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Everything posted by tbenefi33

  1. Here a 2006 Chevy Tahoe Police Version I'm working on. This is one of the benefits of living way out in the country with nothing to do is you get to play with animation master all day long and then go fishing
  2. Hello I'm working on a 2004 ford crown Victoria police interceptor for my bus stop project I also have plans for the gecko to be into
  3. I'm just playing around with him now waiting till I get my next software where I can have some with him The sign reads ( Out Of Gecko Will Work For Food )
  4. Just watched you video WOW very nice work.
  5. After looking at some model done on here I redone the bottom half of gecko and it worked out a little better all I got to do is add a few more decals and rig him again then animate him can't tell you how it a surprise you can guess if you like
  6. Think I figured it out. as they say if all elects fails gets the manual out. I'm glad I save them. I for got to add nulls in some places and there moving fine now
  7. Here my project file I'm having trouble adding an action and getting it to work bummmer. I got the model rigged up hopefully right if some one would take a look at it will be greatly appreciated. The_Twin_Gecko.prj
  8. I'll post the file next time I got it work I deleted the decal and started over and save it as a jpg file then open it up in the main model and put the decal on there and it work.... :-) I like drawing in the gimp and the I like the price tag The model not to that,bad I still need to tweak it but it's about there. I need to add the white belly and lips and rig him.
  9. Just curious what cause this on the eye ball the green coming in this is a decal I drew in program called the gimp and saved it as a png ?
  10. Phew about done with the gecko just need to make a phew minor adjustments on the texture and rigging hes done.
  11. I'm working on the material right now and how can I make each material come up into two differnt parts on the same model when I put one material on the model it becomes that color when I put the other material on another part of the model like the belly and render it the whole model becomes that color ? I'm looking to get the body green and just the belly part white ?
  12. I finally got the hands and arms on the gecko thanks itsjust me for that link. I'll I got to do now is the legs and feet then tweak the model and rig him hopefully tonight or tomorrow Oh yah I for got paint. Think I need to scale the arm's and hand a little bigger ?
  13. Now I'm working on his hand think I will also use it for his feet cause they look the same on the pics I've seen save a lot time to...LOL
  14. That's a awesome job.
  15. Ok I got a better smooth model now . I turned him into the Pez Candy toy....LOL got have a little fun. That line around the neck is just a pencil sketch.
  16. Are triangle good or bad when I'm doing the eye lid I found my self running into a tri agle.
  17. Thank you meowx I'll check out the link Itsjustme. kwhitaker wait till you see what I in store for him.
  18. Just wondering where was talking about the dead end spline I'm totally lost here a front view wire frame .
  19. About got the head done on the gecko all I need to do is smooth it out some and work on the body hopefully will be done this weekend. Itsjustme thank you for the info that straighten lot of it up. I need to work on that eye also that's bugging me.
  20. I got it right this time I done the eye's first and then noise like making a face in the noise part you will see this line how can I get rid of that ?
  21. Ok I'm gonna have to start reminding my self that I'm drawing 3d not 2d I'm use to drawing 2d. The eyes are suppose to be on the side kind of bummmer.
  22. Awesome job on the ghost buster and slimmer. Hay the spleen I have the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang be glad to take some stills for of the car if you like.
  23. Figured it out had my right from left backwards bummmer.
  24. For some weird reason the front view not lining up with front view that the back view ?
  25. I like the robot and the laser fire keep it coming.
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