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Everything posted by tbenefi33

  1. Ok guys well I finaly got my main character done I rather not show him until the animation is done I'm gonna work on that later on tonight, and hopefully the render will be done tomarrow Oh where where can I might find some good dog grawling at probley do a google search.
  2. Nah not tauq. After looking at the model again I need to scale the chest area to match the head it sticks out to far bummer. I'll do that in a phew.
  3. I've just about down to the finishes line of the story I got my main character done of the Story rather not say who it is at the time but some of you can probley guess.... When I done the Jump Suit shaped it to the body Only thing I have to do now is paint the head, hands, feet, and add Departmet of Corttection decal on the back of the jump suit. Then its animating time should be done this weekend hopefully. bummer for got to show the splines. Oh yah I cheated I used the trazan body the character was the same size I just took trazan head off and put the new character head on there, that saved a lot of time. I may have to scale to head up a little bit the size of the head doesn't look right ?
  4. I'm also working on a face for my project everything looks good to me yours looks a lot smoother then mine.
  5. That look cool I thought you might of used syntheyes the camer tracking software buts all 3d that's awsome how long did the project take ?
  6. I just about got the prison jumpsuit done kind of looks like a big orange balloon hmmmmmm guess I'll have to shape it to the body. On the back of it will read Department of Correction.
  7. I found some pics of a prison jumpsuit get to work on that in few. I'll probley just just rotoscope it. and use the cloth setting in the new version.
  8. Thank you caroline. I'm back to normal I'm working on the near the final stage of story, I was drawing the prisoner face about got it done I'll probley use 3d paint to paint it. I was messing around with the loading a bmp image in there I didn't know you can appaly an image on to model Thank you to who ever came up with 3d paint save a lot of time. All I need now is to find a good image of a prison jump suit to draw and put on him. I'll probley just do a google search on that.
  9. sorry been away on casino trip with my dad I got food poisoning out there or the flue bug still kind sickly I'll post up dates soon as I'm able.
  10. LOL Looks like he went through a radio active plant cool effect.
  11. PC back to normal. I saw a video tutorial on here last night about making rain using particles and finaly figured out what c-wheeler was explaning to me a few pages back to make rain. Here a short clip of it raining I changed the roof top bars to a glass plate window where you could see the rain all I need to do now is add more rain and lighting. I"m slowly starting to catch on to this. New_Meat__1a.mov
  12. Phew just about got everything back to normal. Thanks Nixie. Looks like I'll be getting a external harddrive in the near future so this won't happen again.
  13. Bummer looks like I"m going have to redo the chor. Be sure to save all your model on back up disc it save a lot of time.
  14. Well I went to load up the pit bull in the chorgraph walla go and got loading message (error message) having trouble loading left eye bones on the dog. bummmer I tryed to put in the report error message but its not letting me sign in for some reason. Any help with this would be greatly appreceated so that way I wan't have to redo the whole thing. Sorry for posting this in the wrong place. If I have to redo it looks like a long hours again oh well I don't have anything to do but go fishing on the river.
  15. I first glance at it I thought it was real, that awsome can't wait to see the rest of background.
  16. I not that far away from finisheing the Pit Bull all I got to add is the noise I'll decal that so that wont be bad. The first one is I done a hairy one of him with the dinesaty way up 2500 the screen went white trying to read all the hairs so I just left it normal pit bull got real short hair any way and the scene calls for being dark that will work out. The sencond one is showing I got him all riged up read to animate. I need to find a video of the pit bull jumping at some one make a bvh file. But its nearly finished though. Well I better not say finished cause your all ways changing something.
  17. I'm back home. I all most got the pit bull done hes going to be in another project on youtube. I did get Exercise 15 Completed: Special thanks to cwheeler, Caroline, Eric2574 ( for encouraging to stick with the project.) and the other guys who helped me out with the lighting and shadows you know who you are. Thanks yall. Here the link to the video clip. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;#entry264978
  18. Hello I'm still at uncles house I haven't for got about the project. I'll be posting some this week.
  19. First thing I thought all so was the saturday cartoons. I like the toon render.
  20. I done ctrl o and half that helped on the crease made it a lot smoother. I'll probley be working on the painting part today then the next character. This weekend I'll be going to my Uncle Ricks house I'll try to keep updating if I can. But should be back Monday or Tuesday all of you have a safe weekend.
  21. I add some splines around his tum and fixed that area around the front, and I took away some splines in the rear leg yap I had way to many. I added just his front teeth cause hes not going to have his mouth open that much hes going to be running after something. Oh yah I turned his ears around now he can hear the prisoner escaping..
  22. I got done with the eyeball I saw collins tutorial thanks for posting that one. I redone the splines. Its getting smother. Here a render shot with the eyeball. Bummer just noticed that I got the ear tured the wrong way the dog can't hear good...LOL I also got to do his Jaws.
  23. I'm not giving up I'm still working on it I'm working on the eye ball.
  24. What you use for the camera tracking ? That was cool.
  25. Yes here one with the splines.
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