting in a track piece and righting down the translation and rotation and then reverting the project to before the simulation and putting the track in . AND it takes forever line up the tracks perfectly ) Photoman
  9. Thanks! I rendered those on a Macbook pro so it is set to LCD Gamma I think. The ball is just dropped... I plan to have it so when the ball ends in the funnel thingy that it will be "teleported" to the next coaster Im making.
  10. Ok I decided to make a Marble Roller Coaster . I have actually already finished it for the most part except rendering which I need to ship off to my render node. Here are some stills and cam tests. It's short though next one is going to be longer and the next one is going to be a Newton Bonanza! Tests.mov C&C Welcome -Photoman
  11. I use a mac with A:M just control-click to right click. For animating a character you are probably have to import a series of images as a image sequence to animate plaine image files. To do this open A:M go to the Project Workspace Tree and on the Images tab right click (Control-Click for mac) and select import->animation or image sequence. Then when the window pops up to choose the images, Shift-Click all of the images you want and click import.* *Make sure that each image in a squence ends with a consequtive number ( imageA001.jpg, imageA002, etc) Hope it Helps! Photoman
  12. The only thing I could think of to do that is A) Create a mixed material and have one of the attributes transparent or use a transparency map. Photoman
  13. I've read that a 35mm slide film is rated at 25 megapixels* So if you like long renders I would render at say 4000x6000 for a 24megapixel picture. Photoman *Megapixel = image HeigntxWidth
  14. For my upcoming tutorial series (See preview in tutorial section) I plan to do a tutorial on realistic make it yourself materials. Basically using GIMP to create maps and use plugin attributes to map them to objects. Keep and eye open for them in the next week or so Photoman
  15. I remember hearing that the average frame time for Pixar was 6 hours and the longest was 90!!! on a INTEL SERVER!!!!!!!!!! As for render times I try to stay in the 3min or less per frame timelimit . Tips would be to set frame rate to 24 FPS and use less splines and complex materials. Photoman
  16. I believe I heard some say that a 16pass (4x4) render is equal in DOF and motion blur. But... I could have misheard. Photoman
  17. I made a another model for the terrain and deleted the ground.
  18. FINALLY I started a new semi-time taking project rather than a bunch of one hour mini projects . Here are some sneek peeks of it: No particles and water (9 min @ 3000x1500) Particles on no reflections (Kill render time) Everything on(Raytraced took 1hour45min for this half of the image so I downcroped it to look nice) I've been working on it for about a day now. The grass is just a simple imageplane on a hair emitter same with the branches and leafs in the trees. The atmosphere is a skydome with global lighting at 50% and a sun with shadows at 50%. C&C welcome Photoman
  19. Thanks! I am trying to make a bunch of them for A:M and Gimp and Photography Techniques. Though I need some more ideas ! Here are a few I can think of for future A:M tutorials: Animated ocean water (Probably my next one) Detailed Materials (i.e. bump maps, diffuse maps, etc.) Landscape (Multiple parts(Treeezz plugin, Skydome, hair for grass/distant trees and leafs, using turbulence combiners for textures) Photography Tutorials: Panorama's 101 HDR's 101 F/stops and DOF Astrophotography Basics Gimp: Action Sequences Various effects My only problem with making these is that they take up a large amount of disk space and I need I video host that lets me host HD content for free/cheap. I am using Vimeo right now but it only lets me post 1 HD video a week. But.... I only need HD video for my A:M and Gimp tutorials(B/c regular compression kills the quality and you would not be able to read anything )
  20. Here is a link to a tutorial I did for my website on calm open ocean water. http://vimeo.com/2329813 Here is the final image: and the project file: Water_Project.prj.zip Hope its useful! Photoman
  21. On my pc (Which is fried dont ask) I had Halo PC and I took the Master Chief model out of that. It was in .obj format with no textures. So if you grab a copy of Halo PC $10-15 and you search the halomod forums (google them) you can extract it. Unfortunelty I don't have them on my mac . Hope it helps Photoman
  22. I agree with Robcat, It would look good with white/bluey moonlight with 1 direction shadows. Looks good though!
  23. Can you post a wire frame please? Thx
  24. photoman

    A Jump

    Looks great! Very naturally looking!
  25. I am using 10.5 right now with v13 and it runs fine. The only differences between 10.3 and 10.4 is like windows service packs. It contains updated core data and a slight face lift. Photoman
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