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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by tbenefi33

  1. Thanks I'll fix the top studs. Yes I was going to render it in my yard to show my stepdad what it will look like.
  2. Hello Lady and Gent wow things have changed here since I've been here in awhile . I started working on this storage shed last night to see how much wood I would exactly need to build the real one. I'm about half way done. Here a couple of pics.
  3. Hello awome work on the wales you ought to send that to the discovery channel to the whale wars steve irwin ship. OH yah I set the pic as background and that a awsome job you did.
  4. hi willaim could you please email me at Tbenefi33@aol.com I'm currently working on cnc router machine right now I need to ask you about some software question ?
  5. Hi alsome work What size of a cnc mill your using, what program are you using to convert the DXF file to g code and are you usng mach 3. You just gave me tones of Ideals and thank you for shairing your work totaly alsome.
  6. LOL I agree with robcat You Tube It.
  7. Nice job guys I like how you made the plush toy from a 3d model. How did get the 3d model to a pattern to do the plush toy ?
  8. How did you get the shadow on the spider did you do it in after effects or AM.
  9. Thank you robcat I set the alpha channel when rendering on both programs they still need to be cleaned up a little. I have a couple of short walking clips here, no earthquake this time....LOL I probley need to add a shadow on her man when you got the lighting setting differnt it dose sure change to color of the character. Gala_walking_on_desk_2.mov Gala_walking_on_desk_3.mov
  10. I was looking to render her in alpha channel in AM how you do that ? I got a walking version one I'm working on but I need to add some shadow.
  11. I 've been looking at some green screen tutorial on youtube and I thought I animation Gala doing the can can dance on my table. I done a short gala cancan dance and put the whole brackground in green then once the animation is done rendering I open made a short video clip of my table and exproted them into a chromakey software and this is what I came up with I'm still learning the other programe I was trying to see if this would be better then the motion tracking software. Gala_cancan_dance.mov
  12. Hello well her a project I'm working on I'm testing out a software that hayvern sent the link to it call Pepakura. I took the skull head from Eugene and exprot the file as a 3ds file save it as skull head. Once the model is save as a 3ds file then open your Pepakura 3 Go to file skull head open it pepakura 3 and this is what you get Once the your 3d model is Pepakura hit the unfold button but first uncheck auto you can manual scale the size of the model its in MM though they got conversion charts online Here what it looks like unfolded. you can see that a lot of parts to be cut out of paper. It also tell how many sheets of paper you need it saide 108 on that one, but early I scaled down smaller and it took like 37 sheets of card stock paper. If you like to make your model a reality this is about the cheapist way to go next to a $5,000 to $15,000 3d printer. There are tutorial on youtube on this. If somebody could right a plug in like this for AM that would be alsome I'd buy it and have it where you can delete some of the unnecessary line that would cool, save a lot of the paper. well let me go cut the shape.
  13. Nice looking animation and cat, remind me of some our cats that act like that. Now I done got that tune stuck in my head what's the name of it ?
  14. That deer is right on the money awsome job I've seen them leave our garden like that well except for one.
  15. LOL looks kind of cool. keep up the good work.
  16. Got ghost orb going on here how come it white on one side and the other side is kind of blue you will see it go by up above the seat and towards the front door it dissapear on the front door. This is not CGI but it works...lol Shadow_on_the_wall_10.mov
  17. Here something I was messing around with, I'm thinking about modeling a evil looking ghostly figure not sure though. Don't you just hate it when you get stuck on something and don't know which way to go bummer. Shadow_on_the_wall.mov
  18. Hi I was messing around with what yall said I took a flat model kind of figure shape made about 85% transparence and I add smoke particle to it, the smoke will follow the model up the wall like a mist kind of. But I think I got the transparence way down here a short clip. Shadow_on_the_wall.mov I'll check thoese links out thank you. Yall think particle would be better I 'm just thinking out loud.
  19. Hello well I'm back after another PC crashed I need to upgrade anyway and all so I was messing around with the ghost hunting stuff I've gotten some weird evp's (electronic voice phanamena). Any way I working on a project was wornding can this be done I wanna scare the crap out of some of my family members. The I deal is to have a figure like shadow climbing up the wall going to the cealing and going down into that person who's sitting in the chair and play it back for them I'll tell them I got on the pc and show um. I probley have to use syntheyes camera tracking for the project also are is there any other better software out there that works good with animation master. Guess yall can tell where I got this Ideal from...LOL Any ideal on the shadow will be greatly appreciated.
  20. Ahh pretty cool. Are you ganna have a like have a crazy person running after trying to put it out. Just kidding.
  21. That's looking good. I like the detaile of it.
  22. Ok I'm finaly done with this one. The Character I was working on is Michael Vick I got his pic from the web and rotoscoped it and use 3d paint to past it on there It turned out fairly good I'm impressed what 3d paint can do I'm learning new trick. MV is walking to his cell kicking up some dust as you'll see the prison suit keep going through the skin but we learn from out mistakes The uniform is to small why its doing that....LOL I'm using this one as eat my dust I'll post the video there to. Oh yah the bulldog model I changed my mind on using it. I'll use him some where elese. If any body wan't the pitbull model let me know I'll email him to you yall, and you can do some work him. I wanted to use the lighting storm but it keep freezing up my system looks like I'll have to up grade again soon. frish_Fish.MOV Fresh Sorry for the large file.
  23. Well I thought I was going to be done this weekend bummer. I figured out the what I doing wrong on the walk path when I draw the path got into a habbet or starting from the other end of the prison this time I started at the end where the prisoner starts walking every thing working fine now for the path goes. I had another action into the chor and when I went to render it the resolute walk was not working right bummer gonna have to fix that. I'll render them into 3 section them past them together in a video editor program that would probley work. Oh yah after test render he was walking like a wooden toy solder or somethig.
  24. Ok was working on the animation and rendering it, and about 75 % it got stuck bummer glad it did I stoped it and the clip did didn't look right when the prisoner was walking down the hall way I made out a path for him but for some reason he was gliding instead of walking...LOL I'm gonna have to fix that one tomarrow bummer. In stread of a stride walk I may just have a regular walk to him. Oh yah when I click on the path for some reason it want's to start at the end or the middle of the path any way to fix that ?
  25. Thank you I'll check that one out. I checked the site out and I found what I was looking for they had all the sound I needed Thank you.
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