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Everything posted by itsjustme

  1. The links should be fixed now...I just re-posted them and linked to the new files.
  2. The Foot Gizmo was meant for hand-like feet like you would have on a monkey. What you need are the biped Squetch Rig toes that are located in the "Add-ons" section of the Wiki. Hope that helps.
  3. Very cool, Marcos!
  4. I didn't know that, Dale. Thanks! It will help a lot.
  5. The "auto_controllers_INSTALL" bone has the "auto_controller" bones as children, those bones are used in calculations within Expressions for the face rig. There is a constraint that will translate them to the hips that is already set to "on", so that's where they will be in any Action. I would move the "auto_controllers_INSTALL" bone using translate mode so that its' origin is at the origin of the hips, but that is just for neatness. Those are the only installation tutorials besides the tutorial that Mark Skodacek made for the Posable installation versions of the rig. There have been a lot of updates since those original five...I actually stopped at that point because of how fast things had changed. One thing off the top of my head, the leg INSTALL bones are now supposed to end at the ankle instead of going to the floor. There's going to be an update to the spine when I can get to it, then I have a personal project that I've been trying to get to...I'm going to try to make a new installation tutorial while doing the rigging for that. If you have any questions, feel free to post, PM or e-mail.
  6. There isn't an installation video that shows the Foot Gizmo, but it installs like the hand. Hope that helps.
  7. When you reset the compensates on the "Animation_Controls/Face_underlying_controls/face_setup/upper_lip_to_Maxilla" Poses, resetting them normally won't "take". You have to open each Pose, set the slider to 100%, set the rotation on the 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' to "0" then open the Timeline and copy the compensate values to the 0% side of the Pose. You do that for all of those Poses. At least that's one possibility...if you're unable to track it down, I can take a look at it, Steve.
  8. So, in an Action the FACE geometry doesn't hide itself when you have the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface/FACE off/Joint Controls/Split Controls" Pose set to "0"? I'm guessing that you accidentally assigned the head to the interface geometry, Steve. Compare the assigned bones (to the FACE interface geometry) in the installation rig to your installation. You can just re-assign everything to the correct bones and it should be fine. If it's not that, I'll have you try a couple of other things.
  9. What I'm suggesting is that you should make your setup Poses separate from the Poses that are for movement...mixing that in with percentage Poses is probably what is causing your problem. Hope that helps.
  10. Depending on how you set it up, that may be your problem. Hope that helps.
  11. Did you make the Pose that puts the smaller mouth inside the larger mouth as an on/off Pose separate from the other Poses?
  12. To import the video as a decal, right mouse click on your model in the PWS, select "New/Decal" and then change the file type to either "AVI" or "MOV" depending on which you are importing. To import the video as a rotoscope, right mouse click on the camera in the Choreography and select "New/Rotoscope", change the file type to whatever you are importing. Be sure that you have the codec you need for your video installed on your computer or it won't work. Hope that helps.
  13. If you use the setup for the FACE controllers, you can tweak everything by hand at any time. I'm not sure how you are setting it up Paul, so I don't know what to suggest as a solution. For driving the FACE controls, I made copies of the controls with "BVH" in their name and used the BVH data to drive those. Then, I had the actual controls tied to the "BVH" controls with constraints...no extra plugin necessary. Hope that helps.
  14. First, I like him, Eric! Looks like a very nice job. Some wireframe images would make it easier to assess the modeling...the fingers look like they might need some tweaking. A few images of him in an environment would make it easier to assess the texturing...the brass on the bullets looks like it needs something to reflect and I'm not sure about the hair or the chest scars in these renders. In these renders, it looks like the hair could be thickened at its' base and the scar could use a bump or displacement map. He looks like he'll be fun to build a story around.
  15. Have you tried using the "Animation_Controls/Arm_Controls/sleeves_roll_like_biceps" and "Animation_Controls/Squetch_Controls/ARMS/sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Poses, Rusty? Those are built into the rig...I'm pretty sure they will get you what you're looking for. If not, let me know and we'll try to get it where you need it to be.
  16. This release gets rid of the resetting of 66 compensates...there are still around 85 left, but every little bit helps. Hopefully, it will get easier to install with each release. The changes make it better if you have the origin of the "Maxilla", "LowerTeeth", "Jaw" and mouth bones at the same location. I added a sentence to the FACE setup instructions, so I added it here as well. The Posable installations have a couple of added steps that are outlined in a text file that will be included in their ZIP file ("Posable_additional_installation_steps.txt"). I set all of the IK/FK Poses to "not set", otherwise there wouldn't be an "off"...there were a couple of foot bones that were affected. There are a few bones that need to have "0" for their 'Z' rotation...their rotation gets re-calculated on export, so they need to be manually rotated using "Rotate mode" after export ("cheek_left_INSTALL", "cheek_right_INSTALL", "nostril_left_INSTALL", "nostril_right_INSTALL", "jowl_right_geom", "jowl_left_geom"). There is an additional model that will need to be imported after the installation Poses are deleted called the "FINAL_IMPORT"...there were some things that interfered with the installation Poses. After the import, there are a few placeholder Relationships in the "Animation_Controls/FACE Interface" folder that you can then delete...they are just named "Relationship1" and have nothing in them (in the "EyeConstraints (do not touch)", "Eye Target Tracking" and "eyes_aim_at_Master_EyeTarget" Poses). Thanks to Mark Skodacek and Mark Strohbehn for their help. The MirrorBones plugin is located on Steffen Gross' site, here. If anyone finds a problem, let me know and I'll fix it as fast as I can. --------------------------------- EDIT --------------------------------- For some reason, the toe add-on links didn't work on the Wiki...so I added the files here (the Wiki now links to these files). --------------------------------- EDIT --------------------------------- The final v11.1 and v12 biped rigs and v11.1 and v12 standalone FACE installations have been moved here. v11_1_Quad_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007.zip v12_Quad_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007.zip v13_Quad_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007.zip v13_Quad_Squetch_Rig_12_05_2007_Mirrorbones.zip v12_Biped_Squetch_Rig_02_25_2007_Toes_installations.zip v12_Quad_Squetch_Rig_02_25_2007_Toes_installations.zip
  17. You're right David, but constraining the face bones directly to the BVH rig is easier to do for those who aren't that experienced with setting up poses, expressions etc. Rotating the BVH rig is a simple solution, but I think your method of driving the face is the best way to do it. Thanks for the explanation, Luuk.
  18. I still don't understand why this would be necessary...maybe I'm missing something. ------------------ EDIT ------------------ I should have been clearer. Why would the BVH bones need to rotate with the chest? All that is needed is the data from the BVH bones to drive the face...which is parented to the rig's chest.
  19. The BVH face rig doesn't move with the Squetch Rig at all in what I set up...it doesn't need to. I don't think it would be necessary in any rig. What I did was convert the rotation of the BVH bones into translate movement using Expressions and then used that to translate the FACE controls that are built into the Squetch Rig and standalone FACE installations. Since the face is completely rigged for traditional animation, all that is needed is for the manual controls to be controlled by the BVH data. I think it's necessary for the BVH data that Zign Track generates to drive Poses instead of bones that are directly affecting the face. The reason is that the data is based on 2D movement...so you don't get something like the lips pulling back when smiling or puckering when the lips move inward unless you are driving Poses (you could probably also use Smartskin, but I think Poses would do the job a lot better). First, I added extra nulls that the actual manual controls would be constrained to...that way, you can still manually tweak the movement after loading the BVH data. Then, I added a bone for each control that would control the percentage that the data would be converted to linear movement. I set up a percentage Pose for each one where the bone (let's call it the "limiter") would be scaled to 0% at "0" of the Pose, 100% at "1000" of the Pose (to make the increments .1% for each whole number) and 500% at "5000". This will allow the movement from the data to be decreased and increased if necessary from 0-500%. Next, I made a setup Action where I converted the BVH data using Expressions. As an example, the jaw is opened using this Expression on the "SyncNull_BVH": What the Expression says is: The negative 'Y' value is needed because the "SyncNull" opens the mouth as it is translated to its' negative 'Y'. The "SyncNull" (which is the manual control for opening the jaw in the FACE controls) then has a "translate to SyncNull_BVH" applied to it. Finally, the BVH data can be imported into the setup Action using "Capture Sequence". Does that help? I may have misunderstood the question...did I?
  20. Very nice, Satyajit!
  21. There are standalone versions of the FACE controls at the bottom of the Wiki page...in the ZIP there are three versions, one with just the FACE controls, one with the FACE controls and tongue setup and one with the FACE controls and the bones setup for the face. These will work with any rig, the only assumption is that the rig has a bone named "head". Hope that helps, Ernest.
  22. I'm glad you got AM to work...now it's just figuring out what's going on with your computer. Find out what video card your computer has...it might tell you in your Device Manager under "Display Adapters". Then, download the latest drivers for that card and install them. As for the CD, it's part of the copy protection for AM. You can get a USB dongle from Hash if you prefer, I'm not sure of the pricing for that. I've never had an AM disk get damaged, but if you're worried about it, the dongle is what you would need. Hope that helps.
  23. I forgot to ask...have you tried v13.0t for the Oz disk? It's located here. If you have the same problem with that, then I would think it's something other than AM that is causing the problem.
  24. It was worth a try. So, the OS should work fine. Okay, that tells me you have the CD for the Oz installation...which you've gotten and installed. Although, I have v13.0L on the CD and it's a Yeti...I know, splitting hairs. Okay, but do you have the latest drivers for your video card? If it's a realtime rendering problem, that could be the culprit. Also, do you have any emulation software like Alcohol 120% or DAEMON Tools or some sort of Virtual CD applications installed? Those can cause problems as well.
  25. That was sort of my next question as well...my question was going to be, "What character is on your CD?"
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